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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Theodoros Beslikas
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
Personal Information
Scopus ID
PubMed ID
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Bone and Joint Infections
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Spanos Ioannis.
Tsiantzis Konstantinos. Αντιμετώπιση των καταγμάτων του αντιβραχίου σε παιδιά και νεαρούς ενήλικες με εύκαμπτους ενδομυελικούς ήλους τιτανίου
Nenopoulos Alexandros. Η επίδραση στην ποδοκνημική των ενδοαρθρικών καταγμάτων του κάτω άκρου της κνήμης στον αναπτυσσόμενο σκελετό
Research Projects
Συγκριτική μελέτη της in-vitro συμπεριφοράς τεχνιτών συνδέσμων απο poly(L-lactic Acid)
Αρθροπλαστική γόνατος με Knee Platform (Gemmini II)
Without Type
Bisbinas I
Magnissalis E
Gigis Ioannis
Beslikas Theodoros
Hatzokos Ippokratis
Christoforidis Ioannis
Rotator cuff repair. A biomechanical ex-vivo ovine study
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal Of Engineering in Medicine
vol.227 no.5 p.560-570
Without Type
Beslikas Theodoros
Christodoulou Anastasios
Chytas A
Gigis Ioannis
Christoforidis Ioannis
Genu recurvatum deformity in a child due to Salter Harris type V fracture of the proximal tibial physis treated with high tibial dome osteotomy
Case Reports In Orthopedics
Published Version
Beslikas Theodoros
Chytas A
Christodoulou Anastasios
Gigis Ioannis
Christoforidis Ioannis
A giant scapular aneurysmal bone cyst in a child
Case Reports In Orthopedics
Published Version
vol.2012 p.1-3
Without Type
Beslikas Theodoros
Gigis Ioannis
Goulios V
Christoforidis Ioannis
Papageorgiou Georgios
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Crystallization study and comparative in vitro-in vivo hydrolysis of PLA reinforcement ligament
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Published Version
vol.12 no.10 p.6597-6618
Bisbinas Ilias
Magnissalis E.A
Gigis Ioannis
Beslikas Theodoros
Chatzokos Ippokratis
Christoforidis Ioannis
Suture anchors, properties versus material and design: a biomechanical study in ovine model
European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Published Version
vol.21 no.2 p.95-100
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Beslikas T
Nianias N
Bikiaris D
Enhancing mechanical and thermal properties of PLLA ligaments with fumed silica nanoparticles and montmorillonite
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.105 no.1 p.313-323
Nenopoulos Savvas
Gigis Ioannis
Chytas A.A
Beslikas Theodoros
Nenopoulos Savvas
Christoforidis Ioannis
Outcome of distal clavicular fracture separations and dislocations in immature skeleton
Published Version
vol.42 no.4 p.376-380
Papageorgiou Thomas
Panos N
Gigis Ioannis
Samoladas Efthymios
Beslikas Theodoros
Christoforidis Ioannis
Treatment of a late presenting displaced radial neck fracture in a 10 years-old girl
Journal Of Medical Cases
Published Version
vol.2 no.6 p.252-254
Without Type
Bisbinas Ilias
Mikalef P
Gigis Ioannis
Beslikas Theodoros
Panou N
Christoforidis Ioannis
Management of distal clavicle fractures
Acta Orthopaedica Belgica
Published Version
vol.76 no.2 p.145-149
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Giannakoudakis Andreas
Beslikas Theodoros
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Oxidized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Effective Reinforcement and Thermal Stability Agents of Poly(lactic acid) Ligaments
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Vol.118 no.5 p.2712–2721
Chytas Anastasios
Spyridakis A
Gigis Ioannis
Beslikas Theodoros
Panos N
Christoforidis Ioannis
A rare case of traumatic bilateral fibular head fractures
Case Reports In Medicine
Published Version
Mikalef Petros
Beslikas Theodoros
Gigis Ioannis
Bisbinas I
Papageorgiou T
Christoforidis Ioannis
Weaver syndrome associated with bilateral congenital hip and unilateral subtalar dislocation
Published Version
vol.14 no.3 p.212-214
Papageorgiou G. Z
Achilias D. S
Nanaki S
Beslikas T
Bikiaris D. N
‘PLA nanocomposites: Effect of filler type on non-isothermal crystallization’
Thermochimica Acta
vol.511 no.1-2 p.129-139
Papageorgiou Georgios
Beslikas Theodoros
Gigis Ioannis
Christoforidis Ioannis
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Crystallization and biodegradability of PLA grade for orthopaedics
vol.29 p.280-299
Papageorgiou Georgios
Beslikas Theodoros
Gigis Ioannis
Christoforidis Ioannis
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Crystallization and enzymatic hydrolysis of PLA grade for orthopedics
Advances in Polymer Technology
Published Version
vol.29 no.4 p.280-299
Papageorgiou Thomas
Gigis Ioannis
Goulios V
Beslikas Theodoros
Bisbinas I
Christoforidis Ioannis
Pseudoaneurysm of medial branch of the profunda femoral artery following dynamic hip screw fixation of proximal femoral fracture: a case report
Journal Of Orthopaedics
Published Version
vol.7 no.1 p.e10
Without Type
Nenopoulos Savvas
Beslikas Theodoros
Gigis Ioannis
Long-term follow-up of combined fractures of the proximal radius and ulna during childhood
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics Part B
Published Version
vol.18 no.5 p.252-260
Without Type
Beslikas Theodoros
Dadoukis D. J
Gigis Ioannis
Nenopoulos Savvas
Christoforidis Ioannis
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle: a case report
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
vol.15 no.1 p.87-90
Beslikas Theodoros
Dadoukis D
Gigis Ioannis
Nenopoulos Savvas
Christoforidis Ioannis
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the clavicle: a case report
Journal of orthopaedic surgery (Hong Kong)
Published Version
vol.15 no.1 p.87-90
Nenopoulos S
Vrettakos A
Chaftikis N
Beslikas T
Dadoukis D
The effect of proximal tibial fractures on the limb axis in children
Acta Orthop Belg
vol.73 no.3 p.345-353
Papadimitriou N. G
Papadimitriou A
Christophorides J. E
Beslikas T. A
Panagopoulos P. K
Late-presenting developmental dysplasia of the hip treated with the modified Hoffmann-Daimler functional method
J Bone Joint Surg Am
vol.89 no.6 p.1258-1268
Without Type
Beslikas Theodoros
Panagopoulos P.K
Gigis Ioannis
Nenopoulos Savvas
Papadimitriou Nikolaos
Christoforidis Ioannis
Chronic osteomyelitis of the pelvis in children and adolescents
Acta Orthopaedica Belgica
Published Version
vol.71 no.4 p.405-409
Without Type
Nenopoulos Alexandros
Beslikas Theodoros
Gigis Ioannis
Saiech Fares
Hatzokos Ippokratis
The role of CT in diagnosis and treatment of distal tibial fractures with intra articular involvement in children
Vol. 46 no.11 p. 2177–2180
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-01