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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Euripides Papamichos
Professor, School of Civil Engineering
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Μηχανική, Βιοτεχνία και Κατασκευαστική
Ορυχεία και εξόρυξη
Οικοδόμηση και έργα πολιτικών μηχανικών
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Minnesota
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Minnesota
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Strength of Materials and Structural Elements II
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Strength of Materials and Building Elements I
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Kaloterákīs Andréas. Μέθοδος ρευματικής γραμμής στην προσομοίωση πολυφασικής ροής σε συνδυασμό με την μηχανική συμπεριφορά ταμιευτήρων
Koidis Georgios. Δυναμική και σεισμική συμπεριφορά κατασκευών με μηχανισμούς ολίσθησης και λικνισμού
Kozikopoulos Evangelos. Δυναμική και σεισμική συμπεριφορά κατασκευών από φέρουσα τοιχοποιία
CΗaralabidou Ellī-Maria. ΑΝΤΟΧΗ ΥΛΙΚΩΝ
Strongylis Polyneikis. Πεπλεγμένη πoροχημικομηχανική ανάλυση ταμιευτήρων αποθήκευσης CO2.
Research Projects
Γεωμηχανική και περιβάλλον της γεωλογικής αποθήκευσης CO2
Without Type
Παπαμίχος Ευριπίδης
Χαραλαμπάκης Νικόλαος
Αντοχή υλικών και δομικών στοιχείων
Without Type
Berntsen A.N
Papamichos Euripides
A finite element study of the factors influencing rock nail pullout resistance
48th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2014
48th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2014: Rock Mechanics Across Length and Time Scales
Minneapolis - United States
vol.3 p.2179-2188
Without Type
Papamichos Euripides
Furui K
Sand production initiation criteria and their validation
47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2013
47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2013
San Francisco - United States
vol.1 p.198-206
Without Type
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Rock nail reinforcement of a free surface
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
vol.36 no.2 p.203-218
Without Type
Wang Y
Papamichos E
Sand prediction by different criteria and a validation by a perforated test in a sandstone
Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Heavy Oil Conference Canada 2012
Calgary, AB, Canada
vol.2 p.1628-1636
Without Type
Han K
Shepstone G
Harmawan I
Er U
Jusoh H
Sue Lin L
Pringle D
Koya R
Carney S
Barker L
Morita N
, et al
A comprehensive study of sanding rate from a gas field: from reservoir to completion, production, and surface facilities
SPE Journal
vol.16 no.2 p.463-481
Without Type
Papamichos E
Tronvoll J
Skjærstein A
Unander T. E
Hole stability of Red Wildmoor sandstone under anisotropic stresses and sand production criterion
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
vol.72 no.1-2 p.78-92
Papamichos E
Sulem J
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
vol.14 no.8-9 p.945-948
Papamichos E
Erosion and multiphase flow in porous media: Application to sand production
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
vol.14 no.1-10 p.1129-1154
Papamichos E
Continua with microstructure: Cosserat theory
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
vol.14 no.1-10 p.1011-1029
Papamichos E
Borehole failure analysis in a sandstone under anisotropic stresses
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
vol.34 no.6 p.581-603
Papamichos E
Analysis of borehole failure modes and pore pressure effects
Computers and Geotechnics
vol.37 no.1-2 p.141-152
Without Type
Cerasi P. R
Berntsen A. N
Stenebråten J. F
Papamichos E
Use of volumetric sand production tool on field data to help plan oil production strategy
44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 5th US/Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium
Salt Lake City, UT
Papamichos E
Cerasi P
Stenebråten J. F
Berntsen A. N
Ojala I
Vardoulakis I
Brignoli M
Fuh G.-F
Han G
Nadeem A
Ray P
, et al
Sand production rate under multiphase flow and water breakthrough
44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium - 5th US/Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium
Salt Lake City, UT
Rangelov T. V
Manolis G. D
Free surface wave motion in a half-plane with quadratic-type inhomogeneity
Papanastasiou P
Papamichos E
Zervos A
Stavropoulou M
9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics - Proceedings of Vardoulakis mini-symposia
Limassol, Cyprus
Without Type
Han G
Shepstone K
Harmawan I
Er U
Jusoh H
Lin L. S
Pringle D
Koya R
Carney S
Barker L
Morita N
, et al
A comprehensive study of sanding rate from a gas field: From reservoir, completion, production, to surface facilities
Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
New Orleans, LA
vol.1 p.225-247
Papamichos E
Flatebø R
Stenebråten J. F
A model for destructured and water sensitive chalk
Computational Geomechanics, COMGEO I - Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics
Juan-les-Pins, Antibes, France
Without Type
Fjær E
Papamichos E
The variable rate of sand production captured by an analytical model
SHIRMS 2008: 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium
Perth, Australia
Papamichos E
Stenebråten J
Cerasi P
Lavrov A
Vardoulakis I
Fuh G.-F
Brignoli M
De Castro G. C. J
Havmøller O
Rock type and hole failure pattern effects on sand production
42nd U.S. Rock Mechanics - 2nd U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium
San Francisco, CA
Vardoulakis I
Papamichos E
Two-phase flow modeling of water breakthrough on cavity tests
6th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Baxevanis Theocharis
Papamichos Euripides
Compactive cataclastic flow in Tufeau de Maastricht calcarenite: mechanical deformation and permeability reduction
Exadaktylos GE
Vardoulakis I. G
Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Geomechanics
7th International Workshop on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Geomechanics
Chania, Greece
Papanicolopulos S.-A
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Analysis of failure types and size effects in flat indentation on natural building stones
8th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics
Patras, Greece
Without Type
Baxevanis T
Papamichos E
Flornes O
Larsen I
Compaction bands and induced permeability reduction in Tuffeau de Maastricht calcarenite
Acta Geotechnica
vol.1 no.2 p.123-135
Baxevanis Th
Papamichos E
Flornes O
Larsen I
Compaction bands and induced permeability reduction in Tufeau de Maastricht calcarenite
Acta Geotechnica
vol.1 no.2 p.123-135
Hettema M. H
Andrews J. S
Blaasmo M
Papamichos E
Wellbore integrity, sand management, and frac pack: Sand production in the Statfjord field
JPT, Journal of Petroleum Technology
vol.58 no.9 p.107-112
Papamichos E
Sand production: physical and experimental evidence
Revue Européenne de Génie Civil
vol.10 no.6-7 p.803-816
Without Type
Papamichos E
Papanicolopulos S.-A
Larsen I
Mechanical properties and damage diagnosis of natural building stones
Kourkoulis S. K
Fracture and failure of natural building stones - Aprications in the restoration of ancient monuments
Without Type
Hettema M
Andrews J
Blaasmo M
Papamichos E
The relative importance of drawdown and depletion in sanding wells: predictive models compared with data from the Statfjord field
SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA
Hettema M. H
Andrews U. S
Blaasmo M
Papamichos E
The relative importance of drawdown and depletion in sanding wells: Predictive models compared with data from the Statfjord field MM
Proceedings - SPE International Symposium on Formation Damage Control
Lafayette, LA
vol.2006 p.1-14
Li L
Papamichos E
Cerasi P
Investigation of sand production mechanisms using DEM with fluid flow
Cotthem A. V
Charlier R
Thimus J. F
Tshibangu J. P
Eurock 2006: Multiphysics coupling and long term behaviour in rock mechanics: Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics
Liege, Belgium
Taylor & Francis
Without Type
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Sand erosion with a porosity diffusion law
Computers and Geotechnics
vol.32 no.1 p.47-58
Without Type
Cerasi P
Papamichos E
Stenebraten J. F
Quantitative sand-production prediction: Friction-dominated flow model
2005 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lavrov A
Cerasi P
Papamichos E
Numerical modeling of sand production mechanisms with displacement discontinuity method
67th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE Conference and Exhibition, incorporating SPE EUROPE2005 - Extended Abstracts
Feria de Madrid, Spain
Without Type
Papamichos E
Plasticity model for stress-release induced damage
International Journal of Geomechanics
vol.4 no.1 p.13-18
Vairaktaris E
Vardoulakis I
Papamichos E
Dougalis V
Subsidence diffusion-convection. II. The inverse problem
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
vol.193 no.27-29 p.2761-2770
Vardoulakis I
Vairaktaris E
Papamichos E
Subsidence diffusion-convection: I. The direct problem
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
vol.193 no.27-29 p.2745-2760
Without Type
Stavropoulou M
Exadaktylos G
Papamichos E
Larsen I
Ringstad C
Rayleigh wave propagation in intact and damaged geomaterials
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
vol.40 no.3 p.377-387
Without Type
Hettema M
Papamichos E
Schutjens P
Subsidence delay: field observations and analysis
Oil and Gas Science and Technology
vol.57 no.5 p.443-458
Without Type
Papamichos E
Sand mass prediction in a North Sea reservoir
Proceedings of the SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering Conference
Irving, TX
Without Type
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Tronvoll J
Skjrstein A
Volumetric sand production model and experiment
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
vol.25 no.8 p.789-808
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Heil L. K
Overburden modeling above a compacting reservoir using a trap door apparatus
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy
vol.26 no.1-2 p.69-74
Papamichos E
Malmanger E. M
A sand-erosion model for volumetric sand predictions in a North Sea reservoir
SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering
vol.4 no.1 p.44
Without Type
Papamichos E
Tronvoll J
Vardoulakis I
Labuz J. F
Skjærstein A
Unander T. E
Sulem J
Constitutive testing of Red Wildmoor sandstone
Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials
vol.5 no.1 p.1-40
Van Den Hoek P. J
Hertogh G. M. M
Kooijman A. P
De Bree Ph
Kenter C. J
Papamichos E
New concept of sand production prediction: theory and laboratory experiments
SPE Drilling and Completion
vol.15 no.4 p.261-273
Without Type
Papamichos E
Constitutive laws for geomaterials
Oil and Gas Science and Technology
vol.54 no.6 p.759-771
Sulem Jean
Vardoulakis Ioannis
Papamichos Euripides
Oulahna Ahmed
Tronvoll Johan
Elasto-plastic modelling of Red Wildmoor sandstone
Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials
vol.4 no.3 p.215-245
Wang Y
Papamichos E
Thermal effects on fluid flow and hydraulic fracturing from wellbores and cavities in low-permeability formations
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
vol.23 no.15 p.1819-1834
Without Type
Vardoulakis I
Labuz J. F
Papamichos E
Tronvoll J
Continuum fracture mechanics of uniaxial compression on brittle materials
International Journal of Solids and Structures
vol.35 no.31-32 p.4313-4335
Without Type
Papamichos E
Brignoli M
Schei G
Compaction in soft weak rocks due to water flooding
Proceedings of the SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering Conference
Trondheim, Norway
vol.2 p.411-417
Without Type
Papamichos E
Brignoli M
Santarelli F. J
Experimental and theoretical study of a partially saturated collapsible rock
Mechanics of Cohesive-Frictional Materials
vol.2 no.3 p.251-278
Tronvoll J
Skjaerstein A
Papamichos E
Sand production: mechanical failure or hydrodynamic erosion
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
vol.34 no.3-4 p.465
Unander T. E
Papamichos E
Tonvoll J
Skjaerstein A
Flow geometry effects on sand production from an oil producing perforation cavity
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts
vol.34 no.3-4 p.464
Without Type
Labuz J. F
Dai S.-T
Papamichos E
Plane-strain compression of rock-like materials
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics
vol.33 no.6 p.573-584
Without Type
van den Hoek P. J
Hertogh G. M. M
Kooijman A. P
de Bree Ph
Kenter C. J
Papamichos E
New concept of sand production prediction: theory and laboratory experiments
Proceedings - SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
Denver, CO
vol.Delta p.19-33
Without Type
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Shear band formation in sand according to non-coaxial plasticity model
vol.45 no.4 p.649-661
Without Type
Papamichos E
Labuz J. F
Vardoulakis I
A surface instability detection apparatus
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
vol.27 no.1 p.37-56
Yarlong Wang
Papamichos E
Conductive heat flow and thermally induced fluid flow around a well bore in a poroelastic medium
Water Resources Research
vol.30 no.12 p.3375-3384
Without Type
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Ouadfel H
Permeability reduction due to grain crushing around a perforation
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and
vol.30 no.7 p.1223-1229
Without Type
Vardoulakis I
Papamichos E
Surface instabilities in elastic anisotropic media with surface-parallel griffith cracks
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts
vol.28 no.2-3 p.163-173
Without Type
Papamichos E
Vardoulakis I
Muhlhaus H.-B
Buckling of layered elastic media: a Cosserat-continuum approach and its validation
International Journal for Numerical & Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
vol.14 no.7 p.473-498
Aktualisiert: 2018-09-27