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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Ioannis Stoumpoulos
Associate Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Non Linear Electric Circuits
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Ηλεκτρισμός και ενέργεια
Ηλεκτρονική και αυτοματισμός
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής/ Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Φυσικής/ Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Φυσικής/ Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Μη Γραμμικά Συστήματα
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Linear Circuits
Electric Circuits Laboratory
Applied Informatics Laboratory
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Non Linear Circuits
Electric Circuits Laboratory
Applied Informatics Laboratory
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
. "Μελέτη της δυναμικής συμπεριφοράς μη-γραμμικών κυκλωμάτων με στοιχεία μνήμης (Memristor, Memcapacitor, Meminductor)"
. "Μελέτη οικονομικών μοντέλων με τη χρήση μη-γραμμικών δυναμικών συστημάτων"
. "Έλεγχος της δυναμικής συμπεριφοράς συζευγμένων μη-γραμμικών κυκλωμάτων με μικροϋπολογιστές"
Tacha Ourania
Volos Christos
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Analysis, adaptive control and circuit simulation of a novel finance system with dissaving
Archives of Control Sciences
vol.26 no.1
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
A chaotic path planning generator for autonomous mobile robots
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
vol.60 no.4 p.651-656
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Stavrinides S. G
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Ozer M
The concept of unidirectionally coupled nonlinear circuits via a memristor
Acta Physica Polonica A
vol.121 no.1 p.268-270
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Experimental In-out Synchronization-intermittency between two Bidirectionally Coupled Circuits
Journal of Concrete & Applicable Mathematics
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Various synchronization phenomena in bidirectionally coupled double scroll circuits
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
vol.16 no.8 p.3356-3366
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Anti-phase and inverse π-lag synchronization in coupled duffing-type circuits
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
vol.21 no.8 p.2357-2368
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stavrinides S. G
Stouboulos I. N
Magafas L
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Nonlinear financial dynamics from an engineer's point of view
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
vol.4 no.3 p.281-285
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Cepiscǎ C
Complex dynamics of a memristor based chua's canonical circuit
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
The memristor as an electric synapse-synchronization phenomena
Kyprianidis I. M
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stouboulos I. N
Anagnostopoulos A. N
On-off intermittent synchronization between two bidirectionally coupled double scroll circuits
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
vol.15 no.8 p.2192-2200
Kyprianidis I. M
Volos C. K
Stavrinides S. G
Stouboulos I. N
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Master-slave double-scroll circuit incomplete synchronization
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
vol.3 no.1 p.41-45
Kyprianidis I. M
Papadopoulou M
Stavrinides S. G
Stouboulos I. N
Anagnostopoulos A. N
In-out intermittent loss of synchronization in two unidirectionally coupled nonlinear fourth-order autonomous circuits
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
vol.20 no.10 p.3329-3339
Kyprianidis I. M
Volos Christos
Stouboulos I. N
Chaotic dynamics from a nonlinear circuit based on memristor with cubic nonlinearity
AIP Conference Proceedings
vol.1203 p.626-631
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Volos Christos
Stavrinides S. G
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Miliou Amalia
Experimental In-out Synchronization-intermittency between two Bidirectionally Coupled Circuits
Proceedings 3rd Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium
3rd Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium
Istanbul, Turkey
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stavrinides S. G
Stouboulos I. N
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Memristors: A new approach in nonlinear circuits design
Proc. International Conference on Communications
Volos C. K
Kyprianidis I. M
Stavrinides S. G
Stouboulos I. N
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Inverse lag synchronization in mutually coupled nonlinear circuits
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Experimental synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled double scroll circuits
AIP Conference Proceedings
vol.1203 p.403-408
Papadopoulou M. S
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Complex chaotic dynamics of the double-bell attractor
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.7 no.1 p.13-21
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Miliou Amalia
Valaristos A. P
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Anagnostopoulos Antonios
Crisis induced intermittency in a fourth-order autonomous electric circuit
Journal of Chaos Solitons & Fractals
vol.33 no.4 p.1256-1262
Kyprianidis I. M
Volos Christos
Stouboulos I. N
Hadjidemetriou J
Dynamics of two resistively coupled duffing-type electrical oscillators
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
vol.16 no.6 p.1765-1775
Kyprianidis I. M
Bogiatzi A. N
Papadopoulou M
Stouboulos I. N
Bogiatzis G. N
Bountis T
Synchronizing chaotic attractors of Chua's canonical circuit. The case of uncertainty in chaos synchronization
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
vol.16 no.7 p.1961-1976
Papadopoulou M. S
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Study of the behavior of a 4th order non driven circuit. Chaotic synchronization of two identical circuits
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.5 no.7 p.993-1000
Stouboulos I. N
Kyprianidis I. M
Papadopoulou M. S
Experimental study of antimonotonicity in a 4th order nonlinear autonomous electric circuit
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.5 no.11 p.1662-1668
Stouboulos I. N
Kyprianidis I. M
Papadopoulou M. S
Chaotic dynamics and coexisting attractors in a modified Chua's circuit
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.5 no.11 p.1640-1646
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Experimental demonstration of a chaotic cryptographic scheme
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.5 no.11 p.1654-1661
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Designing a coupling scheme between two chaotic Duffing-type electrical oscillators
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.5 no.7 p.985-992
Kyprianidis I. M
Volos Christos
Stouboulos I. N
Suppression of chaos by linear resistive coupling
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
vol.4 no.6 p.527-534
Koliopanos Ch L
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Magafas L
Chaotic behaviour of a fourth-order autonomous electric circuit
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
vol.16 no.2 p.173-182
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Synchronization of two resistively coupled nonautonomous and hyperchaotic oscillators
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
vol.17 no.2-3 p.317-325
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Chaotic synchronization of three coupled oscillators with ring connection
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
vol.17 no.2-3 p.327-336
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Haralabidis P
Bountis T
Antimonotonicity and chaotic dynamics in a fourth-order autonomous nonlinear electric circuit
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
vol.10 no.8 p.1903-1915
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Synchronization and phase-locking of two mutually coupled chaotic oscillators
System and Control: Theory and Applications
Ευθυμιάδης Κωνσταντίνος
Καλογήρου Ορέστης
Κυπριανίδης Ιωάννης
Μελίδης Κωνσταντίνος
Σιακαβάρα Αικατερίνη
Σιάνου-Λιναρδή Άννα
Στόϊκος Γεώργιος
Στούμπουλος Ιωάννης
Χατζηβασιλείου Στυλιανός
Αρχές Ηλεκτρικών Κυκλωμάτων. Από τη θεωρία στο πείραμα
Σύγχρονη Παιδεία
Volos Christos
Kyprianidis Ioannis
Stoumpoulos Ioannis
Image encryption process based on a chaotic True Random Bit Generator
16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Proceedings
no.art. no. 5201107
Kyprianidis I. M
Stouboulos I. N
Chaotic and hyperchaotic synchronization of two nonautonomous and nonlinear electric circuits
vol.3 p.1351-1354
Stouboulos I. N
Kyprianidis I. M
Study of dynamics of a fourth-order autonomous nonlinear electric circuit
vol.2 p.715-718
Stouboulos I. N
Kyprianidis I. M
Devil's staircases, quasiperiodicity and chaos in a driven nonlinear fourth-order electric circuit
vol.2 p.796-799
Aktualisiert: 2017-09-12