Weitere Bibliographie
— Saussure, Ferdinand de (1974). Course in General Linguistics. Charles Bally & Albert Sechehaye (eds), with Albert Riedlinger. Fontana. [Call No: P121.S363]
Chapter 1 (pp. 65-70), Chapter 3 (pp. 7-15), Chapter 4 (pp. 111-117)
— Chandler, Daniel. Semiotics for Beginners.
Ch. 2 Signs http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/sem02.html
— O’ Grady, William, Michael Dobrovolsky & Mark Aronoff (1993). Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Ch. 14 (pp. 500-505)
— Hudson, Grover (2000). Essential Introductory Linguistics. Malden, Mass. /Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. [Call No: P121.H746]
Chapter 1 (pp. 1-6)
— Lyons, John (1981). Language and Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Call No: P121.L9]
Chapter 1 (pp. 17-27)
— Lyons, John (1995). Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Call No: P106.L9]
Chapter 1 (pp. 38-52), Chapter 2 (pp. 53-59, 70-81)
— Fromkin, Victoria, Nina Hyams & Robert Rodman (2007). An Introduction to Language. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth (8th Edition). [Call No: P106.F75, 1993]
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (Language and Brain development, pp. 52-56), Chapter 4 (pp. 158-161), Chapter 5 (Pragmatics, pp. 199-207), Chapter 8 (pp. 313-322, 340- 341), Chapter 10 (pp. 409-427, 430-434, 437-440, 446-451)
— Meyer, Charles F. (2009). Introducing English Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 4 (pp. 80-86, 93-94, 102-108)
— Yule, George (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Call No: P99.4.P72Y85]
Chapter 5 (pp. 44-46), Chapter 6 (pp. 48-56), Chapter 8 (pp.71-82)
— Bloomer, Aileen, Patrick Griffths & Andrew John Merrison (2005). Introducing Language in Use. London/New York: Routledge.
Chapter 2 (38-64), Chapter 3 (pp. 95-100)
— Iordanidou, Anna & Jannis Androutsopoulos (2001). Youth slang in Modern Greek. In Alexandra Georgakopoulou & Marianna Spanaki (eds) A Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics, 285-302. Oxford etc.: Peter Lang.
— Makri-Tsilipakou, Marianthi (1987). Language, the sexes and the teacher of English. Journal of Applied Linguistics 3: 66-87.