Weitere Bibliographie
Vincent Chetail, International Migration Law, Oxford: OUP, 2019
Alexander Aleinikoff and Vincent Chetail (eds.), Migration and International Legal Norms, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser, 2003
Vincent Chetail and Celine Bauloz (eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Migration, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014
Guy Goodwin-Gill and Jane McAdam, The Refugee in International Law, Oxford: OUP, 2007 (3rd ed.) [4th ed. forthcoming in 2021]
Brian Opeskin, Richard Perruchoud, and Jillyanne Redpath-Cross (eds.), Foundations of International Migration Law, Cambridge: CUP, 2012
Richard Plender (ed.), Issues in International Migration Law, Leiden: Brill, 2015