Weitere Bibliographie
Ενεργειακός Τομέας
Ajah Α.Ν., J. Grievink, P.L.J. Swinkels, “Delft Design Matrix: Framework for conceptual process design of future plants”, 2003.
Biegler L.T., I.E. Grossmann, A.W. Westerberg, “Systematic methods of chemical process design”, Prentice-Hall, 1997.
Douglas J.M., “Conceptual design of processes”, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
Jaluria Y., “Design and optimization of thermal systems”, CRC Press, 2008.
Seider W.D., J.D. Seader, D.R. Lewin, “Product and process design principles”, Wiley, 2nd Ed., 2004.
Smith R., “Chemical Process – Design and Integration”, Wiley, 2005.
Suryanarayana N.V., Oner Arici, and N. Suryanarayana, “Design and Simulation of Thermal Systems”, McGraw Hill,