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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Margarita Papazachariadou
Professor, School of Veterinary Sciences
Personal Information
Scopus IDs
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases II Theory
Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases II Practise
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Without Type
Giadinis Nektarios
Terpsidis K
Diakou Anastasia
Siarkou Victoria
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Osman R
Karatzias Charilaos
Papazachariadou Margarita
Massive Toxoplasma abortions in a dairy sheep flock and therapeutic evaluation of two sulfadimidine regimens
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Published Version
vol.35 no. 3 p. 207-211
Without Type
Papazachariadou Margarita
Papadopoulos Ilias
Diakou Anastasia
Ptochos Socrates
Gastrointestinal Parasites of Stabled and Grazing Horses in Central and Northern Greece
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
vol.29 no.4 p.233-236
Without Type
Giadinis Nektarios
Papadopoulos Ilias
Lafi Shawkat
Panousis Nikolaos
Papazachariadou Margarita
Karatzias Charilaos
Efficacy of halofuginone lacate for the treatment and prevention of cryptosporidiosis in goat kids: an extensive field trial
Small Ruminant Research
vol.76 p.195-200
Giadinis Nektarios
Papadopoulos Ilias
Panousis Nikolaos
Papazachariadou Margarita
Lafi S
Karatzias Charilaos
Efficacy of halofuginone lactate on treatment and prevention of kid cryptosporidiosis: An extensive field trial
Small Ruminant Research
Without Type
Symeonidou Isaia
Diakou Anastasia
Papazachariadou Margarita
Novel approached to the successful control of the avian coccidia
Advances and Challenges in Poultry Science : 1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA: Proceedings
1st Mediterranean Summit of WPSA "Advances and Challenges in Poultry Science"
Without Type
Giadinis Nektarios
Papadopoulos Ilias
Panousis Nikolaos
Papazachariadou Margarita
Lafi S. Q
Karatzias Charilaos
Effect of halofuginone lactate on treatment and prevention of lamb cryptosporidiosis: an extensive field trial
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
vol.30 p.578-582
Giadinis Nektarios
Brellou Georgia
Pourliotis K
Papazachariadou Margarita
Sofianidis G
Poutahidis Theofilos
Panousis Nikolaos
Coenurosis in a beef cattle herd in Greece
Veterinary Record
vol.161 no.20 p.697-698
Papazachariadou Margarita
Athanasiadis Georgios
Papadopoulos Ilias
Symeonidou I
Chatzistylianou Maria
Castellani M. L
Bhattacharya K
Shanmugham L. N
Conti P
Frydas Stavros
Involvement of NK cells against tumors and parasites
International Journal of Biological Markers
vol.22 no.2 p.144-153
Papazahariadou M. G
Founta A
Papadopoulos Ilias
Chliounakis S
Antoniadou-Sotiriadou K
Theodorides Y
Gastrointestinal parasites of shepherd and hunting dogs in the Serres Prefecture, Northern Greece
Veterinary parasitology
vol.148 p.170-173
Φούντα Α
Παπαζαχαριάδου Μ
Παπαδόπουλος Ηλίας
Χλειουνάκης Σ
Αντωνιάδου-Σωτηριάδου Κ
Καραμήτρος Α
Εφραιμίδης Κ
Γαστρεντερικά παράσιτα των βουβαλιών σε περιοχές της Μακεδονίας
Επιθεώρηση Ζωοτεχνικής Επιστήμης
vol.36 p.15-21
Without Type
Frydas S. E
Papaioannou N. G
Papazahariadou M. G
Hatzistilianou M
Karagouni E
Trakatelli M
Brellou G. D
Petrarca C
Castellani M. L
Conti P
Riccioni G
, et al
Inhibition of MCP-1 and MIP-2 chemokines in murine trichinellosis: effect of the anti-inflammatory compound L-mimosine
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology
vol.18 (1) p.85-94
Without Type
Christaki-Sarikaki Efterpi
Florou-Paneri Panagiota
Giannenas Ilias
Papazachariadou Margarita
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Spais Alexandros
Effect of a mixture of herbal extracts on broiler chickens infected with eimeria tenella
Animal Research
vol.53 no.2 p.137-144
Florou-Paneri Panagiota
Christaki-Sarikaki Efterpi
Giannenas Ilias
Papazachariadou Margarita
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Spais Alexandros
Effect of dietary olympus tea (sideritis scardica) supplementation on performance of chickens challenged with eimeria tenella
Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
vol.13 no.2 p.301-311
Papazachariadou Margarita
Papadopoulos Ilias
Frydas Stavros
Mavrovouniotis C
Constantinidis T. C
Antoniadou Konstantinia
Siochu A
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the Greek population: local people and refugees
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.17 p.194-198
Without Type
Frydas S. E
Papazahariadou M. G
Papaioannou N. G
Hatzistilianou M
Trakatellis M
Merlitti D
Di Gioacchino M
Grilli A
DeLutiis M. A
Riccioni G
Conti P
, et al
Effect of the compound L-mimosine in an in vivo model of chronic granuloma formation induced by potassium permanganate (KMNO4)
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology
vol.16 no.2 p.99-104
Giannenas Ilias
Florou-Paneri Panagiota
Papazachariadou Margarita
Christaki-Sarikaki Efterpi
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Spais Alexandros
Effect of dietary supplementation with oregano essential oil on performance of broilers after experimental infection with eimeria tenella
Archives of Animal Nutrition
vol.57 no.2 p.99-106
Iordanidis P. I
Papazahariadou M. G
Georgiades G. K
Papaioannou N. G
Frydas S. E
Cloacal prolapse in ostrich chicks with histomoniosis
Veterinary Record
vol.153 no.14 p.434-435
Papazachariadou Margarita
Saridomichelakis Emmanouil
Koutinas Alexandros
Papadopoulos Ilias
Leontides L. S
Tick infestation of dogs in Thessaloniki, northern Greece
Medical and veterinary entomology
vol.17 p.110-113
Without Type
Pyrovetsi M
Papazahariadou M
Mortality factors of Dalmatian Pelicans (Pelecanus crispus) wintering in Macedonia, Greece
Environmental Conservation
vol.22 no.4 p.345-351
Without Type
Charalampidis Stylianos
Papazachariadou Margarita
Lazaridou Maria
Himonas C
Kattoulas M
Contribution to the parasitological study of the commercialized snails of Greece. Parasites of the snails Helix aspersa Muller and Helix lucorum L. from the Greek mainland
Biologia Gallo-Hellenica
vol.10 p.143-148
Aktualisiert: 2018-05-17