Weitere Bibliographie
Sherrill, Claudine, (1997) Adapted Physical Activity, Recreation And Sport:
Crossdisciplinary and Lifespan. NY: WCB/McGraw Hill.
Auxter, David, et al, (1996) Principles And Methods of Adapted Physical Education and
Recreation: Gross Motor Activities for Young Children with Special Needs. NY:
WCB/McGraw Hill.
Block, Martin E., (1995) A Teacher's Guide to Including Students with Disabilities in
Regular Physical Education. Baltimore, Paul H. Brooks Publishing Co.
Bruininks, R., (1978) Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Circle Pines, MN:
American Guidance Service.
Dunn, John M., (1996) Special Physical Education: Adapted, Individualized,
Developmental. NY: WCB/McGraw Hill.