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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Christos Eleftheriadis
Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Πειραματική Αστροσωματιδιακή Φυσική και Φυσική Ποζιτρονίου
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Θετικές επιστήμες, Μαθηματικά και Πληροφορική
Φυσικές επιστήμες
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory
Neuclear Physics Laboratory II
Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particles
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Maznas Ioannis. "Οργανολογία και ανάλυση πειραματικών δεδομένων σωματιδιακής και αστροσωματιδιακής φυσικής"
Manousos Athanasios. "Μελέτη των πεδίων ακτινοβολίας και του υποστρώματος για τον αναβαθμισμένο ανιχνευτή ATLAS"
Vasileris Fotios. "Μελέτη ατμοσφαιρικών καταιγισμών από κοσμική ακτινοβολία"
Maznas Ioannis. Μελέτη συστημάτων Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes για κοσμικές ακτίνες γάμμα υψηλών ενεργειών 50GeV - 100TeV
Vafeiadīs THeodōros-Anastasios. "Συμβολή στην έρευνα των ηλιακών αξιονίων στο πείραμα CAST"
Katsioulas Ioannis. "Ανίχνευση νετρίνων από Supernova και πυρηνικούς αντιδραστήρες με τον σφαιρικό αναλογικό απαριθμιτή"
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Head, Οικονομικών Τμήματος
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, Επιτροπή Σπουδών ΑΠΘ
Research Projects
Διεθνής συνεργασία στο CERN
Ολοκληρωμένες μεγάλες υποδομές για αστροσωματιδιακή επιστήμη
Neutron driven nuclear transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing (TARC)
Without Type
Paradela C
Serot O. (editor)
Duran I
Tassan-Got L
Audouin L
Berthier B
Isaev S
Le Naour C
Stephan C
Tarrío D
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
, et al
High accuracy 235 U(n,f) data in the resonance energy region
EPJ Web of Conferences
vol.111 p.02003
Without Type
Anastassopoulos V
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J.M
Cetin S.A
Christensen F
Collar J.I
, et al
Search for chameleons with CAST
Physics Letters B
vol.749 no.C p.172-180
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Bräuninger H
Bremer J
Burwitz V
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
, et al
New solar axion search using the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with He 4 filling
Physical Review D
vol.92 no.2
Without Type
Adrián-Martínez S
Ageron M
Aharonian F
Aiello S
Albert A
Ameli F
Anassontzis E. G
Anghinolfi M
Anton G
Anvar S
Ardid M
, et al
Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module
The European Physical Journal C
vol.74 no.9
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Da Riva E
, et al
Search for Solar Axions by the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with He 3 Buffer Gas: Closing the Hot Dark Matter Gap
Physical Review Letters
vol.112 no.9
Eleftheriadis Christos
Measurement of the angular distribution of fission fragments using a PPAC assembly at CERN n-TOF
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A
Vol. 743 p. 79–85
Eleftheriadis Christos
GEANT4 simulation of the neutron background of the C6D 6 set-up for capture studies at n-TOF
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A
Vol. 760 p. 57–67
Fraval K
Gunsing F
Altstadt S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Barbagallo M
Bécares V
Bečvář F
Belloni F
Berthoumieux E
Billowes J
, et al
Measurement and analysis of the Am 241 ( n , γ ) cross section with liquid scintillator detectors using time-of-flight spectroscopy at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C
vol.89 no.4
Karadimos D
Vlastou R
Ioannidis K
Demetriou P
Diakaki M
Vlachoudis V
Pavlopoulos P
Konovalov V
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
, et al
Neutron-induced fission cross section of U 234 measured at the CERN n_TOF facility
Physical Review C
vol.89 no.4
Lederer C
Massimi C
Berthoumieux E
Colonna N
Dressler R
Guerrero C
Gunsing F
Käppeler F
Kivel N
Pignatari M
Reifarth R
, et al
Ni 62 ( n , γ ) and Ni 63 ( n , γ ) cross sections measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C
vol.89 no.2
Mendoza E
Cano-Ott D
Guerrero C
Berthoumieux E
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
, et al
Measurement and analysis of the Am 243 neutron capture cross section at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C
vol.90 no.3
Žugec P
Barbagallo M
Colonna N
Bosnar D
Altstadt S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Bécares V
Bečvář F
Belloni F
Berthoumieux E
, et al
Experimental neutron capture data of 58 Ni from the CERN n_TOF facility
Physical Review C
vol.89 no.1
Žugec P
Colonna N
Bosnar D
Mengoni A
Altstadt S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Barbagallo M
Bécares V
Bečvář F
Belloni F
, et al
Measurement of the 12 C ( n , p ) 12 B cross section at n_TOF at CERN by in-beam activation analysis
Physical Review C
vol.90 no.2
Without Type
Eleftheriadis Christos
A new CVD diamond mosaic-detector for (n, α) cross-section measurements at the n-TOF experiment at CERN
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A
Irastorza I G
Avignone F T
Cantatore G
Carmona J M
Caspi S
Cetin S A
Christensen F E
Dael A
Dafni T
Davenport M
Derbin A V
, et al
Future axion searches with the International Axion Observatory (IAXO)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.460 p.012002
Lederer C
Massimi C
Altstadt S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Barbagallo M
Bécares V
Bečvář F
Belloni F
Berthoumieux E
Billowes J
, et al
Neutron Capture Cross Section of Unstable Ni 63 : Implications for Stellar Nucleosynthesis
Physical Review Letters
vol.110 no.2
Tagliente G
Milazzo P. M
Fujii K
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
The 93 Zr( n , γ ) reaction up to 8 keV neutron energy
Physical Review C
vol.87 no.1
Without Type
Colonna N
Altstadt S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Barbagallo M
Bécares V
Bečvář F
Belloni F
Berthoumieux E
Billowes J
Boccone V
, et al
AIP Conference ProceedingsNeutron research at the N_TOF facility (CERN): Results and perspectives
Application of accelerators in Research and industry: Twenty-Second International Conference
Ft. Worth, TX, USA
Without Type
Belloni F
Milazzo P. M
Calviani M
Colonna N
Mastinu P
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
, et al
Neutron-induced fission cross section measurement of U-233, Am-241 and Am-243 in the energy range 0.5 MeV <= E-n <= 20 MeV at n_TOF at CERN
Physica Scripta
Calviani M
Meaze M. H
Colonna N
Praena J
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
, et al
Neutron-induced fission cross section of Cm-245: New results from data taken at the time-of-flight facility n_TOF
Physical Review C
vol.85 no.3
Guerrero C
Cano-Ott D
Mendoza E
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Measurement and resonance analysis of the Np-237 neutron capture cross section
Physical Review C
vol.85 no.4
Guerrero C
Cano-Ott D
Mendoza E
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Measurement and resonance analysis of the 237Np neutron capture cross section
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.85 no.4
Guerrero C
Berthoumieux E
Cano-Ott D
Mendoza E
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Barbagallo M
Bécares V
Bečvář F
Belloni F
, et al
Simultaneous measurement of neutron-induced capture and fission reactions at CERN
European Physical Journal A
vol.48 no.3 p.1-9
Gunsing F
Berthoumieux E
Aerts G
Abbondanno U
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Measurement of resolved resonances of 232Th(n,γ) at the n-TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.85 no.6
Gunsing F
Berthoumieux E
Aerts G
Abbondanno U
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Erratum: Measurement of resolved resonances of 232Th(n,γ) at the n-TOF facility at CERN (Physical Review C (2012) 85 (064601))
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.86 no.1
Gunsing F
Berthoumieux E
Aerts G
Abbondanno U
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Measurement of resolved resonances of Th-232(n, gamma) at the n_TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C
vol.85 no.6
Lakić B
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
, et al
Status and perspectives of the CAST experiment
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.375 no.PART 2
Massimi C
Koehler P
Bisterzo S
Colonna N
Gallino R
Gunsing F
Käppeler F
Lorusso G
Mengoni A
Pignatari M
Vannini G
, et al
Resonance neutron-capture cross sections of stable magnesium isotopes and their astrophysical implications
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.85 no.4
Without Type
Ferrer-Ribas E
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
, et al
Results and perspectives of the solar axion search with the CAST experiment
24th Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology
Without Type
Actis M
Agnetta G
Aharonian F
Akhperjanian A
Aleksić J
Aliu E
Allan D
Allekotte I
Antico F
Antonelli L. A
Antoranz P
, et al
Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: An advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy
Experimental Astronomy
vol.32 no.3 p.193-316
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Dafni T
, et al
Search for sub-eV mass solar axions by the CERN axion solar telescope with He3 buffer gas
Physical Review Letters
vol.107 no.26
Calviani M
Andriamonje S
Chiaveri E
Vlachoudis V
Colonna N
Meaze M. H
Marrone S
Tagliente G
Terlizzi R
Belloni F
Abbondanno U
, et al
Fission cross-section measurements of 233U, 245Cm and 241,243Am at CERN n_TOF facility
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
vol.59 no.23 p.1912-1915
Cano-Ott D
Álvarez-Velarde F
González-Romero E
Guerrero C
Martínez T
Mendoza E
Villamarin D
Vicente M. C
Abbondanno U
Colonna N
Meaze M. H
, et al
Neutron capture measuremetns on minor actinides at the n_TOF facility at CERN: Past, present and future
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
vol.59 no.23 p.1809-1812
Guerrero C
Álvarez-Velarde F
Cano-Ott D
Martínez T
Mendoza E
Villamarin D
Colonna N
Meaze M. H
Marrone S
Tagliente G
Terlizzi R
, et al
Study of photon strength function of actinides: The case of 235U, 238Np and 241Pu
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
vol.59 no.23 p.1510-1513
Irastorza G
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona M
Cetin S. A
Collar I
Dafni T
, et al
Latest results and prospects of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.309 no.1
Lederer C
Colonna N
Domingo-Pardo C
Gunsing F
Käppeler F
Massimi C
Mengoni A
Wallner A
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
, et al
Au197(n,γ) cross section in the unresolved resonance region
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.83 no.3
Paradela C
Tassan-Got L
Audouin L
Berthier B
Ferrant L
Isaev S
le Naour C
Stephan C
Trubert D
David S
Duran I
, et al
237Np(n,f) cross section: New data and present status
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
vol.59 no.23 p.1908-1911
Sarmento R
Calviani M
Praena J
Colonna N
Belloni F
Gonçalves I. F
Vaz P
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
, et al
Measurement of the 236U(n,f) cross section from 170 meV to 2 MeV at the CERN n-TOF facility
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.84 no.4
Tagliente G
Milazzo P. M
Fujii K
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Ãlvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Neutron capture on Zr94: Resonance parameters and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.84 no.1
Tagliente G
Milazzo P. M
Fujii K
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
96Zr(n,γ) measurement at the n-TOF facility at CERN
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.84 no.5
Tagliente G
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
, et al
Astrophysics at n-TOF facility at CERN
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.312 no.SECTION 4
Tarrio D
Tassan-Got L
Audouin L
Berthier B
Ferrant L
Isaev S
le Naour C
Stephan C
Trubert D
David S
Duran I
, et al
High-energy neutron-induced fission cross sections of natural lead and bismuth-209
Journal of the Korean Physical Society
vol.59 no.23 p.1904-1907
Tarrío D
Tassan-Got L
Audouin L
Berthier B
Duran I
Ferrant L
Isaev S
Le Naour C
Paradela C
Stephan C
Trubert D
, et al
Neutron-induced fission cross section of natPb and Bi209 from threshold to 1 GeV: An improved parametrization
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.83 no.4
Without Type
Dafni T
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Brauninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Davenport M
, et al
CAST: Status and Latest Results
DESY Library
Karadimos D
Vlastou R
Vlachoudis V
Pavlopoulos P
Konovalov V
Diakaki M
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
, et al
The 237Np(n,f) cross section at the CERN n-TOF facility
AIP Conference Proceedings
vol.1377 p.459-462
Manousos A
Liolios A
Eleftheriadis C
Energetic axion-like particle production in galaxies
(2011) PoS IDM2010, 8th International Workshop on Identif Conference, pp. 034
Without Type
Colonna N
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Neutron cross-sections for next generation reactors: New data from n_TOF
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.68 no.4-5 p.643-646
Fujii K
Mosconi M
Mengoni A
Domingo-Pardo C
Käppeler F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez-Pol H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
, et al
Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. III. Resonance analyses and stellar (n,γ) cross sections of Os186,187,188
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.82 no.1
Massimi C
Domingo-Pardo C
Vannini G
Audouin L
Guerrero C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
, et al
Au197(n,γ) cross section in the resonance region
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.81 no.4
Mosconi M
Fujii K
Mengoni A
Domingo-Pardo C
Käppeler F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez-Pol H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
, et al
Neutron physics of the Re/Os clock. I. Measurement of the (n,γ) cross sections of Os186,187,188 at the CERN n-TOF facility
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.82 no.1
Paradela C
Tassan-Got L
Audouin L
Berthier B
Duran I
Ferrant L
Isaev S
Le Naour C
Stephan C
Tarrío D
Trubert D
, et al
Neutron-induced fission cross section of U234 and Np237 measured at the CERN Neutron Time-of-Flight (n-TOF) facility
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.82 no.3
Tagliente G
Milazzo P. M
Fujii K
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
The Zr92(n,γ) reaction and its implications for stellar nucleosynthesis
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.81 no.5
Without Type
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Dafni T
Davenport M
, et al
Probing the eV-Mass range for solar axions with CAST
Milazzo P. M
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Study of neutron-induced fission cross sections of U, Am, and Cm at n-TOF
vol.1265 p.477-482
Tagliente G
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Astrophysics at n-TOF facility
8th Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, LASNPA
Santiago; Chile
vol.1265 p.160-165
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrn B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrin S
Collar J. I
Dafni T
, et al
Search for 14.4 keV solar axions emitted in the M1-transition of 57Fe nuclei with CAST
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
vol.2009 no.12
Arik E
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrn B
Borghi S
Bourlis G
Boydag F. S
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
, et al
Probing eV-scale axions with CAST
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
vol.2009 no.2
Calviani M
Praena J
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
High-accuracy U233(n,f) cross-section measurement at the white-neutron source n-TOF from near-thermal to 1 MeV neutron energy
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.80 no.4
Guerrero C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
The n_TOF Total Absorption Calorimeter for neutron capture measurements at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.608 no.3 p.424-433
Tagliente G
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Astrophysics at n_TOF facility
Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy
vol.10 no.3 p.257-262
Without Type
Calviani M
Colonna N
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Fission cross-section measurements on 233U and minor actinides at the CERN n-TOF facility
vol.1175 p.211-218
Milazzo P. M
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Neutron capture measurements at the n-TOF Facility
vol.1109 p.84-89
Without Type
Domingo-Pardo C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
The measurement of the 206Pb(n, γ) cross section and stellar implications
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
vol.35 no.1
Mosconi M
Heil M
Käppeler F
Plag R
Mengoni A
Fujii K
Domingo-Pardo C
Aerts G
Terlizzi R
Gallino R
Abbondanno U
, et al
Nuclear physics for the Re/Os clock
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
vol.35 no.1
Tagliente G
Milazzo P. M
Fujii K
Aerts G
Abbondanno U
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
, et al
Experimental study of the Zr91(n,γ) reaction up to 26 keV
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.78 no.4
Tagliente G
Fujii K
Milazzo P. M
Moreau C
Aerts G
Abbondanno U
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
, et al
Neutron capture cross section of Zr90: Bottleneck in the s-process reaction flow
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.77 no.3
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrián S
Collar J. I
Dafni T
, et al
An improved limit on the axion-photon coupling from the CAST experiment
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Domingo-Pardo C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez-Pol H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the s-only isotope Pb204 from 1 eV to 440 keV
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.75 no.1
Domingo-Pardo C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement of the radiative neutron capture cross section of Pb206 and its astrophysical implications
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.76 no.4
Gunsing F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Status and outlook of the neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.261 no.1-2 SPEC. ISS. p.925-929
Jakovčić K
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Avignone F
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrián S
Collar J. I
, et al
Prospects for the CERN Axion Solar Telescope sensitivity to 14.4 keV axions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.580 no.1 SPEC. ISS. p.37-39
Kuster M
Bräuninger H
Cebrián S
Davenport M
Eleftheriadis C
Englhauser J
Fischer H
Franz J
Friedrich P
Hartmann R
Heinsius F. H
, et al
The x-ray telescope of CAST
New Journal of Physics
Mosconi M
Heil M
Käppeler F
Mengoni A
Plag R
Fujii K
Gallino R
Aerts G
Terlizzi R
Abbondanno U
Álvarez-Pol H
, et al
Neutron reactions and nuclear cosmo-chronology
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
vol.59 no.1 p.165-173
Savvidis I
Lampoudis C
Papaevangelou T
Eleftheriadis C
n_TOF experiment: Neutron beam profile and fast neutron background determination, using CR-39 passive neutron detector
Radiation Measurements
vol.42 no.9 p.1492-1498
Terlizzi R
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
The La139(n,) cross section: Key for the onset of the s-process
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.75 no.3
Without Type
Arik E
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltran B
Bourlis G
Boydag F. S
Brauninger H
Carmona J
Cebrian S
, et al
Cast - A cern experiment to search for solar axions
vol.899 p.37-40
Cano-Ott D
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
The n-TOF facility at CERN
Mastinu P. F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Álvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement of the neutron induced fission cross section on transuranic (TRU) elements at the n_TOF facility at CERN
vol.947 p.43-48
Without Type
Aerts G
Abbondanno U
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
, et al
Neutron capture cross section of Th232 measured at the n_TOF facility at CERN in the unresolved resonance region up to 1 MeV
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.73 no.5
Dafni T
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J
Cebrián S
, et al
First results from the CAST experiment
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.39 no.1 p.117-119
Domingo-Pardo C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez-Pol H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Resonance capture cross section of Pb207
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.74 no.5
Domingo-Pardo C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez-Pol H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
New measurement of neutron capture resonances in Bi209
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.74 no.2
Mastinu P. F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Bustreo N
, et al
Neutron cross section measurements at n-TOF for ADS related studies
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.41 no.1 p.352-360
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrián S
Collar J. I
Dafni T
Davenport M
, et al
Search for solar axions: The CAST experiment
2nd International Conference on The Dark Side of the Universe DSU 2006
vol.878 p.395-401
Cano-Ott A
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Neutron capture cross section measurements at n_TOF of 237Np, 240Pu and 243Am for the transmutation of nuclear waste
vol.819 p.318-322
Domingo-Pardo C
O'Brien S
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
, et al
Measurement of the resonance capture cross section of 204,206Pb and termination of the s-process
vol.819 p.288-292
Dridi W
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of234U in n_TOF at CERN
Fanourakis G. K
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Autiero D
Avignone F
Barth K
Belov A
Beltran B
Brauninger H
Carmona J. M
, et al
In search of axions: The CAST experiment
Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings
7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society
vol.848 p.816-825
Guerrero C
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement at n_TOF of the237Np(n,γ) and 240Pu(n,γ) cross sections for the transmutation of nuclear waste
Gunsing F
Schillebeeckx P
Wynants R
Andriamonje S
Berthoumieux E
Borella A
Dridi W
Furman W
Goverdovski A
Lampoudis C
Álvarez H
, et al
Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of236U
Marrone S
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Implications of 151Sm(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF
vol.831 p.502-504
Terlizzi R
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Álvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement of 139La(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF
vol.831 p.551-553
Terlizzi R
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Alvarez-Velarde F
Andriamonje S
Andrzejewski J
Assimakopoulos P
Audouin L
Badurek G
Baumann P
, et al
Measurement of 139La(n,γ) cross section
vol.819 p.283-287
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Aune T
Avignone III F. T
Barth K
Belov A
Beltran B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J
Cebrián S
, et al
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): An update
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.138 no.1-3 p.41-44
Zioutas Konstantinos
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Autiero D
Avignone F. T
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
, et al
First results from the CERN axion solar telescope
Physical Review Letters
vol.94 no.12
Without Type
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Assimakopoulos P
Bacri C. O
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
Beer H
, et al
New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture cross-section measurements
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.521 no.2-3 p.454-467
Lorusso G
Colonna N
Marrone S
Tagliente G
Heil M
Cano-Ott D
Mosconi M
Moreau C
Mengoni A
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
, et al
Time-energy relation of the n_TOF neutron beam: Energy standards revisited
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.532 no.3 p.622-630
Mastinu P. F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Assimakopoulos P
Bacri C. O
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
, et al
A low-mass neutron flux monitor for the n_TOF facility at CERN
Brazilian Journal of Physics
vol.34 no.3 A p.914-918
Pancin J
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Assimakopoulos P
Bacri C
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
, et al
Measurement of the n_TOF beam profile with a micromegas detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.524 no.1-3 p.102-114
Without Type
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
, et al
Physics at CPLEAR
Physics Report
vol.374 no.3 p.165-270
Irastorza I. G
Andriamonje S
Arik E
Autiero D
Avignone F
Barth K
Brauninger H
Brodzinski R
Carmona J
Cebrian S
Cetin S. A
, et al
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): Status and prospects
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.114 p.75-80
Without Type
Aalseth C. E
Arik E
Autiero D
Avignone III F. T
Barth K
Bowyer S. M
Brauninger H
Brodzinski R. L
Carmona J. M
Cebrian S
Celebi G
, et al
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.110 p.85-87
Abánades A
Aleixandre J
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Arnould H
Belle E
Bompas C. A
Brozzi D
Bueno J
Buono S
, et al
Results from the TARC experiment: Spallation neutron phenomenology in lead and neutron-driven nuclear transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.478 no.3 p.577-730
Savvidis E
Eleftheriadis C. A
Kitis G
Mapping of the thermal neutron distribution in the lead block assembly of the PS-211 experiment at CERN, using thermoluminescence and nuclear track detectors
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.101 no.1-4 p.103-106
Without Type
Abánades A
Aleixandre J
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Arnould H
Belle E
Bompas C. A
Brozzi D
Bueno J
Buono S
, et al
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and of transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems: A summary of the TARC Project at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.463 no.3 p.586-592
Angelopoulos A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
T-violation and CPT-invariance measurements in the CPLEAR experiment: A detailed description of the analysis of neutral-kaon decays to eπν
European Physical Journal C
vol.22 no.1 p.55-79
Angelopoulos A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
K 0 ⇋ K̄ 0 transitions monitored by strong interactions: A new determination of the K L-K S mass difference
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.503 no.1-2 p.49-57
Without Type
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
Measurement of the energy dependence of the form factor f + in K(e3)/ 0 decay
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.473 no.1-2 p.186-192
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
A detailed description of the analysis of the decay of neutral kaons to π +π - in the CPLEAR experiment
European Physical Journal C
vol.18 no.1 p.41-55
Without Type
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
K 0-K̄ 0 mass and decay-width differences: CPLEAR evaluation
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.471 no.2-3 p.332-338
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Dispersion relation analysis of the neutral kaon regeneration amplitude in carbon
European Physical Journal C
vol.10 no.1 p.19-25
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Contribution of CPLEAR to the physics of the neutral-kaon system
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.75 no.3 p.267-273
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
Pion correlations and resonance effects in p̄p annihilation at rest to 2π +2π -π 0
European Physical Journal C
vol.6 no.3 p.437-450
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
Determination of the T- and CPT-violation parameters in the neutral-kaon system using the Bell-Steinberger relation and data from CPLEAR
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.456 no.2-4 p.297-303
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
A determination of the CP violation parameter η +- from the decay of strangeness-tagged neutral kaons
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.458 no.4 p.545-552
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
Tests of the equivalence principle with neutral kaons
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.452 no.3-4 p.425-433
Arnould H
Bompas C. A
Del Moral R
Lacoste V
Vlachoudis V
Aleixandre J
Bueno J
Cerro E
González O
Tamarit J
Andriamonje S
, et al
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.458 no.2-3 p.167-180
Without Type
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Search for CP violation in the decay of tagged K̄ 0 and K 0 to π 0 π 0π 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.425 no.3-4 p.391-398
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
The neutral kaon decays to π +π -π 0: A detailed analysis of the CPLEAR data
European Physical Journal C
vol.5 no.3 p.389-409
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Measurement of the K L-K S mass difference using semileptonic decays of tagged neutral kaons
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.444 no.1-2 p.38-42
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Measurement of the CP-violation parameter η00 using tagged K̄ 0 and K 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.420 no.1-2 p.191-195
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
First direct observation of time-reversal non-invariance in thé neutral-kaon system
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.444 no.1-2 p.43-51
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Direct determination of two-pion correlations for p̄p → 2π +2π - annihilation at rest
European Physical Journal C
vol.1 no.1-2 p.139-148
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
A determination of the CPT violation parameter Re(δ)from the semileptonic decay of strangeness-tagged neutral kaons
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.444 no.1-2 p.52-60
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
Carroll M
, et al
An EPR experiment testing the non-separability of the K 0K̄ 0 wave function
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.422 no.1-4 p.339-348
Without Type
Adler R
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
, et al
CPLEAR results on the CP parameters of neutral kaons decaying to π +π -π 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.407 no.2 p.193-200
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
Upper limit for the branching ratio of K s → e +e - decay
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.56 no.1-2 p.178-182
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
Measurement of η +- with the cplear experiment
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.56 no.1-2 p.371-376
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
Experimental measurement of the K SK S/K SK L ratio in antiproton annihilations at rest in gaseous hydrogen at 15 and 27 bar
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.403 no.3-4 p.383-389
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
The CPLEAR-experiment at CERN
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.59 no.1-3 p.182-191
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
The CPLEAR collaboration
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.56 no.1-2 p.361-370
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
An upper limit for the branching ratio of the decay K s → e +e - CPLEAR Collaboration
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.413 no.1-2 p.232-238
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Measurement of the neutral kaon regeneration amplitude in carbon at momenta below 1 GeV/c
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.413 no.3-4 p.422-430
Without Type
Adler R
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
, et al
Evaluation of the phase of the CP violation parameter η +- and the K L - K S mass difference from a correlation analysis of different experiments
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.369 no.3-4 p.367-371
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
, et al
CP, T, and CPT violation in the neutral-kaon system in the CPLEAR experiment
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
vol.59 no.9 p.1529-1541
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
, et al
Bose-Einstein Pion Correlations
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
vol.59 no.8 p.1363-1370
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bennet J
Bertin V
, et al
Search for CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons to π +π -π 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.370 no.1-2 p.167-173
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bennet J
Bertin V
, et al
Observation of the CP-conserving K s → π +π - π 0 decay amplitude
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.374 no.4 p.313-318
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bennet J
Bertin V
, et al
First observation of a particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the decay of neutral kaons into π 0π 0
Zeitschrift fur Physik C-Particles and Fields
vol.70 no.2 p.211-217
Adler R
Albrecht W
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bal F
Bard J. P
Barraca D
Bee C. P
, et al
The CPLEAR detector at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.379 no.1 p.76-100
Nikolopoulos C
Dedoussis S
Chardalas M
Eleftheriadis C. A
Measurement of the o-Ps decay rate using an energy and time spectrometer
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.211 no.1 p.145-152
Without Type
Adler R
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch R
, et al
Tests of CPT symmetry and quantum mechanics with experimental data from CPLEAR
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.364 no.4 p.239-245
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
, et al
Inclusive measurement of {Mathematical expression} annihilation at rest in gaseous hydrogen to final states containing ρ and f 2
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
vol.65 no.2 p.199-205
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos Athanasios
Apostolakis A
Attale F
Brillard L
Buono S
Calero J
Carminati F
Casagrande F
Cennini P
Charalambous S
, et al
Experimental determination of the energy generated in nuclear cascades by a high energy beam
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.348 no.3-4 p.697-709
Without Type
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
, et al
Bose-Einstein correlations in {Mathematical expression}p annihilations at rest
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
vol.63 no.4 p.541-547
Without Type
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bienlein J. K
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bloch P
, et al
Recent results on CP violation from the CPLEAR experiment
Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements)
vol.31 no.C p.196-199
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
Bloch P
, et al
A study of T violation via the semileptonic decays of neutral kaons in CPLEAR
Nuclear Physics, Section A
vol.558 no.C p.449-456
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
Bloch P
, et al
Recent results of the CPLEAR experiment
Nuclear Physics, Section A
vol.558 no.C p.437-447
Adler R
Alhalel A
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
Bloch P
, et al
Two pion Bose-Einstein correlations in pp annihilations at rest
Nuclear Physics, Section A
vol.558 no.C p.43-51
Without Type
Liolios Anastasios
Stergioudis Georgios
Dedoussis Spyridon
Chardalas Michael
Eleftheriadis Christos
Rentzeperis Panagiotis
Yakinthos Ioannis
Charalambous Stefanos
Saturation magnetization and positron annihilation in dependence of the composition of Fe 78-xCo xSi 9B 13 amorphous alloys
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.83 no.11 p.794-796
Without Type
Charalambous S
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Eleftheriadis C. A
Liolios A. K
Parameters affecting three-photon positron annihilation spectrometers
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
vol.300 no.2 p.297-302
Meng X. T
Liolios A. K
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Eleftheriadis C. A
Charalambous Stef
Point defects in neutron-transmutation-doped Czochralski-grown Si studied by positron annihilation
Physics Letters A
vol.157 no.1 p.73-77
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-20