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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Athanasios Konstandopoulos
Professor, School of Chemical Engineering
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Νέες Προηγμένες Καθαρές Τεχνολογίες Καύσης (ΦΕΚ 304/16.4.2010 τ.Γ)
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Χημικά και επεξεργασία
Μηχανοκίνητα οχήματα, πλοία και αεροσκάφη
Τεχνολογία προστασίας του περιβάλλοντος
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Master of Science
Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών
Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Michigan
Master of Science
Τμήμα Χημικών Μηχανικών
Πανεπιστήμιο Yale
Master of Philosophy
Σχολή Τεχνικών και Εφηρμοσμένων Επιστημών
Πανεπιστήμιο Yale
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Doctor of Philosophy
Σχολή Τεχνικών και Εφηρμοσμένων Επιστημών
Πανεπιστήμιο Yale
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
KP073 Air Pollution Control Engineering
XM1 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
KE052 Chemical Processes for the Production of Low Carbon Footprint Fuels
KY041 Nanoparticle and Aerosol Technology
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Valsamidīs Anastasios. Αντιρρυπαντική Τεχνολογία Καυσαερίων-Τομογραφική και Υπολογιστική Μελέτη Μικροδομής Πορωδών και Νανοπορωδών Μέσων για Ενεργειακές και Περιβαλλοντικές Εφαρμογές.
Prasiadou Theodora. ενέργεια
Poravou Charikleia. Ενέργεια/Περιβάλλον
Sakellariou Kyriaki. Τεχνολογία Σωματιδίων για Εφαρμογές Ηλιακής Θερμοχημικής Αποθήκευσης Ενέργειας
Tsiaprazi-Stamou Artemis. "Σύνθεση και χαρακτηρισμός μικτών νανοδομημένων σωματιδίων οξειδίου του βισμουθίου για ενεργειακές εφαρμογές"
Psychari Marina. Σύνθεση μικτών οξειδίων και καρβιδίων για ενεργειακές εφαρμογές
Koidi Vasiliki. Ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση ενός καταλυτικού απογυμνωτή
Gkanas Georgios. "Σύνθεση νανο-δομημένων LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 καθοδικών υλικών"
Lemontzoglou Alexandros. Σχεδιασμός αγωγών μεταφοράς CO2 για τροφοδοσία εγκαταστάσεων ηλιακών καυσίμων
Bilalis Vasileios. Πειραματική Μελέτη Απλών και Μεικτών Οξειδίων για Απομάκρυνση Υδροθείου από Αέρια Ρεύματα σε Εφαρμογές Κελλίων Καυσίμου
Melas Anastasios. Πειραματική και υπολογιστική μελέτη των δυναμικών ιδιοτήτων και της δομής συσσωματωμάτων αιθάλης.
Mourmouris Marios. Πειραματική μελέτη μονολιθικών αντιδραστήρων επιλεκτικής καταλυτικής αναγωγής οξειδιών του αζώτου σε καυσαέρια κινητήρα που λειτουργεί με ναυτιλιακά καύσιμα
Pavlidis Kyriakos. Σχεδιασμός και κατασκευή αυτοελεγχόμενου ηλιοστάτη
Tasiouka Danai Alexia. Παραγωγή πορωδών δομών κεραμικών υλικών για περιβαλλοντικά φιλικές ενεργειακές εφαρμογές
Petrou Sofia. Παραγωγή πορωδών δομών κεραμικών υλικών για περιβαλλοντικά φιλικές ενεργειακές εφαρμογές
Syrigou Maria. Ανάπτυξη μεθόδου επεξεργασίας εικόνων υψηλής διακριτικής ικανότητας από ηλεκτρονικό μικροσκόπιο διερχόμενης δέσμης (HRTEM) με σκοπό την ποσοτικοποίηση της νανοδομής της αιθάλης
Pappas Andreas. Ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση υλικών για τη δέσμευση διοξειδίου του άνθρακα σε θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος
Tsongidis Nikolaos. Μελέτη μονολιθικών δομών μικρής κλίμακας με βάση το οξείδιο του κοβαλτίου για εφαρμογές αποθήκευσης ενέργειας μέσω θερμοχημικών οξειδοαναγωγικών κύκλων
Deloglou Daniil. Πειραματική μελέτη οξείδωσης αιθάλης σε κινητήρες diesel σε καταλυτικά φίλτρα
Melas Lefteris. Το ηλιακό δυναμικό στην περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης: Υπολογισμοί και μετρήσεις
Georgiadi Aristea. "Spray aerozol generator"
Bakatselou Aikaterini. Μορφοποίηση Οξειδοαναγωγικών Υλικών σε Μονολιθικές Δομές για Εφαρμογές Ηλιοθερμοχημικών Αντιδραστήρων.
Konstantinidis Prodromos. Κατασκευή αυτορυθμιζόμενου κατοπτρικού ηλιοστάτη για ηλιοθερμοχημικές διεργασίες.
Papista Eleni. "Nanoparticle functionalized porous materials for environmental applications"
Psara Nikoleta. Τομέας Τεχνολογιών
Fotiadou Evangelia. Τομέας Τεχνολογιών
Tsoukalas Christos. ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ
Kolomvaki Afroditi. ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ
Lekkos Christodoulos. ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ
Tsaoulidis Dimitrios. ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ
Arvanitis Antonios. Τομέας Τεχνολογιών
Pilavakis Panagiotis. ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΩΝ
Theses outside AUTh
Doctoral Level
Γεωργία Καστρινάκη
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured porous materials for environmental and energy applications, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας
Χρυσούλα Παγκούρα
Ανάπτυξη Καταλυτικών Νανοδομημένων Επικαλύψεων σε Πορώδη Υποστρώματα για Περιβαλλοντικές Εφαρμογές, Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας
Research Projects
Αξιοποίηση βιομηχανικών εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα με χρήση καινοτόμων καταλυτικών συστημάτων και ηλιοθερμοχημικάυποβοηθούμενων τεχνολογιών
Παραγωγή υδρογανθράκων ουδέτερου άνθρακα σε ηλιοθερμοχημικό σταθμό από νερό και διοξείδιο του άνθρακα .
Work Acknowledgement
Αναφορές στα ΜΜΕ
Γιαννακίδης Κ.
Ο Επιστήμονας που Παρήγαγε Υδρογόνο
Έψιλον / Ελευθεροτυπία
Without Type
Kalyva A.E
Vagia E. Ch
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Srinivasa A.R
T-Raissi A
Muradov N
Kakosimos K.E
Particle model investigation for the thermochemical steps of the sulfur–ammonia water splitting cycle
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.42 no.6 p.3621-3629
Without Type
Dimitrakis Dimitrios A
Tsongidis Nikolaos I
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Reduction enthalpy and charge distribution of substituted ferrites and doped ceria for thermochemical water and carbon dioxide splitting with DFT+U
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
vol.18 no.34 p.23587-23595
Karagiannakis Georgios
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Halevas Eleftherios
Baltzopoulou Penelope
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Cobalt/Cobaltous Oxide Based Honeycombs for Thermo-chemical Heat Storage in Future Concentrated Solar Power Installations: Multi-cyclic Assessment and Semi-quantitative Heat Effects Estimations
Solar Energy
vol.133 p.394-407
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Lorentzou Souzana
Kastrinaki Georgia
Catalytic Soot Oxidation: Effect of Ceria-Zirconia Catalyst Par-ticle Size
SAE International Journal of Engines
vol.9 no.3 p.1709-1719
Mandilas Charalampos
Karagiannakis Georgios
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Beatrice Carlo
Lazzaro Maurizio
Di Blasio Gabriele
Molina Santiago
Pastor Josè V
Gil Antonio
Study of Oxidation and Combustion Characteristics of Iron Nanoparticles under Idealized and Enginelike Conditions
Energy & Fuels
vol.30 no.5 p.4318-4330
Pantoleontos Grigoris
Skevis George
Karagiannakis Georgios
Κωνσταντόπουλος Αθανάσιος
A Heterogeneous Multiscale Dynamic Model for Simulation of Catalytic Reforming Reactors
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics
vol.48 p.239-252
Taze C
Panetas I
Kalogiannis S
Feidantsis K
Gallios G.P
Kastrinaki Georgia
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Václavíková M
Ivanicova L
Kaloyianni M
Characterization of Carbon Fractal-Likeaggregates by Size Distribution Measurements and Theoretical Calculations
Aquatic Toxicology
vol.172 p.9-20
Without Type
Baltzopoulou P
Kallis K.X
Karagiannakis G
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Diesel Fuel Desulfurization via Adsorption with the Aid of Activated Carbon: Laboratory- and Pilot-Scale Studies
Energy and Fuels
vol.29 no.9 p.5640-5648
Kastrinaki G
Lorentzou S
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Soot Oxidation Kinetics of Different Ceria Nanoparticle Catalysts
Emission Control Science and Technology
vol.1 no.3 p.247-253
Lorentzou Souzana
Karagiannakis Georgios
Dimitrakis Dimitrios
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Zygogianni Alexandra
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Thermochemical Redox Cycles over Ce-based Oxides
Energy Procedia
vol.69 p.1800-1809
Melas Anastasios
Lorenzo Isella
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Yannis Drossinos
A methodology to calculate the friction coefficient in the transition regime: Application to straight chains
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.82 p.40-50
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Karagiannakis Georgios
Zygogianni Alexandra
Lorentzou Souzana
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Cobalt Oxide Based Honeycombs as Reactors/Heat Exchangers for Redox Thermochemical Heat Storage in Future CSP Plants
Energy Procedia
vol.69 p.978-987
Sakellariou K.G
Karagiannakis G
Criado Y.A
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Calcium Oxide based Materials for Thermochemical Heat Storage in Concentrated Solar Power Plants
Solar Energy
vol.122 no.4602 p.215-230
Tescari Stefania
Breuer Stefan
Roeb Martin
Sattler Christian
Flucht F
Schmücker M
Karagiannakis George
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Design of a Thermochemical Storage System for Air-operated Solar Tower Power Plants
Energy Procedia
vol.69 p.1039-1048
Without Type
Iwata H
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Nakamura K
Ogyu K
Experimental Study of Physical and Chemical Properties of Soot under Several EGR Conditions
SAE International Journals - Complete Set
Karagiannakis Georgios
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Zygogianni Alexandra
Lorentzou Souzana
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Monolithic Ceramic Redox Materials for Thermochemical Heat Storage Applications in CSP Plants
Energy Procedia
vol.49 p.820-829
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Kostoglou Margaritis
Analysis of Asymmetric and Variable Cell Geometry Wall-Flow Particulate Filters
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
vol.7 no.2 p.489-495
Kostoglou Margaritis
Lorentzou Souzana
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Improved Kinetic Model for Water Splitting Thermochemical Cycles using Nickel Ferrite
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.39 no.12 p.6317-6327
Lorentzou Souzana
Karagiannakis Georgios
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Zygogianni Alexandra
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Thermochemical CO2 and CO2/H2O Splitting over NiFe2O4 for Solar Fuels Synthesis
Energy Procedia
vol.49 p.1999-2008
Mandilas Charalambos
Karagiannakis George
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Beatrice Carlo
Lazzaro Maurizio
Di Blasio Gabriele
Molina Santiago
Pastor José V
Gil Antonio
Study of Basic Oxidation and Combustion Characteristics of Aluminum Nanoparticles under Enginelike Conditions
Energy & Fuels
vol.28 no.5 p.3430-3441
Melas Anastasios
Isella Lorenzo
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Drossinos Yannis
Morphology and Mobility of Synthetic Colloidal Aggregates
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
vol.417 p.27-36
Melas Anastasios D
Isellad Lorenzo
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Drossinos Yannis
Friction Coefficient and Mobility Radius of Fractal-Like Aggregates in the Transition Regime
Aerosol Science & Technology
vol.48 no.12 p.1320-1331
Nakamura K
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Kostoglou Margaritis
Shibata T
Hashizume Y
New Asymmetric Plugging Layout of Diesel Particulate Filters for the Pressure Drop Reduction
SAE International Journals - Complete Set
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Karagiannakis George
Zygogianni Alexandra
Lorentzou Souzana
Kostoglou Margaritis
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Rattenburry Michael
Woodhead J.W
Cobalt Oxide Based Honeycombs as Reactors/Heat Exchangers for Redox Thermochemical Heat Storage in Future CSP Plants
Solar Energy
vol.108 p.146-163
Without Type
Agrafiotis Christos
Zygogianni Alexandra
Pagkoura Chrysoula
Kostoglou Margaritis
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Hydrogen Production via Solar-Aided Water Splitting Thermochemical Cycles with Nickel Ferrite: Experiments and Modeling
AIChE Journal,
vol.59 no.4 p.1213-1225
Asimakopoulou A
Daskalos Emmanouil
Lewinski N
Riediker M
Papaioannou Eleni
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Development of a Dose-Controlled Multiculture Cell Exposure Chamber for Efficient Delivery of Airborne and Engineered Nanoparticles
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Beatrice C
Rispoli N
Di Blasio G
Patrianakos G
Kostoglou Margaritis
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Imren A
Denbratt I
Palacin R
Emission Reduction Technologies for the Future Low Emission Rail Diesel Engines: EGR vs SCR
SAE International Journals
Iwata H
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Nakamura K
Kasuga T
Ogyu K
Ohno K
Durability of Filtration Layers Integrated into Diesel Particulate Filters
SAE International Journals
Mandilas Charalambos
Daskalos Emmanouil
Karagiannakis George
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Synthesis of Aluminium Nanoparticles by Arc Plasma Spray under Atmospheric Pressure
Materials Science and Engineering: B
vol.178 no.1 p.22-30
Oostingh G.J
Papaioannou Eleni
Chasapidis Leonidas
Akritidis Theofilaktos
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Duschl A
Development of an On-line Exposure System to Determine Freshly Produced Diesel Engine Emission-Induced Cellular Effects
Toxicology in Vitro
vol.27 no.6 p.1746-1752
Roeb Martin
Thomey Denis
de Oliveira Lamark
Sattler Christian
Fleury G
Pra F
Tochon P
Brevet A
Roux G
Gruet N
Mansilla C
, et al
Sulphur based Thermochemical Cycles: Development and Assessment of Key Components of the Process
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.38 no.14 p.6197-6204
Zarvalis Dimitrios
Pappas Dimitrios
Lorentzou Souzana
Akritidis Theofilaktos
Chasapidis Leonidas
Konstandopoulos Athanasios
Experimental Study of Thermal Aging on Catalytic Diesel Particulate Filter Performance
SAE International Journal of Engines
vol.6 no.2 p.688-698
Without Type
Caliot C
Flamant G
Patrianakos G
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Two-dimensional model of methane thermal decomposition reactors with radiative heat transfer and carbon particle growth
vol.58 no.8 p.2545-2556
Karagiannakis G
Agrafiotis C. C
Pagkoura C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Thomey D
Oliveira L. De
Roeb M
Sattler C
Hydrogen production via sulfur-based thermochemical cycles: Part 3: Durability and post-characterization of silicon carbide honeycomb substrates coated with metal oxide-based candidate catalysts for the sulfuric acid decomposition step
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.37 no.10 p.8190-8203
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Lorentzou S
Vlachos N
Aspects of multifunctional diesel particulate filters and their efficient simulation
Catalysis Today
vol.188 no.1 p.2-13
Patrianakos G
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Effect of seeding on hydrogen and carbon particle production in a 10 MW solar thermal reactor for methane decomposition
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Without Type
Giaconia A
Sau S
Felici C
Tarquini P
Karagiannakis G
Pagkoura C
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Thomey D
Oliveira L. De
Roeb M
, et al
Hydrogen production via sulfur-based thermochemical cycles: Part 2: Performance evaluation of Fe 2O 3-based catalysts for the sulfuric acid decomposition step
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.36 no.11 p.6496-6509
Karagiannakis G
Mandilas H
Konstandopoulos G. A
Beatrice C
Lazzaro M
Rispoli N
Pastor J. V
Ros E
Molina S
Determination of Oxidation Characteristics and Studies on the Feasibility of Metallic Nanoparticles Combustion Under ICE-Like Conditions
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
vol.4 no.2 p.282-297
Karagiannakis G
Agrafiotis C. C
Zygogianni A
Pagkoura C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Hydrogen production via sulfur-based thermochemical cycles: Part 1: Synthesis and evaluation of metal oxide-based candidate catalyst powders for the sulfuric acid decomposition step
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.36 no.4 p.2831-2844
Kostoglou M
Lekkos C. P
Konstandopoulos G. A
On mathematical modeling of solar hydrogen production in monolithic reactors
Computers and Chemical Engineering
vol.35 no.9 p.1915-1922
Lorentzou S
Kastrinaki G
Pagkoura C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Oxide nanoparticles for hydrogen production from water-splitting and catalytic oxidation of diesel exhaust emissions
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters
vol.3 no.5 p.697-704
Patrianakos G
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
One-dimensional model of solar thermal reactors for the co-production of hydrogen and carbon black from methane decomposition
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.36 no.1 p.189-202
Rodat S
Abanades S
Grivei E
Patrianakos G
Zygogianni A
Konstandopoulos G. A
Flamant G
Characterisation of carbon blacks produced by solar thermal dissociation of methane
vol.49 no.9 p.3084-3091
Roeb M
Thomey D
Graf D
Sattler C
Poitou S
Pra F
Tochon P
Mansilla C
Robin J. C
Naour F. le
Allen K. R
, et al
HycycleS: A Project on Nuclear and Solar Hydrogen Production by Sulphur-Based Thermochemical Cycles
International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications
vol.2 no.3 p.202-226
Roeb M
Sack J. P
Rietbrock P
Prahl C
Schreiber H
Neises M
Oliveira L. De
Graf D
Ebert M
Reinalter W
Meyer-Grünefeldt M
, et al
Test operation of a 100kW pilot plant for solar hydrogen production from water on a solar tower
Solar Energy
vol.85 no.4 p.634-644
Wattieaux G
Lecerf P
Meyer L
Boufendi L
Leconte Y
Sublemontier O
Herlin N
Asimakopoulou A
Tsakis A
Daskalos M
Konstandopoulos G. A
, et al
On line characterization of SiC nanoparticles produced by laser pyrolysis
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.304 no.1
Zarvalis D
Zygogianni A
Lorentzou S
Sevrin C
Schoenen M
Vedder R
Fiebig M
Lavy J
Zinola S
Konstandopoulos G. A
Performance Assessment of a Multi-Functional Reactor Under Conventional and Advanced Combustion Diesel Engine Exhaust Conditions
SAE International Journal of Engines
vol.4 no.1 p.553-568
Zarvalis D
Vlachos N
Buergler L
Seewald G
Prenninger P
Konstandopoulos G. A
A Metal Fibrous Filter for Diesel Hybrid Vehicles
SAE International Journal of Engines
vol.4 no.1 p.537-552
Without Type
Asimakopoulou A
Daskalos M
Chasapidis L
Akritidis T
Vlachos N. D
Papaioannou E
Konstandopoulos G. A
Characterization of a multiculture in-vitro cell exposure chamber for assessing the biological impact of diesel engine exhaust
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.304 no.1
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Computationally Fast Implementations of Convection, Diffusion and Chemical Reaction Phenomena in Diesel Particulate Filters
SAE Tech.Paper No.2010-01-0890,
vol.2288 p.129-144
Muller L
Comte P
Czerwinski J
Kasper M
Mayer A. C. R
Gehr P
Burtscher H
Morin J. P
Konstandopoulos G. A
Rothen-Rutishauser B
New Exposure System To Evaluate the Toxicity of (Scooter) Exhaust Emissions in Lung Cells in Vitro
Environmental Science and Technology
vol.44 no.7 p.2632-2638
Pagliaro M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Ciriminna R
Palmisano G
Solar hydrogen: Fuel of the near future
Energy and Environmental Science
vol.3 no.3 p.279-287
Without Type
Roeb M
Sack J. P
Rietbrock P
Prahl C
Schreiber H
Neises M
Lopez A
Lopez A
Vidal A
Elsberg A
Stobbe P
, et al
Solar thermochemical hydrogen production from water on a solar tower
ACS National Meeting Book of Abstracts
Without Type
Hoguet J. C
Karagiannakis P. G
Valla J. A
Agrafiotis C. C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Gas and liquid phase fuels desulphurization for hydrogen production via reforming processes
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
vol.34 no.11 p.4953-4962
Lorentzou S
Zygogianni A
Tousimi K
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Advanced synthesis of nanostructured materials for environmental applications
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.483 no.1-2 p.302-305
Lorentzou S
Pagkoura C
Zygogianni A
Kastrinaki G
Konstandopoulos G. A
Catalytic nano-structured materials for next generation diesel particulate filters
SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing
vol.1 no.1 p.189-198
Vlachos N
Patrianakos G
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Micro-simulation of NO-NO2 transport and reaction in the wall of a catalyzed diesel particulate filter
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
vol.1 no.1 p.201-209
Without Type
Lorentzou S
Agrafiotis C. C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Aerosol spray pyrolysis synthesis of water-splitting ferrites for solar hydrogen production
Granular Matter
vol.10 no.2 p.113-122
Morin J. P
Hasson V
Fall M
Papaioanou E
Preterre D
Gouriou F
Keravec V
Konstandopoulos G. A
Dionnet F
Prevalidation of in vitro continuous flow exposure systems as alternatives to in vivo inhalation safety evaluation experimentations: Outcome from MAAPHRI-PCRD5 research program
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
vol.60 no.2-3 p.195-205
Without Type
Κομπογιάννη Γ
Τσώνης Σ
Ποιμενίδης Σ
Ανατολάκη Χ
Τζήμου-Τσιτουρίδου Ρ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Τσάκης Α
Νικολάου Κ
Βαβατζανίδης Α
Μελέτη της παρουσίας νανοσωματιδίων στην ατμόσφαιρα της Θεσσαλονίκης
30 Περιβαλλοντικό συνέδριο Μακεδονίας
Without Type
Balomenou S. P
Tsiplakides D
Vayenas G. C
Poulston S
Houel V
Collier P
Konstandopoulos G. A
Agrafiotis C
Electrochemical promotion in a monolith electrochemical plate reactor applied to simulated and real automotive pollution control
Topics in Catalysis
vol.44 no.3 p.481-486
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Burtscher H
Size distribution dynamics of fuel-borne catalytic ceria nanoparticles
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.38 no.6 p.604-611
Without Type
Agrafiotis C
Pagkoura C
Lorentzou S
Zygogianni A
Konstandopoulos G. A
Roeb M
Rietbrock P. M
Neises M
Sock J. P
Sattler C
Stobbe P
, et al
Functional Monolithic Reactors for Solar Hydrogen Production via Thermochemical Water Splitting
10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society
Berlin, Germany
Agrafiotis C
Lorentzou S
Pagkoura C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Roeb M
Neises M
Rietbrock P. M
Sack J. P
Sattler C
Stobbe P
Steele A. M
The HYDROSOL Process: Solar-Aided Thermo-Chemical Production of Hydrogen from Water with Innovative Honeycomb Reactors
2nd International Workshop on Hydrogen (08H30– 08H45)
Ghardaïa, Algeria
Hoguet J. C
Karagiannakis P. G
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Gas and Liquid Phase Fuels Desulphurisation for Hydrogen Production Via Reforming Processes
2nd International Workshop on Hydrogen (15H15 –15H30)
Ghardaïa, Algeria
Konstandopoulos G. A
Vlachos N. D
Kostoglou M
Patrianakos G
Nanoparticle Transport and Reaction Phenomena in Diesel Particulate Filters
6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow
Leipzig, Germany
Konstandopoulos G. A
Stavropoulos I
Vlachos N. D
Kostoglou M
Development of a 3-D CFD Simulator for the Assessment of a Sintered Metal Diesel Particulate Filter
3rd European Combustion Meeting
Crete, Greece
Konstandopoulos G. A
Sattler C
Stobbe P
Steele A. M
Hydrogen Production via Water Splitting in Solar Reactors: the Hydrosol Process
International Symposium on Materials Issues in a Hydrogen Economy (ISHE-invited)
Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Vlachos N
Multifunctional Porous Reactors/Separators for Diesel Emission Control
International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC 2007)
Paris, France
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Population Dynamic Studies of Soot/Carbon Black Nanoparticle Processes
6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow
Leipzig, Germany
Lorentzou S
Zygogianni A
Konstandopoulos G. A
Development of Catalytic Materials for Next Generation Diesel Particulate Filters
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC 2007), Workshop Nanoparticles (17.5)
Nuremberg, Germany
Lorentzou S
Zygogianni A
Konstandopoulos G. A
Advanced Porous Functional Ceramics for Diesel Soot Oxidation
10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society
Berlin, Germany
Lorentzou S
Zygogianni A
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Aerosol Spray Pyrolysis Synthesis of Water-Splitting Ferrites for Solar Hydrogen Production
10th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society
Berlin, Germany
Lorentzou S
Pagkoura C
Papaioannou E
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Ohno K
Ogyu K
Oya T
Catalyzed Soot Oxidation in Diesel Particulate Filters: Soot-Catalyst Interaction Phenomena
3rd European Combustion Meeting
Crete, Greece
Pagkoura C
Lorentzou S
Zygogianni A
Dimotikalis P
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Synthesis and evaluation of spinel-supported Ni catalysts for Hydrogen Production
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC 2007), Workshop Functional Materials (34.4)
Nuremberg, Germany
Pagkoura C
Lorentzou S
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Combustion Synthesis of mixed iron oxide-based powders
3rd European Combustion Meeting
Crete, Greece
Papaioannou E
Chassapides L
Morin J. P
Konstandopoulos G. A
Design and Evaluation of a Selective Particle Size Sampler for Health Effect Studies
3rd European Combustion Meeting
Crete, Greece
Papaioannou E
Chasapidis L
Konstandopoulos G. A
Size Selective Particle Sampling for Direct Biological Exposure Studies of Diesel Nanoparticles i
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC 2007), Workshop Particles in Life Science (P-1412)
Nuremberg, Germany
Papaioannou E
Chasapidis L
Konstandopoulos G. A
Size Selective Particle Sampling for Direct Biological Exposure Studies of Diesel Nanoparticles
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC 2007), Workshop Particles in Life Science (P-1412)
Nuremberg, Germany
Patrianakos G
Vlachos N. D
Konstandopoulos G. A
Simulation of Regeneration in Diesel Particulate Filters
3rd European Combustion Meeting
Crete, Greece
Tousimi K
Pagkoura C
Makridou O
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Zannis G
Founti M
Comparative study of particle size measurement techniques applied to industrial minerals’ size reduction processes
International Congress on Particle Technology (PARTEC 2007), Workshop Particle Characterization (P-306)
Nuremberg, Germany
Zarvalis D
Dolios I
Papaioannou E
Vlachos N
Konstandopoulos G. A
A comparative multi-instrumental assessment of Diesel Particulate Filters
6th symposium Towards Clean Diesel Engines
Ischia (NA), Italy
Zarvalis D
Dolios I
Papaioannou E
Vlachos N
Konstandopoulos G. A
Collection efficiency of diesel particulate filters: Multi-instrumental assessment
3rd European Combustion Meeting
Crete, Greece
Ζυγογιάννη Α
Λορέντζου Σ
Δημοτίκαλης Π
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Σύνθεση καταλυτικών συστημάτων μεταλλικού Νικελίου υποστηριγμένου σε σπινέλιους μέσω της Πυρόλυσης Νέφους Αερολυμάτων για την παραγωγή Υδρογόνου από Αναμόρφωση Υδρογονανθράκων με ατμό
3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Υδρογόνο από Νερό και Ήλιο
Περιβάλλον- Environment and Engineering
Λορέντζου Σ
Παγκούρα Χ
Ζυγογιάννη Α
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Γ. Α
Σύνθεση οξειδοαναγωγικών υλικών για την παραγωγή Υδρογόνου από την διάσπαση του νερού με χρήση ηλιακής ενέργειας μέσω θερμοχημικών κύκλων, με μη-συμβατικές μεθόδους
3ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου
Λορέντζου Σ
Παγκούρα Χ
Ζυγογιάννη Α
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Ηλιακοί Αντιδραστήρες Παραγωγής Υδρογόνου με Βάση Πορώδεις Κεραμικούς Μονόλιθους
3ο Πανελλήνιο Συμπόσιο Πορωδών Υλικών
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Vlachos N
Kladopoulou E
Advances in the science and technology of diesel particulate filter simulation
Advances in Chemical Engineering
vol.33 p.213-275,284-294
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Vlachos N
The multiscale nature of diesel participate filter simulation
International Journal of Vehicle Design
vol.41 no.1-4 p.256-284
Konstandopoulos G. A
Particle sticking/rebound criteria at oblique impact
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.37 no.3 p.292-305
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Friedlander S. K
Bivariate population dynamics simulation of fractal aerosol aggregate coagulation and restructuring
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.37 no.9 p.1102-1115
Roeb M
Sattler C
Klüser R
Monnerie N
Oliveira L. De
Konstandopoulos G. A
Agrafiotis C
Zaspalis V. T
Nalbandian L
Steele A
Stobbe P
Solar hydrogen production by a two-step cycle based on mixed iron oxides
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME
vol.128 no.2 p.125-133
Ryno M
Rantanen L
Papaioannou E
Konstandopoulos G. A
Koskentalo T
Savela K
Comparison of pressurized fluid extraction, Soxhlet extraction and sonication for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air and diesel exhaust particulate matter
Journal of Environmental Monitoring
vol.8 no.4 p.488-493
Without Type
Agrafiotis C
Pagkoura C
Lorentzou S
Hoguet J. C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Material Technologies Developments for Solar Hydrogen
Proceedings of the 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference
Lyon, France
Agrafiotis C
Lorentzou S
Pagkoura C
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Advanced Monolithic Reactors For Hydrogen Generation From Solar Water Splitting
Proceedings of SolarPACES 13th International Symposium on Concentrated Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies
Seville, Spain
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Vlachos N. D
Global Diesel Particulate Emission Control System Simulation
Global Powertrain Congress, (Uddin, N. M., Ed.), Vol. 38 (Advanced Propulsion and Emission)
Saline, Michigan, U.S.A
vol.38 p.34-40
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Burtscher H
Size distribution dynamics of fuel-borne catalytic ceria nanoparticles
AIChE Spring Annual Meeting - 5th World Congress on Particle Technology
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
On the Size Distribution of Diesel Soot Aggregates
Proceedings of the International Aerosol Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A
Lorentzou S
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Aerosol spray pyrolysis synthesis of water-splitting ferrites for solar hydrogen production
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety
Roeb M
Monnerie N
Schmitz M
Sattler C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Agrafiotis C
Zaspalis V. T
Nalbandian L
Steele A
Stobbe P
Thermo-chemical production of hydrogen from water by metal oxides fixed on ceramic substrates
Proceedings of the 16th World Hydrogen Energy Conference
Lyon, France
Μπαλωμένου Σ. Π
Τσιπλακίδης Δ
Βαγενάς Γ. Κ
Poulston S
Houel V
Collier P
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Ηλεκτροχημική ενίσχυση σε μονολιθικό ηλεκτροχημικό αντιδραστήρα για τον έλεγχο της ρύπανσης από εξατμίσεις αυτοκινήτων υπό συνθετικές και πραγματικές συνθήκες
Πρακτικά 9ου Πανελλήνιου Συμπόσιου Κατάλυσης
Παγκούρα Χ
Λορέντζου Σ
Ζυγογιάννη Α
Δημοτίκαλης Π
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Καταλυτικοί αντιδραστήρες για την παραγωγή υδρογόνου από αναμόρφωση υδρογονανθράκων με τη συνδρομή ηλιακής ενέργειας. Πρώτο μέρος: σύνθεση και χαρακτηρισμός καταλυτικών συστημάτων Ni υποστηριγμένων σε σπινελικές δομές
Πρακτικά 9ου Πανελλήνιου Συμπόσιου Κατάλυσης
Πατριανάκος Γ
Βλάχος Ν
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Καταλυτικοί αντιδραστήρες για την παραγωγή Υδρογόνου από αναμόρφωση υδρογονανθράκων με τη συνδρομή ηλιακής ενέργειας. Δεύτερο Μέρος: Ψηφιακή αναπαράσταση της δομής και προσομοίωση της ροής και της μεταφοράς μάζας σε αντιδραστήρα τύπου «κεραμικού αφρού»
Πρακτικά 9ου Πανελλήνιου Συμπόσιου Κατάλυσης
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Modis T
Urban guerrilla activities in Greece
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
vol.72 no.1 p.49-58
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Effect of soot layer microstructure on diesel particulate filter regeneration
vol.51 no.9 p.2534-2546
Without Type
Brandstätter W
Leixnering J
Faraldi P
Merlone-Bora E
Ranalli M
Vlachos N
Konstandopoulos G. A
The STYFF-DEXA Project: Advanced Simulation Tools, for Ceramic Foam Diesel Particulate Filters
Proceedings of ICE2005 - 7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile
Capri (Napoli), Italy
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Vlachos N
Kladopoulou E
Advances in Diesel Particulate Filter Simulation
Minimierung der Partikelemissionnen von Verbrennungsmotoren, (A. Mayer, Ed.) Haus der Technik
Verlag Munich, Germany
Roeb M
Steele A. M
Klüser R
Monnerie N
Oliveira L. De
Konstandopoulos G. A
Agrafiotis C
Zaspalis V. T
Nalbandian L
Stobbe P
Steele A. M
Solar Hydrogen Production by a Two-Step Cycle Based on Mixed Iron Oxides
Proceedings of ISEC 2005: ASME International Solar Energy Conference
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Λορέντζου Σ
Παγκούρα Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Καινοτομικοί μονολιθικοί αντιδραστήρες για την παραγωγή Υδρογόνου μέσω της διάσπασης του νερού με χρήση ηλιακής ενέργειας
Πρακτικά 2ου Εθνικού Συνέδριου Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου: Έρευνα - Ανάπτυξη – Εφαρμογές
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Βλάχος Ν
Λορέντζου Σ
Παγκούρα Χ
Πατριανάκος Γ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Παραγωγή Υδρογόνου από την καταλυτική αναμόρφωση υδρογονανθράκων με συνδρομή ηλιακής ενέργειας
Πρακτικά 2ου Εθνικού Συνέδριου Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου: Έρευνα - Ανάπτυξη – Εφαρμογές
Κώστογλου M
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Μοντελοποίηση μονολιθικού αντιδραστήρα για διάσπαση υδρατμού με ηλιακή ενέργεια: θερμική απόκριση
Πρακτικά 2ου Εθνικού Συνέδριου Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου: Έρευνα - Ανάπτυξη – Εφαρμογές
Λορέντζου Σ
Παγκούρα Χ
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Παραγωγή Υδρογόνου μέσω της διάσπασης του νερού με χρήση ηλιακής ενέργειας και κεραμικών υλικών
Πρακτικά 4ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Κεραμικών
Without Type
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
A dynamic ash particle transport and deposition model in wall-flow diesel particulate filters
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.35 suppl.2 p.S1189-S1190
Rodríguez-P.rez D
Castillo J. L
Antoranz J. C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Vlachos N. D
Mixed ODE-MC model for soot cake formation in a square channel wall-flow filter
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.35 suppl.2 p.S759-S760
Without Type
Karadimitra K
Lorentzou S
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Modelling of Catalytic Particle Synthesis via Spray Pyrolysis & In-Situ Deposition on Porous Materials
PARTEC 2004, International Conference for Particle Technology
Nuremberg, Germany
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Vlachos N
Zarvalis D
Modelling of Diesel Particulate Filters
Minimierung der Partikelemissionnen von Verbrennungsmotoren, (A. Mayer, Ed.) Haus der Technik
Verlag Munich, Germany
Lorentzou S
Karadimitra K
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
New Routes for Ferrite Powders Synthesis
PARTEC 2004, International Conference for Particle Technology
Nuremberg, Germany
Lorentzou S
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Combustion synthesis of spinel materials for catalytic applications
Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Greek and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute
Corfu, Greece
Nalbandian L
Zaspalis V. T
Evdou A
Agrafiotis C
Konstandopoulos G. A
Redox Materials For Hydrogen Production From The Water Decomposition Reaction
Chemical Engineering Transactions
vol.4 p.43-48
Ναλμπαντιάν Λ
Ζασπάλης Β
Εύδου Α
Αγραφιώτης Χ
Κωνσταντόπουλος Α. Γ
Οξειδοαναγωγικά Υλικά για την Παραγωγή Υδρογόνου από την Αντίδραση Διάσπασης του Νερού
Πρακτικά, 1ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Τεχνολογιών Υδρογόνου: Έρευνα - Ανάπτυξη – Εφαρμογές
Without Type
Kostoglou M
Housiada P
Konstandopoulos G. A
Multi-channel simulation of regeneration in honeycomb monolithic diesel particulate filters
Chemical Engineering Science
vol.58 no.14 p.3273-3283
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Vlachos N. D
Particle Deposition in Non-Isothermal Flows: Numerical Solutions and Asymptotic Approximations for a Cylinder in Cross-Flow
EAC-2003-S507, European Aerosol Conference
Madrid, Spain
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kladopoulou E
A Virtual Sensor for On-Board Diagnostics and Control of Diesel Particulate Filters
CDAuto03A2028, CD AUTO 03, 4th International Conference on Control and Diagnostics in Automotive Applications
Sestri-Levante, Italy
Konstandopoulos G. A
Garcia-Ybarra P
Castillo J. L
Porous Deposit Growth Dynamics in Stagnation Point Diffusive Particle Transport
EAC-2003-S505, European Aerosol Conference EAC 2003
Madrid, Spain
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Friedlander S. K
A Multivariate Population Dynamics Approach to the Evolution of Fractal Structures: Application to Atmospheric Aerosol Aggregates
EAC-2003-S45, European Aerosol Conference
Madrid, Spain
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Oxidative Fragmentation and Coagulation of Diesel soot aggregates
3rd Mtg of the Greek Section of the Combustion Institute
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Oxidative Fragmentation and Coagulation of Diesel Soot Aggregates
EAC-2003-S1061, European Aerosol Conference
Madrid, Spain
Skopa S
Baltzopoulou P
Altiparmakis C
Papaioannou E
Zarvalis D
Konstandopoulos G. A
Performance Assessment of Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filters
Sixth International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPOC 6)
Brussels, Belgium
Skopa S
Baltzopoulou P
Altiparmakis C
Papaioannou E
Zarvalis D
Konstandopoulos G. A
Assessment of Catalyzed Filters for Diesel particulate emission control
3rd Mtg of the Greek Section of the Combustion Institute
Zarvalis D
Altiparmakis C
Mei F
Konstandopoulos G. A
Evaluation of a Multi-Layer Sintered Metal Fibrous Diesel Particulate Filter
EAC-2003-S1065, European Aerosol Conference
Madrid, Spain
Without Type
Di Stasio S
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Cluster-cluster aggregation kinetics and primary particle growth of soot nanoparticles in flame by light scattering and numerical simulations
Journal of colloid and interface science
vol.247 no.1 p.33-46
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
On the transient heat transfer through the solid phase in aggregates and deposits
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
vol.41 no.13 p.3317-3325
Without Type
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Evolution of aggregate size and fractal dimension during Brownian coagulation
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.32 no.12 p.1399-1420
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kostoglou M
Reciprocating flow regeneration of soot filters
Combustion and Flame
vol.121 no.3 p.488-500
Konstandopoulos G. A
Kladopoulou E
Skaperdas E
Transient pressure drop of diesel particulate filters
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.31 suppl.1 p.S208-S209
Konstandopoulos G. A
Deposit growth dynamics: Particle sticking and scattering phenomena
Powder Technology
vol.109 no.1-3 p.262-277
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Particulate deposit shape evolution on cylinders in cross-flow at high stokes numbers
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.31 no.4 p.427-436
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Brownian coagulation of fractal aggregates
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.31 suppl.1 p.S574-S575
Without Type
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
Fractal aggregate coagulation dynamics
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.30 suppl.1 p.S447-S448
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Rosner D. E
The initial sticking fraction of inertially impacting particles on cylindrical and spherical collectors
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.28 suppl.1 p.S89-S90
Kostoglou M
Konstandopoulos G. A
High stokes number particulate deposit growth dynamics on a cylinder in cross-flow
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.28 suppl.1 p.S651-S652
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Rosner D. E
Inertial effects on thermophoretic transport of small particles to walls with streamwise curvature-II. Experiment
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
vol.38 no.12 p.2317-2327
Konstandopoulos G. A
Rosner D. E
Inertial effects on thermophoretic transport of small particles to walls with streamwise curvature-I. Theory
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
vol.38 no.12 p.2305-2315
Rosner D. E
Tandon P
Konstandopoulos G. A
Local size distributions of particles deposited by inertial impaction on a cylindrical target in dust-laden streams
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.26 no.8 p.1257-1279
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Labowsky M. J
Rosner D. E
Inertial deposition of particles from potential flows past cylinder arrays
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.24 no.4 p.471-483
Without Type
Konstandopoulos G. A
Deposition of inhaled aerosol particles in a generation of the tracheobronchial tree
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.21 no.7 p.983-986
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-04