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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Iosif Kioseoglou
Associate Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Ηλεκτρονική Μικροσκοπία και Δομικές Ιδιότητες Στερεών
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Θετικές επιστήμες, Μαθηματικά και Πληροφορική
Φυσικές επιστήμες
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής/Θετικών επιστημών
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής/Θετικών επιστημών
Φυσική των Υλικών
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Φυσικής/Θετικών επιστημών
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2016–17 academic year
Physics I: mechanics and waves
Physics I (Mechanics)
Computational Methods in Applied Physics
Computational Statistical Physics
Computational Physics and Applications
Courses of Spring semester of 2016–17 academic year
Introductory Physics Laboratory
Computational Methods in Applied Physics
Computational Statistical Physics
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Technologies and Materials
Physics of Materials
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
. "Επιφανειακές ιδιότητες λεπτών υμενίων νιτριδίων αλουμινίου: Μετρήσεις γωνίας επαφής και ελεύθερη επιφανειακή ενέργεια"
. "Μοντελοποίηση και προσομοιώσεις μοριακής δυναμικής νανοδομών CdTe σε μήτρα PbTe"
. "Δομικά μοντέλα υλικών τεχνολογίας σε ατομικό επίπεδο με υπολογιστικές μεθόδους ανάλυσης", Συγγραφή στην αγγλική: "Atomic scale structural modeling of technology materials via computational analysis methods"
. "Προσομοίωση σχηματισμού νανοκρυστάλλων νιτριδίου του γαλλίου σε άμορφη μήτρα διοξειδίου του πυριτίου με τη μέθοδο μοριακής δυναμικής και ανάλυσης των φυσικών ιδιοτήτων τους"
In progress
. "Υπολογιστική μελέτη δομικών ιδιοτήτων προηγμένων λειτουργικών νανοδομών" ("Computational study on structural properties of advanced functional nanostructures")
. "Προσομοιώσεις του InxGa1-xN με τη μέθοδο grand canonical Monte Carlo"
. "Ατομική μοντελοποίηση, αναδομήσεις και επιμέρους επιφάνειες που απαρτίζουν την επιφάνεια (112)Β του GaAs: δομικές και ηλεκτρονικές ιδιότητες από υπολογισμούς πρώτων αρχών"
. Υπολογισμοί πρώτων αρχών και εμπειρικού δυναμικού των δομικών και ηλεκτρονικών ιδιοτήτων διεπιφανειών ημιαγωγών νιτριδίων
. "Προσομοιώσεις και μοντέλα nanowires και interfaces ημιαγωγικών ενώσεων της ομάδας ΙΙΙ-Νιτριδίων"
. "Ατομιστικοί υπολογισμοί διεπιφανειών ημιαγωγικών νανοδιατάξεων"
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, Επιτροπή Υποδοχής Πρωτοετών Φοιτητών
Member, Επιτροπή εκδόσεων
Member, Επιτροπή οργάνωσης συλλογής στοιχείων εκθέσεων δραστηριότητας & διδακτικής ικανότητας
Member, Επιτροπή ιστοτόπου ανταλλαγής απόψεων και πληροφοριών
Research Projects
ΔΡΑΣΗ Β: Ενίσχυση νέων ερευνητών στη βαθμίδα του επίκουρου καθηγητή:Νανοδομές ΙΙΙ-Ν ημιαγωγών στη φωτοβολταϊκή τεχνολογία
Συμμετοχές σε συντακτικές επιτροπές περιοδικών
Συμμετοχή σε επιτροπή επιστημονικού συνεδρίου
International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors
Προσκλήσεις για Διαλέξεις
Σε Πανεπιστήμια και άλλους φορείς
Integrated methodology for the microstructural and energetical characterization of interfacial defects- large scale energetic
Institute of Physics – Polish Academy of Sciences στη Βαρσοβία Πολωνίας European Community program Centre of Excellence CEPHEUS
Kioseoglou Iosif
Pavloudis Th
Kehagias Th
Komninou Philomela
Karakostas Theodoros
Latham C. D
Rayson M. J
Briddon P. R
Eickhoff M
Structural and electronic properties of GaN nanowires with embedded InxGa1−xN nanodisks
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.118 no.3 p.034301
Kioseoglou Iosif
Pontikis V
Κομνηνού Φιλομήλα
Pavloudis Th
Chen J
Karakostas Theodoros
Energetic, structural and electronic properties of metal vacancies in strained AlN/GaN interfaces
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
vol.27 no.12 p.125006
Zíková Markéta
Hospodková Alice
Pangrác Jiří
Oswald Jiří
Krčil Pavel
Hulicius Eduard
Komninou Philomela
Kioseoglou Iosif
MOVPE prepared InAs/GaAs quantum dots covered by GaAsSb layer with long wavelength emission at 1.8µm
Journal of Crystal Growth
vol.414 no.C p.167-171
Cassidy Cathal
Kioseoglou Iosif
Singh Vidyadhar
Grammatikopoulos Panagiotis
Lal Chhagan
Sowwan Mukhles
Endotaxially stabilized B2-FeSi nanodots in Si (100) via ion beam co-sputtering
Applied Physics Letters
vol.104 no.16 p.161903
Koukoula T
Kioseoglou Iosif
Kechagias Thomas
Ajagunna A. O
Komninou Philomela
Georgakilas A
Self-annihilation of inversion domains by high energy defects in III-Nitrides
Applied Physics Letters
vol.104 no.14 p.141914
Bairamis A. I
Adikimenakis A
Aijagunna A.O
Kechagias Thomas
Dimitrakopoulos Georgios
Kioseoglou Iosif
Komninou Philomela
Zervos C
Kuzmik J
Georgakilas A
Different polarities of InN (0001) heterostructures on Si (111) substrates
Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2014 10th International Conference on
Advanced Semiconductor Devices & Microsystems (ASDAM), 2014 10th International Conference on
Hospodková A
Oswald J
Pangrác J
Zíková M
Kubištová J
Komninou Philomela
Kioseoglou Iosif
Kuldová K
Hulicius E
Combined vertically correlated InAs and GaAsSb quantum dots separated by triangular GaAsSb barrier
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.114 no.17 p.174305
Kechagias Thomas
Dimitrakopulos Georgios
Becker P
Kioseoglou Iosif
Furtmayr F
Koukoula T
Hausler I
Chernikov A
Chatterjee S
Karakostas Theodoros
Solowan H-M
, et al
Nanostructure and strain in InGaN/GaN superlattices grown in GaN nanowires
vol.24 no.43 p.435702
Kioseoglou Iosif
Atomic scale modeling of edge a-type dislocations in InN
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Kioseoglou Iosif
Koukoula T
Komninou Philomela
Georgakilas A
Androulidaki M
Kechagias Thomas
Nanostructural and electronic properties of polytypes in InN nanocolumns
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.114 no.7 p.074 - 312
Pervolaraki M
Komninou Philomela
Kioseoglou Iosif
Athanasopoulos G.I
Giapintzakis J
Si nanostructures grown by picosecond high repetition rate pulsed laser deposition
Applied Surface Science
Pervolaraki M
Komninou Philomela
Kioseoglou Iosif
Othonos A
Giapintzakis J
Ultrafast pulsed laser deposition of carbon nanostructures: Structural and optical characterization
Applied Surface Science
Zervos M
Othonos A
Tsokkou D
Kioseoglou Iosif
Pavlidou Eleni
Komninou Philomela
Structural properties of SnO2 nanowires and the effect of donor like defects on its charge distribution
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Kalesaki E
Lymperakis L
Kioseoglou J
Neugebauer J
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Reconstructions and electronic structure of (11-22) and (11-2-2) semipolar AlN surfaces
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.112 no.033510
Kioseoglou J
Lotsari A
Kalesaki E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Interfaces between nonpolar and semipolar III-nitride semiconductor orientations: Structure and defects
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.111 no.3
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Atomistic modeling and HRTEM simulations of misfit dislocations in InN/GaN interfaces
Applied Surface Science
vol.260 p.23-28
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Atomistic modeling and HRTEM analysis of misfit dislocations in InN/GaN heterostructures
Applied Surface Science
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Effect of doping on screw threading dislocations in AlN and their role as conductive nanowires
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
vol.9 no.3-4 p.484-487
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Lymperakis L
Neugebauer J
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Semipolar {11-22} AlN surfaces: Morphology and electronic properties
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Electronic properties of polar and semipolar AlN/GaN heterostructures
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Koukoula T
Ajagunna A. O
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Polytypism in InN nanopillars grown on Si(111)
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Koukoula T
Ajagunna A. O
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Crystal and Electronic Properties of Polytypes in InN Nanopillars
Kioseoglou Iosif
Kalesaki E
Lymperakis L
Neugebauer J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Theodoros
Ab initio study of semipolar III-Nitride surface morphologies
Πρακτικά 28ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
XVIII Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης και Επιστήμης Υλικών
Πάτρα, Ελλάδα
Kioseoglou J
Pontikis V
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Diffusion through AlN/GaN interfaces
Kioseoglou J
Koukoula T
Kehagias Th
Furtmayr F
Eickhoff M
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Interfacial structure of GaN nanowires on treated Al2O3 substrates
Kioseoglou J
Koukoula T
Kehagias Th
Ajagunna A. O
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Structural polytypes in InN nanopillars
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Lymperakis L
Neugebauer J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Semipolar III-Nitride surfaces: Structural and Electronic Properties
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
InN/GaN Quantum Well Heterostructures: Structural Characteristics and Strain Induced Modifications of the Electronic Properties
International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films 2012
San Diego, CA, USA
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Role of Screw Threading Dislocations as Conductive One-Dimensional Nanostructures in AlN
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Zacharopoulos M
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Misfit relaxation in non-polar (1-100) AlN/GaN interfaces
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopoulos G. P
Lotsari A
Kehagias Th
Zacharopoulos M
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Structure of homophase and heterophase interfaces in nonpolar III-Nitride epilayers
Πρακτικά 28ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Komninou Ph
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Karakostas Th
Soumelidou M
Electron energy loss near edge structure (ELNES) of InxAl1-xN alloys
Komninou Ph
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Furtmayr F
Eickhoff M
Karakostas Th
Koukoula T
Structural analysis of catalyst-free growth of GaN nanowires on Al2O3 substrates
Koukoula T
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Ajagunna A. O
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Polytypism in InN Nanopillars Grown on Si: Structural and Electronic Properties
Πρακτικά 28ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Pervolaraki M
Komninou Ph
Kioseoglou J
Othonos A
Giapintzakis J
Structural and optical characterization of carbon nanostructures produced by picosecond ultra fast pulsed laser deposition
Πρακτικά 28ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Pervolaraki M
Komninou Ph
Kioseoglou J
Othonos A
Athanasopoulos G. I
Giapintzakis J
Si and C nanostructures fabricated by picosecond high repetition rate pulsed laser deposition
Pervolaraki M
Komninou Ph
Kioseoglou J
Othonos A
Athanasopoulos G. I
Giapintzakis J
Picosecond high-repetition-rate pulsed laser deposition of elemental nanostructures of Silicon and Carbon
Pervolaraki M
Komninou Ph
Kioseoglou J
Feraru I. D
Grigorescu C. E. A
Othonos A
Athanasopoulos G. I
Giapintzakis J
Si and C nanostructures grown by high repetition rate pulsed laser deposition
Soumelidou M. M
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Structure and Electronic Properties of InGaN/GaN Nanowires using EELS
Soumelidou M. M
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) study of InGaN and InAlN alloys
Soumelidou M. M
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) of InGaN and InAlN alloys
Πρακτικά 28ου Πανελλήνιου Συνεδρίου Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Lymperakis L
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Effect of edge threading dislocations on the electronic structure of InN
Applied Physics Letters
vol.98 no.7
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Indium adsorption and incorporation mechanisms in AlN
Journal of Materials Science
vol.46 no.12 p.4377-4388
Kehagias Th
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Giesen C
Heuken M
Georgakilas A
Neumann W
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Erratum: Indium migration paths in V-defects of InAlN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (Applied Physics Letters (2009) 95 (071905))
Applied Physics Letters
vol.99 no.5
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Lymperakis L
Neugebauer J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Electronic structure of 1/6〈202̄3〉 partial dislocations in wurtzite GaN
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.109 no.8
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Screw threading dislocations in AlN: Structural and electronic properties of in and O doped material
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.110 no.5
Kehagias Th
Koukoula T
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Furtmayr F
Neumann W
Eickhoff M
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Interfacial Phenomena in InGaN/GaN Superlattices Embedded in Spontaneously Grown GaN Nanowires
27ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Λεμεσός, Κύπρος
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Effect of Screw Threading Dislocations on the Optoelectronic Properties of AlN
27ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Limassol, Cyprus
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Lotsari A
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Lahourcade L
Das A
Monroy E
Hausler I
Kirmse H
Neumann W
, et al
Self-assembled Quantum Dot Superlattices in Semipolar (11-22) III-Nitrides: Stoichiometry, Strain State and Morphology
EMRS-2011 Fall meeting
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Lymperakis L
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Nanoscale effects of threading dislocations on the n-type conductivity of InN
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Lymperakis L
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Effect of Edge Threading Dislocations on the n-type Conductivity of InN
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Lymperakis L
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
a-edge Threading Dislocations in InN: Energetic Stability and Effect on the Optoelectronic Properties
MRS 2011 Fall meeting
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Threading dislocations in InN: Electronic structure and correlation with the n-type conductivity
EMRS-2011 Fall meeting
Kehagias Th
Koukoula T
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Furthmayr F
Eickhoff M
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Nanoscale Properties of InGaN Quantum Disks Grown in GaN Nanowires
EMRS-2011 Fall meeting
Kehagias Th
Koukoula T
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Furtmayr F
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Eickhoff M
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Nanostructure of InGaN/GaN Superlattices in GaN Nanowires
MRS 2011 Fall Meeting
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Koukoula T
Ajagunna A. O
Georgakilas A
Komninou Ph
Nanostructure and identification of polytypes in InN nanocolumns
EMRS-2011 Fall meeting
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Interfacial structures of (Al,In)N/GaN through atomistic modelling and HRTEM image simulations
EMRS-2011 Fall meeting
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Screw threading dislocations as conductive nanowires in AlN
EMRS-2011 Fall meeting
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Structural and electronic properties of decorated screw dislocation cores in AlN
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Belabbas I
Chen J
Nouet G
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Screw Threading Dislocations as Conductive Nanowires in AlN: Role of Doping
MRS 2011 Fall meeting
Koukoula T
Kehagias Th
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Furtmayr F
Eickhoff M
Häusler I
Neumann W
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
InGaN Nanostructures Embedded in GaN Nanowires
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Ajagunna A
Kioseoglou J
Kerasiotis I
Nouet G
Vajpeyi A. P
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Microstructure of N-face InN grown on Si (111) by plasma-assisted MBE using a thin GaN-lN buffer layer
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.207 no.5 p.1074-1078
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Lotsari A
Lahourcade L
Monroy E
Häusler I
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Jurczak G
, et al
Morphology and strain of self-assembled semipolar GaN quantum dots in (112̄2) AlN
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.108 no.10
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Lotsari A
Lahourcade L
Monroy E
Hausler I
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Jurczak G
, et al
Strain State and Internal Polarization of Semipolar (11-22)-oriented GaN Quantum Dots in AlN
26ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Soumelidou M. M
Kalesaki E
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Electron energy loss near edge structure of InxAl1-xN alloys
26ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Belabbes A
Kioseoglou J
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Energetics of oxygen adsorption and incorporation at InN polar surface: A first-principles study
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics
vol.6 suppl.2 p.S364-S367
Belabbes A
Kioseoglou J
Komninou P
Evangelakis G. A
Ferhat M
Karakostas T
Magnesium adsorption and incorporation in InN (0001) and (0 0 0 (1)over-bar) surfaces: A first-principles study
Applied Surface Science
vol.255 no.20 p.8475-8482
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kalesaki E
Komninou Ph
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Karakostas Th
Strain accommodation and interfacial structure of AlN interlayers in GaN
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.44 no.10 p.1170-1180
Kehagias Th
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Giesen C
Heuken M
Georgakilas A
Neumann W
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Indium migration paths in V-defects of InAlN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy
Applied Physics Letters
vol.95 no.7
Kioseoglou J
Konstantopoulos I
Ribarik G
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Aifantis E. C
Erratum: Nonsingular dislocation and crack fields: Implications to small volumes (Microsyst Technol (2009) 15:117121 DOI 10.1007/s00542-008-0700-6)
Microsystem Technologies
vol.15 no.12 p.1897
Kioseoglou J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Core models of a-edge threading dislocations in wurtzite III(Al, Ga, In)-nitrides
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.206 no.8 p.1931-1935
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Lymperakis L
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Polar AlN/GaN interfaces: Structures and energetics
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.206 no.8 p.1892-1897
Kioseoglou J
Konstantopoulos I
Ribarik G
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Aifantis E. C
Nonsingular dislocation and crack fields: implications to small volumes (vol 15, pg 117, 2009)
Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems
vol.15 no.12 p.1897-1897
Kioseoglou J
Konstantopoulos I
Ribarik G
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Aifantis E. C
Nonsingular dislocation and crack fields: implications to small volumes
Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems
vol.15 no.1 p.117-121
Sahonta S. L
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Kioseoglou J
Adikimenakis A
Iliopoulos E
Georgakilas A
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Komninou P
Mechanism of compositional modulations in epitaxial InAlN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Applied Physics Letters
vol.95 no.2
Kalesaki E
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Lotsari A
Lahourcade L
Monroy E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou Ph
Morphological and structural characterization of polar and semipolar QDs
25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Kehagias Th
Sahonta S. L
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Kirmse H
Neumann W
Giesen C
Heuken M
Adikimenakis A
Georgakilas A
Karakostas Th
, et al
Mechanisms of Indium Segregation in MOVPE and MBE Grown InAlN Epilayers
25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Kioseoglou J
Kalesaki E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Atomic Scale Modelling by the use of a III-species Environment Approach: Implementation on Threading Dislocations and (Al,In)N/GaN Interfaces
25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Smalc-Koziorowska J
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
The nonpolar-semipolar boundaries in III-nitrides: Atomic structure and influence on defect introduction
25ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Sahonta S. L
Kioseoglou J
Vouroutzis N
Hausler I
Neumann W
Iliopoulos E
Georgakilas A
Karakostas T
Strain relaxation in AlN/GaN heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science
vol.205 no.11 p.2569-2572
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Delimitis A
Kioseoglou J
Sahonta S. L
Iliopoulos E
Georgakilas A
Karakostas T
Electron Microscopy Characterization of a Graded AlN/GaN Multilayer Grown by Plasma-Assisted MBE
Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2007
vol.120 p.65-68 497
Kioseoglou J
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Interatomic potential calculations of III(Al, In)-N planar defects with a III-species environment approach
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics
vol.245 no.6 p.1118-1124
Kioseoglou J
Komninou P
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Antoniades I. P
Hatalis M. K
Karakostas T
Crystallization of amorphous silicon thin films: comparison between experimental and computer simulation results
Journal of Materials Science
vol.43 no.11 p.3976-3981
Kioseoglou J
Kalessaki E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Study of InN/GaN interfaces using molecular dynamics
Journal of Materials Science
vol.43 no.11 p.3982-3988
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Aifantis E. C
Dislocation core investigation by geometric phase analysis and the dislocation density tensor
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
vol.41 no.3 p.035408-035408
Lari L
Murray R. T
Gass M. H
Bullough T. J
Chalker P. R
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Chèze C
, et al
Defect characterization and analysis of III-V nanowires grown by Ni-promoted MBE
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.205 no.11 p.2589-2592
Sahonta S. L
Komninou Ph
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Kioseoglou J
Karakostas Th
Salcianu C
Thrush E. J
Microstructure of defects in InGaN/GaN quantum well heterostructures
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Sahonta S. L
Komninou P
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Kioseoglou J
Karakostas T
Salcianu C
Thrush E. J
Microstructure of defects in InGaN/GaN quantum well heterostructures - art. no. 012048
Emag: Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2007
vol.126 p.12048-12048 668
Smaic-Koziorowska J
Komninou P
Sahonta S. L
Kioseoglou J
Tsiakatouras G
Georgakilas A
Electron microscopy investigation of extended defects in a-plane gallium nitride layers grown on r-plane sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy
Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 5, No 12 2008
vol.5 no.12 p.3748-3751 323
Belkadi A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Jurczak G
Young T. D
Dluzewski P
Komninou Ph
A method for atomistic/continuum analysis of defects in large HRTEM images
Richter S
Schwedt A
Proceedings of the 14th European Microscopy Congress 2008 (EMC2008)
Aachen, Germany
vol.2: Materials Science p.639-640
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Smalc-Koziorowska J
Kalessaki E
Sahonta S. L
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Interfacial structures and defects in nitride compound semiconductors studied at the atomic scale
24ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Kalessaki E
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
Misfit analysis of the InN/GaN interface through HRTEM image simulations
Richter S
Schwedt A
Proceedings of the 14th European Microscopy Congress 2008 (EMC2008)
vol.2: Materials Science p.651-652
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias Th
Kalessaki E
Komninou Ph
Karakostas Th
HRTEM observations and simulations of InN/GaN interfacial structure
24ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Bakin A
Kioseoglou J
Pecz B
El-Shaer A
Mofor A. C
Stoemenos J
Waag A
Misfit reduction by a spinel layer formed during the epitaxial growth of ZnO on sapphire using a MgO buffer layer
Journal of Crystal Growth
vol.308 no.2 p.314-320
Delimitis A
Komninou P
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Kioseoglou J
Karakostas T
Nouet G
Strain distribution of thin InN epilayers grown on (0001) GaN templates by molecular beam epitaxy
Applied Physics Letters
vol.90 no.6
Young T. D
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Dluzewski P
Komninou P
3D modelling of misfit networks in the interface region of heterostructures
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
vol.40 no.13 p.4084-4091
Belabbas I
Dimitrakopulos G
Kioseoglou J
Bere A
Chen J
Komninou P
Ruterana P
Nouet G
Energetics of the 30 degrees Shockley partial dislocation in wurtzite GaN
Superlattices and Microstructures
vol.40 no.4-6 p.458-463
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Dimakis E
Georgakilas A
Nouet G
Komninou P
Structural properties of quaternary InAlGaN MQW grown by plasma-assisted MBE
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science
vol.203 no.9 p.2151-2155
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Karakostas T
Mixed partial dislocation core structure in GaN by high resolution electron microscopy
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science
vol.203 no.9 p.2156-2160
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Konstantopoulos I
Avlonitis M
Aifantis E. C
Analysis of partial dislocations in wurtzite GaN using gradient elasticity
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science
vol.203 no.9 p.2161-2166
Kioseoglou J
Béré A
Komninou P
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Nouet G
Iliopoulos E
Serra A
Karakostas T
Atomic simulations and HRTEM observations of a Σ 18 tilt grain boundary in GaN
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.202 no.5 p.799-803
Komninou P
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Karakostas T
Partial dislocations in wurtzite GaN
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science
vol.202 no.15 p.2888-2899
Kim I. W
Kwon Y. B
Yl J. M
Je J. H
Nouet G
Wojtowicz T
Ruterana P
Kioseoglou J
Twin formation in sputter-grown ZnO/Al2O3(0001) epitaxial film: A real time x-ray scattering study
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
vol.22 no.5 p.2159-2162
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou Ph
Polatoglou H. M
Serra A
Béré A
Nouet G
Karakostas Th
Junction lines of inversion domain boundaries with stacking faults in GaN
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.70 no.11 p.115331-1-115331-7
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou P
Karakostas T
Atomic structures and energies of partial dislocations in wurtzite GaN
Physical Review B
vol.70 no.3
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Delimitis A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kioseoglou J
Dimakis E
Georgakilas A
Karakostas T
Microstructural assessment of InN-on-GaN films grown by plasma-assisted MBE
Superlattices and Microstructures
vol.36 no.4-6 p.509-515
Kioseoglou J
Polatoglou H. M
Lymperakis L
Nouet G
Komninou P
A modified empirical potential for energetic calculations of planar defects in GaN
Computational Materials Science
vol.27 no.1-2 p.43-49
Kioseoglou J
Komninou P
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Polatoglou H. M
Nouet G
Karakostas T
Microstructure of planar defects and their interactions in wurtzite GaN films
Solid-State Electronics
vol.47 no.3 p.553-557
Kioseoglou J
Bere A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Serra A
Nouet G
Komninou P
Atomic structure and energy of junctions between inversion domain boundaries and stacking faults in wurtzite GaN
5Th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (Icns-5), Proceedings
p.2464-2469 922
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Polatoglou H. M
Lymperakis L
Nouet G
Komninou P
Atomic-scale models of interactions between inversion domain boundaries and intrinsic basal stacking faults in GaN
Diamond and Related Materials
vol.11 no.3-6 p.905-909
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Kioseoglou J
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Sampath A
Moustakas T. D
Nouet G
Karakostas T
Interfacial and defect structures in multilayered GaN/AlN films
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter
vol.14 no.48 p.13277-13283
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou Ph
Kioseoglou J
Kehagias Th
Sarigiannidou E
Georgakilas A
Nouet G
Karakostas Th
Structural transition of inversion domain boundaries through interactions with stacking faults in epitaxial GaN
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.64 no.24 p.2453251-24532512
Komninou P
Kioseoglou J
Sarigiannidou E
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Kehagias T
Georgakilas A
Nouet G
Ruterana P
Karakostas T
Interaction between basal stacking faults and prismatic inversion domain boundaries in GaN
vol.639 p.G3.44.1-G3.44.5
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Kioseoglou J
Sarigiannidou E
Karakostas T
Nouet G
Ruterana P
Amimer K
Mikroulis S
Georgakilas A
Microstructure of GaN films grown by RF-plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy
vol.639 p.G3.47.1-G3.47.6
Aktualisiert: 2017-07-18