Weitere Bibliographie
Συμπεριφορά Καταναλωτή, Γ. Μπάλτας & Π. Παπασταθοπούλου, 2013, Εκδόσεις Rossili
Bearden, W. O., Netmeyer, R. G., & Mobley, M. F. (2010), Handbook of marketing scales: Multi-item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Blythe, J. (2008), Consumer Behaviour. Thomson Learning, London.
De Mooij, M., (2011), Consumer behavior and culture: Consequences for global marketing and advertising, Thousand Oaks California: Sage Publications.
Solomon, Michael R. (2006), Consumer Behavior, (2nd ed.), Boston, MA.: Allyn and Bacon.
Lindstrom, M. (2008), Buyology. Truth and lies about why we buy, New York: Doubleday.
J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson (1999) Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy, Irwin McGraw-Hill.
E. Arnould, L. Price, and G. Zinkham (2002). Consumers (2nd ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill.
P. Peter, and J.Olson, (2007), Consumer Behavior. London: McGraw-Hill.
Ενδεικτικές ιστοσελίδες:
Association for Consumer Research: http://www.acrwebsite.org/
Society for Consumer Psychology: http://www.journalofconsumerpsychology.com/
American Marketing Association: www.marketingpower.com
American Association of Advertising Agencies www.aaaa.org
American Academy of Advertising www.aaasite.org