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Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Christos Vlachokostas
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Mechanical Engineering
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Without Type
Saffari A
Daher N
Samara-Konstantinou Konstantina
Voutsa Dimitra
Kouras Athanasios
Manoli Evangelia
Karagkiozidou O
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Shafer MM
Schauer JJ
, et al
Increased biomass burning due to the economic crisis in Greece and its adverse impact on winter-time air quality in Thessaloniki
Environmental Science and Technology
vol.47 p.13313-13320
Without Type
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Karagiannidis Avraam
Papadopoulos Agis
Achillas Charisios
Antonopoulos Ioannis
Perkoulidis Georgios
Vlachos Dimitrios
Vlachokostas Christos
Transportation cost analysis of the Hellenic System for alternative management of waste electric and electronic equipment
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
vol.1 no.10 p.70-89
Without Type
Achillas Ch
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Perkoulidis Georgios
Banias G
Mastropavlos M
Electronic waste management cost: A scenario-based analysis for Greece
Waste Management & Research
Published Version
Without Type
Achillas Ch
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Karagiannidis Avraam
Vlachokostas Christos
Banias G
Promoting reuse strategies for electrical/electronic equipment
Waste and Resource Management
Published Version
vol.163 no.4 p.173 –182
Achillas Ch
Vlachokostas Christos
Aidonis D
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Iakovou Eleftherios
Banias G
Optimising reverse logistics network to support policy-making in the case of electrical and electronic equipment
Waste Management
Published Version
vol. 30 no. 12 p. 2592-2600
Achillas Ch
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Decision support system for the optimal location of electrical and electronic waste treatment plants: a case study in Greece
Waste Management
Published Version
vol. 30 no. 5 p. 870-879
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Decision support system for the optimal location of electrical and electronic waste treatment plants: A case study in Greece
Waste Management
vol.30 p.870-879
Banias G
Achillas Ch
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Tarsenis S
Assessing multiple criteria for the optimal location of a construction and demolition waste management facility
Building and Environment
Published Version
vol. 45 no.10 p. 2317-2326
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Spyridi D
Nikolaou K
Environmental, social and economic information management for the evaluation of sustainability in urban areas: A system of indicators for Thessaloniki,Greece
vol.27 p.377-384
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Ch
Vlachokostas Christos
Spyridi D
Nikolaou K
Environmental, social and economic information management for the evaluation of sustainability in urban areas: A system of indicators for Thessaloniki, Greece
Published Version
vol. 27 no.5 p. 377-384
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Ch
Kalogeropoulos K
Sigalas G
Kalognomou E.-A
Health effects and social costs of particulate and photochemical air pollution: A case study for Thessaloniki, Greece: a case study for Thessaloniki, Greece
Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health
Published Version
vol. 5 no. 3 p. 325–334
Vlachokostas Christos
Nastis Stefanos
Achillas Ch
Kalogeropoulos K
Karmiris I
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Chourdakis E
Banias G
Limperi N
Economic damages of ozone air pollution to crops using combined air quality and GIS modelling
Atmospheric Environment
Published Version
vol. 44 no. 28 p. 3352-3361
Without Type
Achillas Charisios
Aidonis Dimitrios
Vlachokostas Christos
Iakovou Eleftherios
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Introducing external costs in the decision making of multi-type carriers for the transportation of waste electrical and electronic equipment
International Conference on Supply Chains
International Conference on Supply Chains
Katerini, Greece
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Vlachokostas Christos
Banias G
Achillas Ch
Tsatsanias Ch
Environmental impacts from the operation of alternative construction and demolition waste management facilities
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Protection & Restoration of the Environment (PRE 10)
10th International Conference on Protection & Restoration of the Environment (PRE 10)
(ed.) Albanis, T
Corfu, Greece
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Koroneos C. J
Vlachokostas Christos
Hazardous waste minimisation through redesign of industrial products: The case of netmod
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management (HIWM 2010)
2nd International Conference on Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management (HIWM 2010)
(ed.) Gidarakos, E
Chania, Crete, Greece
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Aidonis Dimitrios
Anastaselos D
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Iakovou Eleftherios
Papadopoulos Agis
Estimating costs for the integrated management of waste from construction activities
Proceedings of the 1st Olympus International Conference on Supply Chains (ICSC)
1st Olympus International Conference on Supply Chains (ICSC)
(ed.) Aidonis, Dimitrios
Katerini, Greece
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Banias G
Kafetzopoulos G
Survey on social acceptance for the development of a waste-to-energy plant in Thessaloniki Greece
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Protection & Restoration of the Environment (PRE 10)
10th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment (PRE 10)
(ed.) Albanis, T
Corfu, Greece
Without Type
Monks P. S
Granier C
Fuzzi S
Stohl A
Williams M. L
Akimoto H
Amann M
Baklanov A
Baltensperger U
Bey I
Blake N
, et al
Atmospheric composition change – global and regional air qualityten Brink H
Atmospheric Environment
vol.43 p.5268-5350
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Koroneos C. J
Vlachokostas Christos
Integrated Product Policy: End οf life management οf an ISDN network terminal as a case study of electrical and electronic product
Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers
vol.423 p.6-14
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Vlachokostas Christos
Tsiligkiridis Georgios
Ntoyros Ioannis
Hourdakis L
Naneris Christos
Sidiropoulos Charalampos
Air quality status in Greater Thessaloniki Area and the emission reductions needed for attaining the EU air quality legislation
Science of The Total Environment
Published Version
no.407 p.1268 – 1285
Vlachokostas Christos
Achillas Ch
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Chourdakis Eleftherios
Tsiligkiridis Georgios
Ntziachristos Leonidas
Banias Georgios
Stavrakakis N
Sidiropoulos C
Decision Support System for the evaluation of urban air pollution control options: Application for particulate pollution in Thessaloniki, Greece
Science of the Total Environment
Published Version
vol. 407 n. 23 p. 5937-5948
Without Type
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Aidonis D
Anastaselos D
Vlachokostas Christos
Achillas Ch
Iakovou Eleftherios
Papadopoulos Agis
Development of a web based application for the optimal demolition waste management in central Macedonia
3ο πανελλήνιο συνέδριο "Κλιματική αλλαγή, βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη και ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας, αναζητώντας λύσεις για το ελληνικό περιβάλλον"
(ed.) Tσιούρης Σωτήριος Ε., Ανανιάδου-Τζημοπούλου Μαίρη
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Aidonis Dimitrios
Anastaselos D
Achillas Charisios
Iakovou Eleftherios
Papadopoulos Agis
Vlachokostas Christos
Development of a web based application for the optimal demolition waste management in the region of Central Macedonia
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environment Science and Technology (CEST 09)
11th International Conference on Environment Science and Technology (CEST 09)
(ed.) Lekkas, T. D
Chania, Crete
vol.1 p.954-961
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Spyridi D
Nikolaou K
Development of an indicators’ system for the evaluation of the environment and sustainability in the Thessaloniki area
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Aristotle University’s Environmental Council on “Climate change, sustainable development and renewable energy sources”
3rd Conference of Aristotle University’s Environmental Council on “Climate change, sustainable development and renewable energy sources”
Thessaloniki, Greece
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Spiridi D
Nikolaou K
Development of a framework of indicators for the evaluation of the environment and sustainability in the Greater Thessaloniki Area
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) and SECOTOX Conference
2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) and SECOTOX Conference
(ed.) Kungolos, A
Mykonos island, Greece
vol.4 p.2039-2044
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Vlachokostas Christos
Spiridi D
Kalognomou E. A
Nikolaou K
System of indicators for sustainable development in Thessaloniki: A tool for the management of environmental information
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environment Science and Technology (CEST 09)
11th International Conference on Environment Science and Technology (CEST 09)
(ed.) Lekkas, T. D
Chania, Crete, Greece
vol.1 p.946-953
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Charisios
Banias G
Aidonis Dimitrios
Anastaselos D
Vlachokostas Christos
Iakovou Eleftherios
Papadopoulos Agis
Web-based tool for the optimal waste management from construction activities: Case study of a building demolition
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition of the Hellenic Solid Waste Management
3rd International Conference and Exhibition of the Hellenic Solid Waste Management
Athens, Greece
Vlachokostas Christos
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Achillas Ch
Banias G
Kalogeropoulos K
Health effects and social costs of particulate and photochemical urban air pollution in the Greater Thessaloniki Area
3rd Conference of Aristotle University’s Environmental Council on “Climate change, sustainable development and renewable energy sources”
3rd Conference of Aristotle University’s Environmental Council on “Climate change, sustainable development and renewable energy sources”
Thessaloniki, Greece
Vlachokostas Christos
Achillas Ch
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Hourdakis E
Tsilingiridis George
Ntziachristos Leonidas
Banias G
Stavrakakis N
Sidiropoulos N
Atmospheric Environment
Decision support system for the evaluation of urban air pollution control options
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.407 p.5937-5948
Μουσιόπουλος Νικόλαος
Μπανιάς Γ
Αηδόνης Δ
Αναστασέλος Δ
Βλαχοκώστας Χρίστος
Αχίλλας Χ
Ιακώβου Ελευθέριος
Παπαδόπουλος Άγις
Ανάπτυξη διαδικτυακής εφαρμογής για τη διαχείριση των αποβλήτων από την κατασκευαστική δραστηριότητα στην Κεντρική Μακεδονία
Πρακτικά 3ου Συνεδρίου Συμβουλίου Περιβάλλοντος Α.Π.Θ., Κλιματική Αλλαγή - Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη και Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας: Αναζητώντας λύσεις για το ελληνικό περιβάλλον
3ο Συνέδριο Συμβουλίου Περιβάλλοντος Α.Π.Θ., Κλιματική Αλλαγή - Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη και Ανανεώσιμες Πηγές Ενέργειας: Αναζητώντας λύσεις για το ελληνικό περιβάλλον
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Μουσιόπουλος Νικόλαος
Αχίλλας Χ
Μπανιάς Γ
Αηδόνης Δ
Αναστασέλος Δ
Βλαχοκώστας Χρίστος
Ιακώβου Ελευθέριος
Παπαδόπουλος Άγις
Διαδικτυακή Εφαρμογή για τη Βέλτιστη Διαχείριση Αποβλήτων από Κατασκευαστικές Δραστηριότητες: Εφαρμογή Μελέτης Περίπτωσης Κατεδάφισης Κτιρίου Κατοικιών
Πρακτικά 3ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Διαχείρισης Στερεών Απορριμμάτων
3ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Διαχείρισης Στερεών Απορριμμάτων
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Vlachokostas Christos
Achillas Ch
Slini Theodora
Mousiopoulos Nikolaos
Banias G
Dimitrakis Ι
Willingness to accept the risk of premature mortality attributed to air pollution and willingness to pay for reducing it: A contingent valuation study for Greece
Atmospheric Pollution Research
Published Version
vol. 2 no. 3 p. 275-282
Aktualisiert: 2018-09-23