Weitere Bibliographie
Antonin, Artaud. The Theatre and Its Double
Aston, Elaine. Theatre as Sign System (PN 2041. S45A85)
Austin, Gayle, Feminist Theories for Dramatic Criticism (PN 1633. F45A9)
Bennett, Susan. Theatre Audiences (PN 1590. A9B48)
Berney, K. A. Contemporary American Dramatists (PS 352. C65)
Bigsby, C. W. E. A critical introduction to twentieth-century American drama.
Bordman, Gerald Martin. American theatre: a chronicle of comedy and drama, 1869-1914.
Birringer, Johannes. Theatre, History, Postmodernism (PN 2039. B57)
Chinoy, Helen Krich., Jenkins, Linda Walsh. Women in American theatre.
Cohn, Ruby. American Dramatists 1960-1980.
Digaetani, John. Search for a Postmodern Theatre (PS 352. S43).
Dolan, Jill. Spectator as Critic.
Kolin, Philip. American Playwrights Since 1945 (PS 350. A4)
Macdonald, Erik. Theatre at the Margins (PN 2193. E86. M33).
Malkin, Jeanette. Verbal Violence in Contemporary Drama (PN 1861. M28)
Mance Williams. Black Theatre in the 1960s and 1970s (PN 2270. A35)
Marranca, Bonnie and G. Dasgupta (eds). American Playwrights.
Martin, Jacqueline. Voice in Modern Theatre (PN 2071. S65M37)
Martin, Randy. Performance as Political Act
Orr, John. Tragicomedy and Contemporary Culture (PN 1907. 07)
Pavis, Patrice. Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture (PN1643. P3813)
Phelan, Peggy. The Politics of Performance (NY 650. P6P47)
Postlewait, Thomas. Interpreting the Theatrical Past
Reinelt, G. ed. Critical Theory and Performance (PN 2039. C75)
Roudané, Matthew. American Drama Since 1960 (PS 352. R 68)
Wiles, Timothy. The Theatre Event (PN 2189. W51980)
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Representative American plays: from 1767 to the present day.
Senelick, Laurence. The American stage: writing on theater from Washington Irving to Tony Kushner.
Walker, Julia A. Expressionism and modernism in the American theatre: bodies, voices, words.
Watt, Stephen and Gary A. Richardson. American drama: colonial to contemporary.
Wilmeth, Don B. and C. W. E. Bigsby. The Cambridge history of American theatre. Witham, Barry. Theatre in the United States, 1750-1915.
.NOTE: Students are not expected to read all these secondary books. They can consult those sources they consider most useful for their better understanding of the course.