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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Dimitrios Balis
Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Φυσική της Ατμόσφαιρας με έμφαση στην Ατμοσφαιρική Οπτική
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Επιστήμη του περιβάλλοντος
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Atmospheric and Enviromental Physics
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Parliari Dafni. "Συνδυαστικές επιπτώσεις της ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης και του θερμικού στρες στο περιβάλλον"
Siomos Nikolaos. "Κλιματολογία και ταξινόμηση των οπτικών και μικροφυσικών ιδιοτήτων των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων και των νεφών στην Νοτιοανατολική Μεσόγειο", Εξειδίκευση σε: "Κλιματολογία και ταξινόμηση των οπτικών και μικροφυσικών ιδιοτήτων των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων με μεθόδους επίγειας τηλεπισκόπησης"
Voudouri Kalliopi-Artemis. "Μελέτη των οπτικών και γεωμετρικών ιδιοτήτων των νεφών και των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων με επίγειες και δορυφορικές μεθόδους τηλεπισκόπησης"
Salonikidou Foteini. "Μελέτη της ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης στη Δυτική Αφρική με τη μέθοδο της δορυφορικής τηλεπισκόπησης"
Skoulidou Ioanna. "Μακροχρόνιες μεταβολές της χλωροφύλλης α στη Μεσόγειο Θάλασσα και στον Ατλαντικό Ωκεανό μέσω δορυφορικών παρατηρήσεων και προσομοιώσεων μοντέλων"
Michailidis Konstantinos. "Εφαρμογή μεθόδων ταξινόμησης σε οπτικές ιδιότητες αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων από δεδομένα Lidar στη Θεσσαλονίκη"
Marinou Eleni. "Εκτίμηση της επιφανειακής συγκέντρωσης των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων στην Νοτιοανατολική Μεσόγειο με τη συνέργεια μεθόδων ενεργής και παθητικής τηλεπισκόπησης", Εξειδίκευση ως: "Εκτίμηση της κατακόρυφης κατανομής της ερημικής σκόνης και των πυρήνων συμπύκνωσης στη Μεσόγειο με τη συνέργεια μεθόδων ενεργής και παθητικής τηλεπισκόπησης"
Konstantinou Athanasia. "Σύγκριση δορυφορικών δεδομένων οπτικών ιδιοτήτων νέφωσης για την περίοδο 2004-2011"
Stamoulis Theofanis. "Αξιολόγηση δορυφορικών παρατηρήσεων διοξειδίου του θείου κατά την περίοδο ηφαιστειακών εκρήξεων"
Giovanouda Bouzia. "Η συμβολή των ενεργειακών πηγών στην έκλυση των αερίων του φαινομένου του θερμοκηπίου και η συμμετοχή τους στην κλιματική αλλαγή"
Katsikaris Dimitrios. "Μελέτη της επίδρασης των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων στις δορυφορικές μετρήσεις Διοξειδίου του Αζώτου σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο"
Zara Marina. "Διερεύνηση παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν την αξιολόγηση της ολικής στήλης όζοντος από δορυφόρους"
Voudouri Kalliopi-Artemis. "Σύγκριση των συντελεστών οπισθοσκέδασης και εξασθένισης των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων από τον αλγόριθμο της βάσης δεδομένων του δικτύου EARLINET και του Single Calculus Chain (2001-2007)"
Natsis Athanasios. "Τροποποίηση υπάρχοντος μοντέλου πρόβλεψης του δείκτη υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας (UV index)"
Giannoulopoulou Zacharoula. "Διερεύνηση των μετρήσεων της διάχυτης υπεριώδους ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας στη Θεσσαλονίκη κατά την περίοδο 1993-2010"
Siomos Nikolaos. Βελτιστοποίηση και αξιολόγηση αλγορίθμου για ητν επεξεργασία σημάτων τηλεπισκόπησης Lidar
Zyrichidou Eirīnī. "Δορυφορική τηλεπισκόπιση ατμοσφαιρικών συστατικών"
Doulgeris Konstantinos Matthaios. Μελέτη των οπτικών και μικροφυσικών ιδιοτήτων των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων στην περιοχή της Θεσσαλονίκης
Papagiannopoulos Nikolaos. "Προσδιορισμός της κατακόρυφης συγκέντρωσης των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων και σύγκριση με τα αποτελέσματα μοντέλων"
Vraimaki Eleni. "Αξιολόγηση μετρήσεων του δορυφορικού οργάνου CALIOP με επίγειες παρατηρήσεις LIDAR"
Angelis Ioannis. "Εκπομπές ρύπων από τον Παγκόσμιο Ναυτικό Στόλο - Κλιματική αλλαγή"
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Head, Υπολογιστικής Υποστήριξης
Member, Erasmus
Member, Υποδοχής πρωτοετών
Member, Erasmus
Member, Υποδοχής πρωτοετών
Member, Erasmus
Member, Υποδοχής πρωτοετών
Member, Γενική Συνέλευση
Research Projects
Συνέδριο: "ELC 2018 Ευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Lιdar"
Μελέτη των οπτικών και γεωμετρικών ιδιοτήτων των νεφών και των αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων με επίγειες και δορυφορικές μεθόδους τηλεπισκόπησης
Δορυφορική Υπηρεσία Όζοντος και Ατμοσφαιρικής Χημείας της EUMETSAT - Φάση Γ.
Ανάπτυξη εκπαιδευτικού υλικού για το δορυφόρο GOME.
Δημιουργία δεδομένων όζοντος για τη μελέτη του κλίματος στα πλαίσια του ΕΟΔ - Φάση ΙΙ
Συνεργασία Κίνας-Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την αξιολόγηση και παρακολούθηση της αέριας ρύπανσης στη Κίνα με τη χρήση δορυφορικών δεδομένων
Συνεργασία Κίνας-Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης για την αξιολόγηση και παρακολούθηση της αέριας ρύπανσης στη Κίνα με τη χρήση δορυφορικών δεδομένων
Ανάπτυξη συστήματος παρακολούθησης της ηφαιστιακής τέφρας
Δορυφορική Υπηρεσία Όζοντος και Ατμοσφαιρικής Χημείας της EUMETSAT - Φάση Β
GDP5.1 - Αναβάθμιση του επεξεργαστή δεδομένων για την ολική στήλη του όζοντος
Αξιολόγηση δορυφορικών δεδομένων ολικού όζοντος επιπέδου 3
Δημιουργία δεδομένων όζοντος για τη μελέτη του κλίματος στα πλάισια του ΕΟΔ
Υπηρεσίες Ποιότητας Αέρα - Ανάπτυξη τοπικών πληροφοριών για την Ευρώπη
Υπηρεσίες Ποιότητας Αέρα - Ανάπτυξη τοπικών πληροφοριών για την Ευρώπη
Αξιοποίηση αποτελεσμάτων έρευνας στον τομέα Εφαρμογών Φυσικής και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος
Παρακολούθηση και πρόγνωση της αέριας ρύπανσης στη Κίνα
Αιωρούμενα σωματίδια και νέφη
Παρακολούθηση πρωτοκόλλων για το GMES_2
Παρακολούθηση και πρόγνωση της αερίας ρύπανσης στη Κίνα
GDP5.0 Αναβάθμιση των δεδομένων L1 και L2 του GOME.
Προηγμένες τεχνικές τηλεπισκόπησης για την παρακολούθηση και προστασία δασικών και άλλων χερσαίων Οικοσυστημάτων.
Δορυφορική υπηρεσία όζοντος και ατμοσφαιρικής χημείας. (EUMETSAT)
Ανάπτυξη ενός συστήματος επιστημονικών κριτηρίων για την πρόληψη δασικών πυρκαγιών μέσω δορυφορικών εικόνων και μετεωρολογικών στοιχείων.
Αναβάθμιση των δεδομένων του GOME
Ευρωπαϊκό Ερευνητικό Δίκτυο Lidar για τα αιωρούμενα σωματίδια. ( EARLINET ASOS)
Παρακολούθηση πρωτοκόλλων για το GMES
Χαρτογράφηση ολικού όζοντος για το βόρειο ημισφαίριο σε πραγματικό χρόνο στο πλαίσιο του Global Atmosphere Watch
Νέος αλγόριθμος όζοντος του GOME και επανεκτίμηση
Ανάπτυξη αλγορίθμων για τον υπολογισμό του ολικού "Όζοντος"
Ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή συγκεκριμένων δραστηριοτήτων της EUMETSAT για την παρακολούθηση όζοντος
Εξασθένιση της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας από σωματίδια ανθρωπογενούς προέλευσης
Without Type
Zempila Melina Maria
Taylor Michael
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Lerot Christophe
Fragkos Konstantinos
Fountoulakis Ilias
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
van Roozendael Michel
NILU-UV multi-filter radiometer total ozone columns: Comparison with satellite observations over Thessaloniki, Greece
Science of The Total Environment
vol.590-591 no.C p.92-106
Zempila Melina-Maria
van Geffen Jos H. G. M
Taylor Michael
Fountoulakis Ilias
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
van Weele Michiel
van der A Ronald J
Bais Alkiviadis
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
TEMIS UV product validation using NILU-UV ground-based measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.17 no.11 p.7157-7174
Without Type
Hassinen S
Balis Dimitrios
Bauer H
Begoin M
Delcloo A
Eleftheratos K
Gimeno Garcia S
Granville J
Grossi M
Hao N
Hedelt P
, et al
Overview of the O3M SAF GOME-2 operational atmospheric composition and UV radiation data products and data availability
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
vol.9 no.2 p.383-407
Koukouli Maria Elisavet
Balis Dimitrios
van der A Ronald Johannes
Theys N
Hedelt P
Richter A
Krotkov N
Li C
Taylor M
Anthropogenic sulphur dioxide load over China as observed from different satellite sensors
Atmospheric Environment
vol.145 no.C p.45-59
Siomos N
Filioglou M
Poupkou Anastasia
Liora N
Dimopoulos S
Melas Dimitrios
Chaikovsky A
Balis Dimitrios
The Potential of The Synergy of Sunphotometer and Lidar Data to Validate Vertical Profiles of The Aerosol Mass Concentration Estimated by An Air Quality Model
EPJ Web of Conferences
vol.119 p.23025
Voudouri K
Siomos N
Giannakaki E
Amiridis V
d’Amico G
Balis Dimitrios
Comparison of Aerosol Backscatter and Extinction Profiles Based on the Earlinet Database and the Single Calculus Chain for Thessaloniki Greece (2001–2014)
EPJ Web of Conferences
vol.119 p.23024
Without Type
Amiridis V
Marinou E
Tsekeri A
Wandinger U
Schwarz A
Giannakaki E
Mamouri R
Kokkalis P
Binietoglou I
Solomos S
Herekakis T
, et al
LIVAS: A 3-D multi-wavelength aerosol/cloud database based on CALIPSO and EARLINET
Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics
Vol. 15
Fragkos K
Bais Alkiviadis
Fountoulakis I
Balis Dimitrios
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Zanis Prodromos
Extreme total column ozone events and effects on UV solar radiation at Thessaloniki, Greece
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Zyrichidou I
Κoukouli M.E
Balis Dimitrios
Markakis K
Poupkou A
Katragkou Eleni
Kioutsioukis I
Melas Dimitrios
Boersma K.F
van Roozendael M
Identification of surface NOx emission sources on a regional scale using OMI NO2
Atmospheric Environment
vol.101 no.C p.82-93
Without Type
Eleftheratos K
Kazadzis S
Zerefos Christos
Tourpali Kleareti
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
Zyrichidou I
Lakkala K
Feister U
Koskela T
Heikkilä A
, et al
Ozone and Spectroradiometric UV Changes in the Past 20 Years over High Latitudes
vol.53 no.1 p.117-125
Without Type
Kouremeti N
Bais A. F
Balis D
Zyrichidou I
Phaethon: A System for the Validation of Satellite Derived Atmospheric Columns of Trace Gases
Helmis Costas G
Nastos Panagiotis T
Advances in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Without Type
Balis D
Geometrical characteristics of desert dust layers over Thessaloniki estimated with backscatter/Raman lidar and the BSC/DREAM model
Remote Sensing Letters
vol.3 no.4 p.353-362
Isaksen I. S. A
Zerefos C
Wang W. C
Balis D
Eleftheratos K
Rognerud B
Stordal F
Berntsen T. K
LaCasce J. H
Sovde O. A
Olivie D
, et al
Attribution of the Arctic ozone column deficit in March 2011
Geophysical Research Letters
Koukouli M. E
Balis D. S
Loyola D
Valks P
Zimmer W
Hao N
Lambert J. C
Van Roozendael M
Lerot C
Spurr R. J. D
Geophysical validation and long-term consistency between GOME-2/MetOp-A total ozone column and measurements from the sensors GOME/ERS-2, SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT and OMI/Aura
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
vol.5 no.9 p.2169-2181
Meier J
Tegen I
Mattis I
Wolke R
Alados-Arboledas L
Apituley A
Balis D
Barnaba F
Chaikovsky A
Sicard M
Pappalardo G
, et al
A regional model of European aerosol transport: Evaluation with sun photometer, lidar and air quality data
Atmospheric Environment
vol.47 p.519-532
Papayannis A
Mamouri R. E
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Veselovskii I
Kokkalis P
Tsaknakis G
Balis D
Kristiansen N. I
Stohl A
Korenskiy M
, et al
Optical properties and vertical extension of aged ash layers over the Eastern Mediterranean as observed by Raman lidars during the Eyjafjallajokull eruption in May 2010
Atmospheric Environment
vol.48 p.56-65
Van Roozendael M
Spurr R
Loyola D
Lerot C
Balis D
Lambert J. C
Zimmer W
van Gent J
van Geffen J
Koukouli M
Granville J
, et al
Sixteen years of GOME/ERS-2 total ozone data: The new direct-fitting GOME Data Processor (GDP) version 5—Algorithm description
Journal of Geophysical Research
vol.117 no.D3 p.D03305
Without Type
Amiridis V
Marinou E
Kazadzis S
Gerasopoulos E
Mamouri R. E
Kokkalis P
Papayannis A
Kouremeti N
Giannakaki E
Liakakou E
Paraskevopoulou D
, et al
Evaluation of CALIPSO’s aerosol classification scheme during the ACEMED experimental campaign over Greece: the case study of 9th of September 2011
Helmis Costas G
Nastos Panagiotis
11th International Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Athens, Greece
Fragkos K
Bais A. F
Meleti C
Balis D
Koukouli M
Influence of variations in temperature and ozone profiles on Brewer total ozone measurements at Thessaloniki
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Toronto, Canada
International Ozone Commission
Meleti C
Fragkos K
Bais A. F
Tourpali K
Balis D
Zerefos C. S
Thirty years of total ozone measurements at Thessaloniki with a MKII Brewer spectrophotometer
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Toronto, Canada
International Ozone Commission
Without Type
Actis M
Agnetta G
Aharonian F
Akhperjanian A
Aleksić J
Aliu E
Allan D
Allekotte I
Antico F
Antonelli L. A
Antoranz P
, et al
Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: An advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy
Experimental Astronomy
vol.32 no.3 p.193-316
Amiridis V
Balis D
Giannakaki E
Kazadzis S
Arola A
Gerasopoulos E
Characterization of the aerosol type using simultaneous measurements of the lidar ratio and estimations of the single scattering albedo
Atmospheric Research
vol.101 no.1-2 p.46-53
Balis D
Isaksen I. S. A
Zerefos C
Zyrichidou I
Eleftheratos K
Tourpali K
Bojkov R
Rognerud B
Stordal F
Søvde O. A
Orsolini Y
Observed and modelled record ozone decline over the Arctic during winter/spring 2011
Geophys. Res. Lett
vol.38 no.23 p.L23801
Balis D. S
An update on the dynamically induced episodes of extreme low ozone values over the Northern Middle Latitudes
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.32 no.24 p.9197-9205
Kelektsoglou K
Kourtidis K
Balis D. S
Rapsomanikis S
A 1-year remote sensing study of radiative effects of aerosol and clouds over the NE mediterranean
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.32 no.23 p.8747-8762
Loyola D. G
Koukouli M. E
Valks P
Balis D. S
Hao N
Van Roozendael M
Spurr R. J. D
Zimmer W
Kiemle S
Lerot C
Lambert J. C
The GOME-2 total column ozone product: Retrieval algorithm and ground-based validation
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.116 no.7
Without Type
Alexandri G
Meleti C
Georgoulias A. K
Balis D
The spatial and temporal variability of shortwave and longwave surface radiation in Europe as derived from satellite and ground based data
EGU General Assembly 2011
Vienna, Austria
vol.13 p.9448
Giannakaki E
Vraimaki E
Balis D
Validation of CALIPSO level-2 products using a ground based lidar in Thessaloniki, Greece
SPIE - Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing VII
Prague, Czech Republic
Giannakaki E
Balis D
Amiridis V
Vertical resolved separation of aerosol types using CALIPSO level-2 Product
SPIE - Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing VII
Prague, Czech Republic
Zyrichidou I
Koukouli M. E
Balis D. S
Kioutsioukis I
Poupkou A
Katragkou E
Melas D
Boersma F. K
van Roozendael M
Evaluation of high resolution simulated and OMI retrieved tropospheric NO2 column densities over the Balkan region, in preparation
38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Bremen, Germany
Without Type
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Balis Dimitrios
Gerasopoulos E
Pytharoulis Ioannis
Zanis Prodromos
Kazantzis Stylianos
Melas Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Smoke injection heights from agricultural burning in Eastern Europe as seen by CALIPSO
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.10 no.23 p.11567-11576
Balis D
Giannakaki E
Muller D
Amiridis V
Kelektsoglou K
Rapsomanikis S
Bais A
Estimation of the microphysical aerosol properties over Thessaloniki, Greece, during the SCOUT-O(3) campaign with the synergy of Raman lidar and Sun photometer data
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Koukouli M. E
Kazadzis S
Amiridis V
Ichoku C
Balis D. S
Bais A. F
Signs of a negative trend in the MODIS aerosol optical depth over the Southern Balkans
Atmospheric Environment
vol.44 no.9 p.1219-1228
Without Type
Alexandri G
Meleti C
Tourpali K
Balis D
Variability of shortwave and longwave radiation over Europe as derived from International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
vol.1203 p.562-567
Anton M
Koukouli M. E
Kroon M
McPeters R. D
Labow G. J
Balis D
Serrano A
Global validation of empirically corrected EP-Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) total ozone columns using Brewer and Dobson ground-based measurements
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Balis D
Giannakaki E
Müller D
Amiridis V
Bais A. F
Estimation of the microphysical aerosol properties over thessaloniki, greece, during the SCOUT-O3 campaign with the synergy of raman lidar and sunphotometer data
10th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Patras, Greece
Balis D
Giannakaki E
Mamouri R. E
Kokkalis P
Papayannis A
Tsaknakis G
EARLINET observations of the Eyjafjallajökull ash plume over Greece
vol.7827 p.xlviii-lv
Balis Dimitris
Giannakaki Elina
Katragkou Eleni
Wiegner Matthias
Markakis Kostas
Giannaros Theodoros
Amiridis Vassilis
Bais Alkiviadis
Study of the aerosol load at an urban and a nearby suburban site using lidar, sunphotometer measurements and model pm10 estimates
25th International laser radar conference
St. Petersburg, Russia
Giannakaki E
Balis D
Amiridis V
25th International Laser radar Conference, 05-09 July 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia
Hiebsch A
Wandinger U
Mattis I
Ansmann A
Pappalardo G
Mona L
Madonna F
D'Amico G
Giunta A
Linne H
Serikov I
, et al
25th International Laser radar Conference, 05-09 July 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia
Pappalardo G
Wandinger U
Mona L
Hiebsch A
Mattis I
Linn Η. Α
Apituley Β
Arboledas L. A
Balis D
Comeron A
Freudenthaler V
, et al
25th International Laser radar Conference, 05-09 July 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia
Pappalardo G
Wandinger U
Mona L
Hiebsch A
Mattis I
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Seifert P
Linne H
Apituley A
Arboledas L. A
, et al
EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO: First intercomparison results
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Zyrichidou Irene
Koukouli Mariliza
Balis Dimitris
Kioutsioukis Ioannis
Poupkou Anastasia
Katragkou Eleni
Melas Dimitris
Boersma Folkert
van Roozendael Michel
Evaluation of high resolution simulated and OMI retrieved tropospheric NO2 column densities over the Balkan region
38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Bremen, Germany
Αλεξανδρή Γ
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
(2010) Πρακτικά 10ο Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας & Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας, Πάτρα, 1056-1063
Without Type
Amiridis V
Balis Dimitrios
Giannakaki E
Stohl A
Kazadzis S
Koukouli M. E
Zanis Prodromos
Optical characteristics of biomass burning aerosols over Southeastern Europe determined from UV-Raman lidar measurements
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.9 no.7 p.2431-2440
Balis D
Bojkov R
Tourpali K
Zerefos C
Characteristics of the ozone decline over both hemispheres
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.30 no.15-16 p.3887-3895
Georgoulias A. K
Balis D
Koukouli M. E
Meleti C
Bais A
Zerefos C
A study of the total atmospheric sulfur dioxide load using ground-based measurements and the satellite derived Sulfur Dioxide Index
Atmospheric Environment
vol.43 no.9 p.1693-1701
Kazadzis S
Bais A
Balis D
Kouremeti N
Zempila M
Arola A
Giannakaki E
Amiridis V
Kazantzidis A
Spatial and temporal UV irradiance and aerosol variability within the area of an OMI satellite pixel
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.9 no.14 p.4593-4601
Loyola D. G
Coldewey-Egbers R. M
Dameris M
Garny H
Stenke A
van Roozendael M
Lerot C
Balis D
Koukouli M
Global long-term monitoring of the ozone layer - A prerequisite for predictions
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.30 no.15-16 p.4295-4318
Mamouri R. E
Amiridis V
Papayannis A
Giannakaki E
Tsaknakis G
Balis D. S
Validation of CALIPSO space-borne-derived attenuated backscatter coefficient profiles using a ground-based lidar in Athens, Greece
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
vol.2 no.2 p.513-522
Zyrichidou I
Koukouli M. E
Balis D. S
Katragkou E
Melas D
Poupkou A
Kioutsioukis I
Van Der R. A
Boersma F. K
Van Roozendael M
Richter A
Erratum: Satellite observations and model simulations of tropospheric NO2 columns over south-eastern Europe (Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 9 (6119-6134) (2009))
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.9 no.17 p.6495-6496
Zyrichidou I
Koukouli M. E
Balis D. S
Katragkou E
Melas D
Poupkou A
Kioutsioukis I
Van Der A. R
Boersma F. K
Van Roozendael M
Richter A
Satellite NO2 observations and model simulations of tropospheric columns over South-eastern Europe
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
vol.9 no.3 p.12171-12205
Without Type
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Balis Dimitrios
Pytharoulis Ioannis
Zanis Prodromos
Melas Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Injection height of smoke from biomass burning in Eastern Europe by the synergy of satellite active and passive remote sensing
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling
8th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling
Delft, The Netherlands
Balis D
Koukouli M
Loyola D
Valks P
Hao N
O3MSAF Validation Report, SAF/O3M/AUTH/GOME-2VAL/RP/04
Kazantzidis A
Krotkov N
Blumthaler M
Bais A
Kazadzis S
Balis D
Schmidhauser R
Kouremeti N
Giannakaki E
Arola A
Aerosol single scattering albedo retrieval with various techniques in the UV and visible wavelength range
in Ultraviolet and Visible Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Trace Gases, Aerosols and Effects VI, J. R. Herman, and W. Gao, eds. (SPIE, San Diego, CA, USA, 2009)
Loyola D
Erbertseder T
Balis D
Lambert J. C
Spurr R
Van Roozendael M
Valks P
Zimmer W
Meyer-Arnek J
Lerot C
Operational Monitoring of the Antarctic Ozone Hole: Transition from GOME and SCIAMACHY to GOME-2
Twenty Years of Ozone Decline
p.213-236 470
Muller D
Heinold B
Tesche M
Tegen I
Althausen D
Arboledas L. A
Amiridis V
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Balis D
Comeron A
, et al
EARLINET observations of the 14-22-May long-range dust transport event during SAMUM 2006: validation of results from dust transport modelling
Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology
vol.61 no.1 p.325-339
Papayannis A
Amiridis V
Mona L
Mamouri R. E
Apituley A
Alados-Arboledas L
Balis D
Chaikovsky A
Tomasi De F
Grigorov I
Gustafsson O
, et al
Coordinated lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET-ASOS project during CALIPSO overpasses: A strong dust case study analysis with modeling support
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7479, art. no. 74790C
Pappalardo G
Mona L
Wandinger U
Mattis I
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Apituley A
Arboledas L. A
Balis D
Chaikovsky A
Comeron A
, et al
Analysis of the EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO
Pappalardo G
Bosenberg J
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Apituley A
Arboledas L. A
Balis D
Bockmann C
Chaikovsky A
Comeron A
D'Amico G
, et al
Earlinet: The European aerosol research lidar network for the aerosol climatology on continental scale
AIP Conference Proceedings
vol.1100 p.189-189
Zyrichidou I
Koukouli M. E
Balis Dimitrios
Katragkou E
Poupkou A
Kioutsioukis I
Markakis K
Melas Dimitrios
van der A. R
Boersma F. K
van Roozendael M
Comparison of Satellite NO2 Observations with High Resolution Model Simulations over the Balkan Peninsula
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (vol. 1-2)
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union Vols 1 and 2
Alexandroupolis (Greece)
vol.1203 p.632-637 1482
Zyrichidou I
Koukouli M. E
Balis D. S
Katragkou E
Melas D
Poupkou A
Kioutsioukis I
van der A. R
Boersma F. K
van Roozendael M
Richter A
Satellite observations and model simulations of tropospheric NO2 columns over south-eastern Europe
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.9 no.16 p.6119-6134
Without Type
Amodeo A
Pappalardo G
Bösenberg J
Ansmann A
Apituley A
Alados-Arboledas L
Balis D
Böckmann C
Chaikovsky A
Comeron A
Freudenthaler V
, et al
A European research infrastructure for the aerosol study on a continental scale: EARLINET-ASOS
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Koukouli M. E
Kazadzis S
Amiridis V
Ichoku C
Balis D. S
Comparisons of satellite derived aerosol optical depth over a variety of sites in the southern Balkan region as an indicator of local air quality
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Papayannis A
Amiridis V
Mona L
Tsaknakis G
Balis D
Bösenberg J
Chaikovsky A
De Tomasi F
Grigorov I
Mattis I
Mitev V
, et al
Systematic lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET (2000-2002)
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.113 no.10
Poupkou A
Symeonidis P
Lisaridis I
Melas D
Ziomas I
Yay O. D
Balis D
Effects of anthropogenic emission sources on maximum ozone concentrations over Greece
Atmospheric Research
vol.89 no.4 p.374-381
Symeonidis P
Poupkou A
Gkantou A
Melas D
Devrim Yay O
Pouspourika E
Balis D
Development of a computational system for estimating biogenic NMVOCs emissions based on GIS technology
Atmospheric Environment
vol.42 no.8 p.1777-1789
Without Type
Alexandri G
Balis D
Tourpali K
Dependence of ozone measurements on stratospheric temperature
9th Conference of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
Thessaloniki, Greece
Giannakaki E
Balis D
Mueller D
Amiridis V
Rapsomanikis S
Bais A
Estimates of microphysical properties over Thessaloniki, Greece using a Raman lidar and sunphotometric data
24th International Laser radar Conference
Boulder, Colorado
Kazantzis Stylianos
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Ζεμπιλά Μ
Κουρεμέτη Ν
Kazantzidis Andreas
Meleti Charikleia
Γιαννακάκη Ε
Κουκουλή Μ. Ε
Αμοιρίδης Β
Herman J
, et al
Aξιολόγηση των μετρήσεων της υπεριώδους ακτινοβολίας, του ολικού όζοντος και των αιωρούμενων σωματίδιων από το όργανο OMI του δορυφόρου AURA από το έδαφος υπό συνθήκες διαφορετικών τύπων αερολυμάτων
(2008) Πρακτικά 9ο Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας & Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 657-664
Kazantzis Stylianos
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Zebila M.M
Kouremeti Natalia
Kazantzidis Andreas
Giannakaki E
Koukouli M
Meleti Charikleia
Amiridis V
Herman J
, et al
Validation of OMI-derived UV radiation, total ozone and aerosol properties against ground based measurements
9th Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
9th Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics
(eds) Maheras P., Zanis P., Anagnostopoulou C., Mavrommatis T., Pytharoulis I
Thessaloniki, Greece
McPeters R
Kroon M
Labow G
Brinksma E
Balis D
Petropavlovskikh I
Veefkind J. P
Bhartia P. K
Levelt P. F
Validation of the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument total column ozone product
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
vol.113 p.D15S14, doi:10.1029/2007JD008802
Rocadenbosch F
Mattis I
Beckmann C
Pappalardo G
Bosenberg J
Alados-Arboledas L
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Apitulef A
Balis D
Chaikovsky A
, et al
The European aerosol research lidar network (EARLINET): An overview
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
vol.2 no.1 p.II410-II413
Γεωργούλιας Α
Κουκουλή Μ. Ε
Αμοιρίδης Β
Meleti Charikleia
Αλεξανδρή Γ
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Zerefos Christos
Μελέτη της μεταφοράς του διοξειδίου του θείου πάνω από την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης
(2008) Πρακτικά 9ο Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας & Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 585-592
Without Type
Amiridis V
Melas D
Balis D. S
Papayannis A
Founda D
Katragkou E
Giannakaki E
Mamouri R. E
Gerasopoulos E
Zerefos C
Aerosol Lidar observations and model calculations of the Planetary Boundary Layer evolution over Greece, during the March 2006 Total Solar Eclipse
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.7 no.24 p.6181-6189
Balis D
Lambert J. C
Van Roozendael M
Spurr R
Loyola D
Livschitz Y
Valks P
Amiridis V
Gerard P
Granville J
Zehner C
Ten years of GOME/ERS2 total ozone data - The new GOME data processor (GDP) version 4: 2. Ground-based validation and comparisons with TOMS V7/V8
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.112 no.7
Balis D
Kroon M
Koukouli M. E
Brinksma E. J
Labow G
Veefkind J. P
McPeters R. D
Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument total ozone column measurements using Brewer and Dobson spectrophotometer ground-based observations
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.112 no.24
Eleftheratos K
Zerefos Christos
Zanis Prodromos
Balis Dimitrios
Tselioudis G
Gierens K
Sausen R
A study on natural and manmade global interannual fluctuations of cirrus cloud cover for the period 1984-2004
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.7 no.10 p.2631-2642
Eleftheratos K
Zerefos Christos
Zanis Prodromos
Balis Dimitrios
Tselioudis G
Gierens K
Sausen R
A twenty-year study on natural and manmade global interannual fluctuations of cirrus cloud cover
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
vol.7 no.1 p.93-126
Giannakaki E
Balis D. S
Amiridis V
Kazadzis S
Optical and geometrical characteristics of cirrus clouds over a Southern European lidar station
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.7 no.21 p.5519-5530
Giannakaki E
Balis D
Amiridis V
Kazadzis S
Optical properties of cirrus clouds at a mid-latitude EARLINET station - art. no. 67450M
Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere Xii
vol.6745 p.M7450-M7450 500
Kazadzis S
Bais A
Amiridis V
Balis D
Meleti C
Kouremeti N
Zerefos C. S
Rapsomanikis S
Petrakakis M
Kelesis A
Tzoumaka P
, et al
Nine years of UV aerosol optical depth measurements at Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
vol.7 no.1 p.537-567
Tourpali K
Zerefos C. S
Balis D. S
Bais A. F
The 11-year solar cycle in stratospheric ozone: Comparison between Umkehr and SBUVv8 and effects on surface erythemal irradiance
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.112 no.12
Zerefos C. S
Gerogiannis V. T
Balis D
Zerefos S. C
Kazantzidis A
Atmospheric effects of volcanic eruptions as seen by famous artists and depicted in their paintings
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.7 no.15 p.4027-4042
Zerefos Christos
Eleftheratos K
Zanis Prodromos
Balis Dimitrios
Tselioudis G
Search for man-made cirrus contrails over Southeast Asia
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
vol.18 no.3 p.459-474
Without Type
Amodeo A
Mattis I
Böckmann C
D'Amico G
Müller D
Osterloh L
Chaikovsky A
Pappalardo G
Ansmann A
Apituley A
Alados-Arboledas L
, et al
Optimization of lidar data processing: A goal of the EARLINET-ASOS project
Katragkou E
Kioutsioukis I
Poupkou A
Lisaridis I
Markakis K
Karathanasis S
Melas D
Balis D
An air quality study for greece with the MM5/CAMx modelling system
Envisat Symposium 2007
Montreux; Switzerland
Kroon M
Brinksma E. J
Balis D
Ionov D
Sneep M
Curier L
Tanskanen A
Zehner C
Carpay J
Levelt P. F
Validation results from the joint ESA KNMI NIVR calibration and validation announcement of opportunity for the ozone monitoring instrument
Pappalardo G
Bösenberg J
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Apituley A
Arboledas L. A
Balis D
Böckmann C
Chaikovsky A
Comeron A
Freudenthaler V
, et al
Earlinet-ASOS: European aerosol research lidar network-advanced sustainable observation system
Without Type
Balis D
Kourtidis K
Zerefos C
Contribution to DRAGON star by the Greek teams
Dragon Programme Mid-Term Results, Proceedings
vol.611 p.187-190 429
Balis D
Amiridis V
Kazadzis S
Papayannis A
Tsaknakis G
Tzortzakis S
Kalivitis N
Vrekoussis M
Kanakidou M
Mihalopoulos N
Chourdakis G
, et al
Optical characteristics of desert dust over the East Mediterranean during summer: a case study
Annales Geophysicae
vol.24 no.3 p.807-821
Koukouli M. E
Balis D. S
Amiridis V
Kazadzis S
Bais A
Nickovic S
Torres O
Aerosol variability over Thessaloniki using ground based remote sensing observations and the TOMS aerosol index
Atmospheric Environment
vol.40 no.28 p.5367-5378
Van Roozendael M
Loyola D
Spurr R
Balis D
Lambert J. C
Livschitz Y
Valks P
Ruppert T
Kenter P
Fayt C
Zehner C
Ten years of GOME/ERS-2 total ozone data - The new GOME data processor (GDP) version 4: 1. Algorithm description
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.111 no.14
Zerefos C
Nastos P
Balis D
Papayannis A
Kelepertsis A
Kannelopoulou E
Nikolakis D
Eleftheratos C
Thomas W
Varotsos C
A complex study of Etna's volcanic plume from ground-based, in situ and space-borne observations
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.27 no.9 p.1855-1864
Without Type
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Koukouli M
Kazadzis S
Balis D
Bais A
Evaluation of the OMI aserosol index using coincident lidar observations
Sugimoto C
Nagasawa N
International Laser and Radar conference
Nara, Japan
Balis D
Lambert J. C
Van Roozendael M
Spurr R
Loyola D
Livschitz Y
Valks P
Amiridis V
Gerard P
Granville J
Zehner C
10-Years operational GOME/ERS-2 Total column products: The GDP 4.0 Validation
1st Atmospheric Science Conference
Frascati, Italy
Balis D
Brinksma E
Kroon M
Amiridis V
Zerefos C
Validation of OMI total ozone using ground-based brewer observations
Koukouli M. E
Balis D
Bais A
Amiridis V
Giannakaki E
Kazadzis S
Kouremeti N
Torres O
Aerosol characterization over northern greece; Aerosol loading derived from satellite observations and ground-based measurements
Loyola D
Van Roozendael M
Spurr R
Balis D
Lambert J. C
Livschitz Y
Valks P
Ruppert T
Kenter P
Fayt C
Zehner C
, et al
10-Years operational gome/ers-2 total column products: The GDP 4.0 algorithm
1st Atmospheric Science Conference
Frascati, Italy
Pappalardo G
Bösenberg J
Amodeo A
Ansmann A
Apituley A
Arboledas L. A
Balis D
Böckmann C
Chaikovsky A
Comeron A
Freudenthaler V
, et al
EARLINET-ASOS: Programs and perspectives for the aerosol study on continental scale
Poupkou A
Melas D
Kioutsioukis I
Lisaridis I
Symeonidis P
Balis D
Karathanasis S
Kazadzis S
Regional air quality forecasting over Greece within promote
Thomas W
Erbertseder T
Ruppert T
Van Roozendael M
Balis D
Meleti C
Zerefos C
Quantitative analysis of volcanic sulfur dioxide emissions using GOME backscatter measurements
Without Type
Amiridis V
Balis D. S
Kazadzis S
Bais A
Giannakaki E
Papayannis A
Zerefos C
Four-year aerosol observations with a Raman lidar at Thessaloniki, Greece, in the framework of European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET)
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.110 no.21 p.1-12
Bais A. F
Kazantzidis A
Kazadzis S
Balis D. S
Zerefos C. S
Meleti C
Deriving an effective aerosol single scattering albedo from spectral surface UV irradiance measurements
Atmospheric Environment
vol.39 no.6 p.1093-1102
Isaksen I. S. A
Dalsøren S. B
Sundet J. K
Grini A
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Tropospheric ozone changes at unpolluted and semipolluted regions induced by stratospheric ozone changes
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres
vol.110 no.2 p.D02302
Kazantzidis Andreas
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Kosmidis Evangelos
Zerefos Christos
Sensitivity of solar UV radiation to ozone and temperature profiles at Thessaloniki (40.5°N, 23°E), Greece
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
vol.67 no.14 p.1321-1330
Papayannis A
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Galani E
Wernli H
Zerefos Christos
Stohl A
Eckhardt S
Amiridis V
Sampling of an STT event over the Eastern Mediterranean region by lidar and electrochemical sonde
Annales Geophysicae
vol.23 no.6 p.2039-2050
Papayannis A
Balis D
Amiridis V
Chourdakis G
Tsaknakis G
Zerefos C
Castanho A. D. A
Nickovic S
Kazadzis S
Grabowski J
Measurements of Saharan dust aerosols over the eastern Mediterranean using elastic backscatter-Raman lidar, spectrophotometric and satellite observations in the frame of the EARLINET project
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.5 no.8 p.2065-2079
Thomas W
Erbertseder T
Ruppert T
van Roozendael M
Verdebout J
Balis D
Meleti C
Zerefos C
On the retrieval of volcanic sulfur dioxide emissions from GOME backscatter measurements
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
vol.50 no.3 p.295-320
Topaloglou C
Kazadzis S
Bais A. F
Blumthaler M
Schallhart B
Balis D
NO2 and HCHO photolysis frequencies from irradiance measurements in Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.5 no.6 p.1645-1653
Zerefos C. S
Tourpali K
Balis D
Solar activity-ozone relationships in the vertical distribution of ozone
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.26 no.16 p.3449-3454
Without Type
Pappalardo G
Bösenberg J
Ansmann A
Balis D
Böckmann C
Chaikovsky A
Comeron A
Eixmann R
Grigorov I. V
Hågård A
Mitev V
, et al
Aerosol lidar measurements in the framework of earlinet
85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society
Ζάνης Πρόδρομος
Γαλάνη Ε
Wernli H
Γερασόπουλος Ε
Ζερεφός Χρήστος
Μπαλής Δημήτριος
Παπαγιάννη Αθανασία
Κοσμίδης Ε
Αμοιρίδης Β
Παπαστεφάνου Κωνσταντίνος
Παρατηρήσεις περιπτώσεων μεταφοράς στρατοσφαιρικού αέρα προς την τροπόσφαιρα στον Ελλαδικό χώρο κατά την διάρκεια του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος STACCATO
Πρακτικά 7ο Πανελλήνιο (Διεθνές) Συνέδριο Μετεωρολογίας, Κλιματολογίας και Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας
vol.A p.434-441
Without Type
Amiridis V
Balis D
Kazadzis S
Below-cloud scavenging (rainout) of aerosol particles measured with a backscatter lidar
22nd International Laser Radar Conference (Ilrc 2004)
vol.1-2 p.669-671
Balis D
Papayannis A
Kalivitis N
Chourdakis G
Amiridis V
Vrekoussis M
Mihalopoulos N
Kanakidou M
Tsaknakis G
Extinction of solar radiation over the East Mediterranean under Sahara dust influence
22nd International Laser Radar Conference (Ilrc 2004), Vols 1 and 2
vol.561 p.869-872 1043
Balis D
Amiridis V
Nickovic S
Papayannis A
Zerefos C
Giannakaki E
Optical properties of Saharan dust over Thessaloniki, Greece
22nd International Laser Radar Conference (Ilrc 2004), Vols 1 and 2
vol.561 p.887-890 1043
Balis D. S
Amiridis V
Zerefos C
Kazantzidis A
Kazadzis S
Bais A. F
Meleti C
Gerasopoulos E
Papayannis A
Matthias V
Dier H
, et al
Study of the effect of different type of aerosols on UV-B radiation from measurements during EARLINET
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.4 no.2 p.307-321
Balis D. S
Amiridis V
Nickovic S
Papayannis A
Zerefos C
Optical properties of Saharan dust layers as detected by a Raman lidar at Thessaloniki, Greece
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.31 no.13 p.L13104 1-4
Giannakaki E
Amiridis V
Balis D
Cirrus measurements with a Raman lidar over Thessaloniki, Greece, during EARLINET
22nd International Laser Radar Conference (Ilrc 2004), Vols 1 and 2
vol.561 p.391-393 1043
Kazadzis S
Topaloglou C
Bais A. F
Blumthaler M
Balis D
Kazantzidis A
Schallhart B
Actinic flux and O1D photolysis frequencies retrieved from spectral measurements of irradiance at Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.4 no.8 p.2215-2226
Matthais V
Freudenthaler V
Amodeo A
Balin I
Balis D
Bösenberg J
Chaikovsky A
Chourdakis G
Comeron A
Delaval A
De Tomasi F
, et al
Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 1. Instruments
Applied Optics
vol.43 no.4 p.2578-2579
Matthias V
Freudenthaler V
Amodeo A
Balin I
Balis D
Bösenberg J
Chaikovsky A
Chourdakis G
Comeron A
Delaval A
De Tomasi F
, et al
Erratum: Aerosol lidar intercomparison in the framework of the EARLINET project. 1. Instruments (Appl. Opt. (2004) 43, (961-974))
Applied Optics
vol.43 no.12 p.2578-2579
Matthias V
Balis D
Bösenberg J
Eixmann R
Iarlori M
Komguem L
Mattis I
Papayannis A
Pappalardo G
Perrone M. R
Wang X
Vertical aerosol distribution over Europe: Statistical analysis of Raman lidar data from 10 European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) stations
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.109 no.18 p.D18201 1-12
Without Type
Isaksen I. S. A
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K
Meleti Charikleia
Dalsoeren S. B
Zanis Prodromos
Balis Dimitrios
Sundet J. K
Surface level ozone changes induced by stratospheric ozone changes
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Kos, Greece
Kazantzidis Andreas
Bais Alkiviadis
Balis Dimitrios
Kosmidis Evangelos
Zebila Melina M
Zerefos Christos
Sensitivity of solar UV radiation calculations to ozone and temperature profiles
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
(Ed.) Zerefos, Christos
Kos, Greece
International Ozone Commission
Papayannis A
Balis D
Tsaknakis G
Amiridis V
Zerefos C
Tzortzakis S
Profiling of aerosol optical properties over athens and Thessaloniki, Greece, during special events using ground based elastic backscatter - Raman lidar systems (2000-2003)
vol.2 p.891-894
Papayannis A
Alpers M
Balis D
Bösenberg J
Chaikovsky A
De Tomasi F
Haagaard A
Matthias V
Mattis I
Mitev V
Nickovic S
, et al
Saharan dust outbreaks towards europe: 3 Years of systematic observations by the european lidar network in the frame of the earlinet project (2000-2003)
vol.2 p.845-848
Repapis C
Philandras C
Paliatsos A. G
Zanis Prodromos
Zerefos Christos
Nastos P
Eleftheratos K
Meleti Charikleia
Balis Dimitrios
A 10-year climatology of the air pollution effect on erythemal UV-B doses reaching ground level at Athens, Greece
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Kos, Greece
Without Type
Amiridis V
Balis D. S
Zerefos C
Melas D
Morfidou I
Papayannis A
Aerosol lidar measurements in the planetary boundary layer and free troposphere over Thessaloniki, Greece, within the EARLINET project
Sixth International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies
p.348-350 528
Balis D. S
Amiridis V
Zerefos C
Meleti C
Kazantzidis A
Kazadzis S
Bais A. F
Papayannis A
Experimental estimates of the lidar ratio and, the single scattering albedo during EARLINET and their association with the of levels of UV irradiance at the Earth's surface
Sixth International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies
Balis Dimitrios
Amiridis V
Zerefos Christos
Gerasopoulos E
Andreae M
Zanis Prodromos
Kazantzidis Andreas
Kazantzis Stylianos
Papayannis A
Raman lidar and sunphotometric measurements of aerosol optical properties over Thessaloniki, Greece during a biomass burning episode
Atmospheric Environment
vol.37 no.32 p.4529-4538
Galani E
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Zerefos Christos
Papayannis A
Wernli H
Gerasopoulos E
Observations of stratosphere-to-troposphere transport events over the eastern Mediterranean using a ground-based lidar system
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.108 no.12 p.STA 12-1 - STA 12-10
Galani E
Papayannis A
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Wernli H
Zerefos Christos
Stohl A
Eckhardt S
Validation of a ground-based ozone DIAL system for monitoring stratosphere-to-troposphere transport events in the Eastern Mediterranean
Sixth International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies
p.236-238 528
Gerasopoulos E
Andreae M. O
Zerefos C. S
Andreae T. W
Balis D
Formenti P
Merlet P
Amiridis V
Papastefanou C
Climatological aspects of aerosol optical properties in Northern Greece
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.3 no.6 p.2025-2041
Zerefos Christos
Eleftheratos K
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Tselioudis G
Meleti Charikleia
Evidence of impact of aviation on cirrus cloud formation
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
vol.3 no.5 p.1633-1644
Without Type
Balis D. S
Zerefos C. S
Kourtidis K
Bais A. F
Hofzumahaus A
Kraus A
Schmitt R
Blumthaler M
Gobbi G. P
Measurements and modeling of photolysis rates during the Photochemical Activity and Ultraviolet Radiation (PAUR) II campaign
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.107 no.18 p.5-1-5-12
Kourtidis K
Zerefos C
Rapsomanikis S
Simeonov V
Balis D
Perros P. E
Thompson A. M
Witte J
Calpini B
Sharobiem W. M
Papayannis A
, et al
Regional levels of ozone in the troposphere over eastern Mediterranean
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.107 no.18 p.7-1-7-13
Zanis Prodromos
Kourtidis K
Rappenglueck B
Zerefos Christos
Melas Dimitrios
Balis Dimitrios
Schmitt R
Rapsomanikis S
Fabian P
A case study on the possible link between surface ozone photochemistry and total ozone column during the PAUR II experiment at Crete: Comparison of observations with box model calculations
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.107 no.d18 p.8136-8149
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K. A
Melas Dimitrios
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Katsaros L
Mantis H. T
Repapis C
Isaksen I
Sundet J
Herman J
, et al
Photochemical Activity and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation (PAUR) modulation factors: An overview of the project
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.107 no.18 p.1-1-1-15
Without Type
Bais Alkiviadis F
Kazantzidis Andreas
Kazadzis Stylianos
Balis Dimitris S
Zerefos Christos S
Meleti Chariclea
Effects of aerosol optical depth and single scattering albedo on surface UV irradiance
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-based Measurements, Models, and Effects
San Diego, CA, USA
vol.4482 p.15-22
Balis D. S
Zerefos C. S
Kazantzidis A
Eleftheratos K
Meleti C
Tselioudis G
The effects of different type of contrails to the photolysis rates of J((OD)-D-1) and J(NO2)
Ultraviolet Ground- and Space-Based Measurements, Models, and Effects
vol.4482 p.224-233 474
Balis D. S
Amiridis V
Zerefos C
Meleti C
The effect of aerosols on the UV irradiance at the Earth's surface. Lidar and irradiance measurements during EARLINET
Twenty-First International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC21)
vol.1 p.365-8
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
Kourtidis K
Bais Alkiviadis
Zanis Prodromos
Hofzumahaus A
Kraus A
Schmitt R
Blumthaler M
Gobbi G. P
The variability of the photolysis rates of ozone and nitrogen dioxide during the PAUR II campaign
Hjorth J
Raes F
Angeletti G
Proceedings of “A Changing Atmosphere”- 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants
Torino, Italy
Galani E
Balis Dimitrios
Zanis Prodromos
Zerefos Christos
Papayannis A
Wernli H
Case study of a Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange (STE) event over the southeastern Mediterranean using a ground-based lidar system
International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC)
Quebec City,Canada
Zanis Prodromos
Kourtidis K
Balis Dimitrios
Zerefos Christos
On the photochemical relation between surface and total ozone – A case study during the PAUR II experiment at Crete, Greece, in Proceedings “A Changing Atmosphere”-
Proceedings of 8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, “A Changing Atmosphere”
editors Hjorth J., Raes F., Angeletti, G
Without Type
Bojkov R. D
Balis D. S
Characteristics of episodes with extremely low ozone values in the northern middle latitudes 1957-2000
Annales Geophysicae
vol.19 no.7 p.797-807
Kazantzidis Andreas
Balis Dimitrios
Bais Alkiviadis
Kazadzis S
Galani E
Kosmidis E
Blumthaler M
Comparison of model calculations with spectral UV measurements during the SUSPEN campaign: The effect of aerosols
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
vol.58 no.12 p.1529-1539
Zerefos C
Balis D
Tzortziou M
Bais A
Tourpali K
Meleti C
Bernhard G
Herman J
A note on the interannual variations of UV-B erythemal doses and solar irradiance from ground-based and satellite observations
Annales Geophysicae
vol.19 no.1 p.115-120
Zerefos C. S
Kourtidis K. A
Balis D
Bais A
Calpini B
Photochemical activity over the eastern Mediterranean under variable environmental conditions
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial and Planetary Science
vol.26 no.7 p.549-554
Without Type
Balis D
Zerefos C
Amiridis V
Meleti C
Bais A. F
Kazantzidis A
Papayannis A
Chourdakis G
Tsaknakis G
Trickl T
Study of the aerosol effect on the UV-B irradiance at the earth's surface: Case studies selected from urban sites in the frame of the EARLINET project
European Aerosol Conference
Leipzig, Germany
Without Type
Balis D
Papayannis A
Galani E
Marenco F
Santacesaria V
Hamonou E
Chazette P
Ziomas I
Zerefos C
Tropospheric LIDAR aerosol measurements and sun photometric observations at Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Environment
vol.34 no.6 p.925-932
Kazadzis S
Bais A. F
Balis D
Zerefos C. S
Blumthaler M
Retrieval of downwelling UV actinic flux density spectra from spectral measurements of global and direct solar UV irradiance
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.105 no.D4 p.4857-4864
Kourtidis K
Ziomas I
Zerefos C
Achilleas Gousopoulos
Balis D
Tzoumaka P
Benzene and toluene levels measured with a commercial DOAS system in Thessaloniki, Greece
Atmospheric Environment
vol.34 no.9 p.1471-1480
Mantis H. T
Repapis C. C
Philandras C. M
Paliatsos A. G
Zerefos C. S
Bais A. F
Meleti C
Balis D. S
Mesoscale simulations of thermodynamic fluxes over complex terrain
International Journal of Climatology
vol.20 no.10 p.1249-1264
Mantis H. T
Repapis C. C
Philandras C. M
Paliatsos A. G
Zerefos C. S
Bais A. F
Meleti C
Balis D. S
A 5-year climatology of the solar erythemal ultraviolet in Athens, Greece
International Journal of Climatology
vol.20 no.10 p.1237-1247
Schneider J
Balis D
Böckmann C
Bösenberg J
Calpini B
Chaikovsky A. P
Comeron A
Flamant P
Freudenthaler V
Hågård A
Mattis I
, et al
European aerosol research lidar network to establish an aerosol climatology (EARLINET)
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.31 suppl.1 p.S592-S593
Zerefos C. S
Meleti C
Balis D. S
Bais A. F
Gillotay D
On changes of spectral UV-B in the 90's in Europe
Advances in Space Research
vol.26 no.12 p.1971-1978
Zerefos C. S
Balis D. S
Meleti C
Bais A. F
Tourpali K
Kourtidis K
Vanicek K
Cappellani F
Kaminski U
Colombo T
Stubi R
, et al
Changes in surface solar UV irradiances and total ozone during the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
vol.105 no.D21 p.26463-26473
Without Type
Balis D
Zerefos C
Bais A. F
Taalas P
Vogiatzis N
Ramos N
Mihelaraki M
Anthis A
Four years comparison of GOME and ground-based total ozone measurements
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Sapporo, Japan
Zerefos C. S
Balis D
Tzortziou M
Bais A. F
Tourpali K
Herman J
Interannual natural fluctuations in erythemal doses at ground level
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Sapporo, Japan
Without Type
Hamonou E
Chazette P
Balis D
Dulac F
Schneider X
Galani E
Ancellet G
Papayannis A
Characterization of the vertical structure of Saharan dust export to the Mediterranean basin
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.104 no.D18 p.22257-22270
Kourtidis K. A
Ziomas I. C
Rappenglueck B
Proyou A
Balis D
Evaporative traffic hydrocarbon emissions, traffic CO and speciated HC traffic emissions from the city of Athens
Atmospheric Environment
vol.33 no.23 p.3831-3842
Papayannis A. D
Porteneuve J
Balis D
Zerefos C
Galani E
Design of a new DIAL system for tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone monitoring in Northern Greece
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial and Planetary Science
vol.24 no.5 p.439-442
Rex M
von der Gathen P
Braathen G. O
Harris N. R. P
Reimer E
Beck A
Alfier R
Kruger-Carstensen R
Chipperfield M
de Backer H
Balis D
, et al
Chemical ozone loss in the Arctic winter 1994/95 as determined by the Match technique
Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
vol.32 no.1 p.35-59
Uchino O
Bojkov R. D
Balis D. S
Akagi K
Hayashi M
Kajihara R
Essential characteristics of the Antarctic-spring ozone decline: Update to 1998
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.26 no.10 p.1377-1380
Without Type
Bais A. F
Kazadzis S
Balis D
Zerefos C. S
Blumthaler M
Correcting global solar ultraviolet spectra recorded by a Brewer spectroradiometer for its angular response error
Applied Optics
vol.37 no.27 p.6339-6344
Balis D. S
Tourpali K
Zerefos C. S
Meleti C
Ziomas I. C
Bais A. F
Papayiannis A
Paliatsos A
On the daily maximum UV-B doses during the significant ozone deficiencies in the transition seasons of 1992/93
Advances in Space Research
vol.22 no.11 p.1505-1508
Bojkov R. D
Balis D. S
Zerefos C. S
Characteristics of the ozone decline in the Northern polar and middle latitudes during the winter-spring
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
vol.69 no.1-2 p.119-135
Eleftheriadis K
Balis D
Ziomas I. C
Colbeck I
Manalis N
Atmospheric aerosol and gaseous species in Athens, Greece
Atmospheric Environment
vol.32 no.12 p.2183-2191
Klemm O
Ziomas I. C
Balis D
Suppan P
Slemr J
Romero R
Vyras L. G
A summer air-pollution study in Athens, Greece
Atmospheric Environment
vol.32 no.12 p.2071-2087
Koepke P
Bais A
Balis D
Buchwitz M
De Backer H
De Cabo X
Eckert P
Eriksen P
Gillotay D
Heikkilä A
Koskela T
, et al
Comparison of Models Used for UV Index Calculations
Photochemistry and Photobiology
vol.67 no.6 p.657-662
Papayannis A
Balis D
Bais A
Van Der Bergh H
Calpini B
Durieux E
Fiorani L
Jaquet L
Ziomas I
Zerefos C. S
Role of urban and suburban aerosols on solar UV radiation over Athens, Greece
Atmospheric Environment
vol.32 no.12 p.2193-2201
Papayannis A
Balis D
Study of the structure of the lower troposphere over Athens using a backscattering lidar during the MEDCAPOT-TRACE experiment: Measurements over a suburban area
Atmospheric Environment
vol.32 no.12 p.2161-2172
Santacesaria V
Marenco F
Balis D
Papayannis A
Zerefos C
Lidar observations of the Planetary Boundary Layer above the city of Thessaloniki, Greece
Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica C
vol.21 no.6 p.585-596
Zerefos C. S
Meleti C
Balis D
Tourpali K
Bais A. F
Quasi-biennial and longer-term changes in clear sky UV-B solar irradiance
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.25 no.23 p.4345-4348
Ziomas I. C
Tzoumaka P
Balis D
Melas D
Zerefos C. S
Klemm O
Ozone episodes in Athens, Greece. A modelling approach using data from the MEDCAPHOT-TRACE
Atmospheric Environment
vol.32 no.12 p.2313-2321
Without Type
Hamonou E
Chazette P
Papayannis A
Balis D
Marenco F
Santacesaria V
Ancellet G
Ground-based measurements of Saharan dust optical properties in the frame of the European MEDUSE project
Journal of Aerosol Science
vol.28 suppl.1 p.S695-S696
Marenco F
Santacesaria V
Bais A. F
Balis D
Di Sarra A
Papayannis A
Zerefos C
Optical properties of tropospheric aerosols determined by lidar and spectrophotometric measurements (Photochemical Activity and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Campaign)
Applied Optics
vol.36 no.27 p.6875-6886
Zerefos C. S
Tourpali K
Bojkov B. R
Balis D. S
Rognerund B
Isaksen I. S. A
Solar activity total column ozone relationships: Observations and model studies with heterogeneous chemistry
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
vol.102 no.D1 p.1561-1569
Zerefos C. S
Tourpali K
Bojkov B. R
Balis D. S
Solar activity-total column ozone relationships: Observations and model studies with heterogeneous chemistry
Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres
vol.102 no.D1 p.1561-1569
Zerefos C. S
Ballis D. S
Bais A. F
Gillotay D
Simon P. C
Mayer B
Seckmeyer G
Variability of UV-B at four stations in Europe
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.24 no.11 p.1363-1366
Ziomas I. C
Tzoumaka P
Balis D
Papayannis A
Melas D
Bais A. F
Zerefos C. S
Atmospheric pollution measurements with the differential optical absorption spectroscopy method
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.6 no.5-6 p.320-324
Without Type
Balis D. S
Bais A. F
Papayannis A
Marenco F
Santacesaria V
Zerefos C. S
Comparison of model calculations with spectral solar UV measurements
Bojkov R. D
Visconti G
XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
L' Aquila, Italy
Kosmidis Evangelos
Tourpali Kleareti
Zerefos Christos
Bais Alkiviadis
Ziomas Ioannis
Balis Dimitrios
Testing of the Brewer Umkehr algorithm
Bojkov R. D
Visconti G
XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
L' Aquila, Italy
Without Type
Bojkov R. D
Fioletov V. E
Balis D. S
Zerefos C. S
Kadygrova T. V
Shalamjansky A. M
Further ozone decline during the Northern Hemisphere winter-spring of 1994-1995 and the new record low ozone over Siberia
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.22 no.20 p.2729-2732
Ziomas I. C
Suppan P
RappenglÜCk B
Balis D
Tzoumaka P
Melas D
Papayannis A
Fabian P
Zerefos C. S
A contribution to the study of photochemical smog in the Greater Athens area
Contributions to Atmospheric Physics
vol.68 no.3 p.191-203
Without Type
Papayannis A
Klemm O
Balis D
Air pollution measurements over Athens using LIDAR techniques and airborne sensors during the MEDCAPHOT-TRACE experiment: Measurements over a semi-rural area
Air Pollution and Visibility Measurements
vol.2506 p.150-161 818
Without Type
Bais A. F
Zerefos C. S
Meleti C
Ziomas I. C
Tourpali K
Karaouza V
Balis D
Variability of solar UV-B radiation at high and middle latitudes during EASOE 1991/92
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.21 no.13 p.1403-1406
Bojkov R. D
Zerefos C. S
Balis D. S
Ziomas I. C
Bais A. F
Record Ozone Minimum over Middle and High-Latitudes of the Northern-Hemisphere During Winter-Spring Season 1992/93
Geomagnetizm i Aeronomiya
vol.34 no.5 p.97-104
Without Type
Bojkov R. D
Zerefos C. S
Balis D. S
Ziomas C
Bais A. F
Record low total ozone during northern winters of 1992 and 1993
Geophysical Research Letters
vol.20 no.13 p.1351-1354
Without Type
Bojkov R. D
Zerefos C. S
Balis D. S
Ziomas I. C
Bais A. F
Record ozone minimum over middle and high latitudes of the northern hemisphere during the winter-spring seasons 1991-92 and 1992-93
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods
Apatity, Russia
Zerefos C. S
Tourpali A. F
Bais K
Balis D
The effects of Pinatubo aerosol on spectral UV-B measurements over middle latitudes in Europe
European Symposium on Effects of Environmental UV Radiation
Munich, Germany
Zerefos C. S
Balis D
Bais A. F
Papayannis A
Ziomas I
Karaouza V
Bojkov R. D
Occurrences of Low-Total Ozone Episodes over the Northern Hemisphere
EGS XVIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Wiesbaden, Germany
Without Type
Zerefos C. S
Balis D. S
Bais A. F
Ziomas I. C
Tourpali K
Meleti C
Tzoumaka P
Mantis H. T
Repapis C. C
Fioletov V
Khattatov V
, et al
The evolution of synoptic ozone anomalies during the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment in winter 1991/92
Hudson R. D
Quadrennial Ozone Symposium
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Without Type
Ziomas I. C
Zerefos C. S
Bais A. F
Balis D
Meleti C
Tourpali K
Denezakos A
Temporal and spatial variations of air pollution in the valley of Ptolemaida, Greece
1st General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
Thessaloniki, Greece
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-06