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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Georgios Zachariadis
Professor, School of Chemistry
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Instrumental Chemical Analysis ΙΙ
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Instrumental Chemical Analysis II
Analytical Chemistry
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Metrology in Chemistry
Metrology, Chemometrics and Quality Control
Archaeometry and Chemistry of Archaeology Materials
Bioanalytical Chemistry
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Vogiatzīs CΗrīstos-THeodōros. "Μέθοδοι ειδομορφικού προσδιορισμού ιχνοστοιχείων και μεταλλομική ανάλυση με συνδυασμένες τεχνικές της φασματομετρίας μαζών και του συζευγμένου πλάσματος".
Manousi Natalia. «Μελέτη προκατεργασίας δειγμάτων με σύγχρονα υλικά για την ανάπτυξη και επικύρωση αναλυτικών μεθόδων».
. Έλεγχος ποιότητας φυσικών υδάτων
Katsifas Christos. Ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή μεθόδων αναλυτικής φασματοσκοπίας στην αρχαιομετρική μελέτη μεταλλινών τεχνουργημάτων της Αρχαίας Μακεδονίας.
, Makrygianni Eirini. Εφαρμογές αρχαιομετρικής ανάλυσης με καταστρεπτικές και μη τεχνικές
, Papakonstantinou Vasiliki. Προσδιορισμός ιχνοστοιχείων με την τεχνική ICPAES
Trikas Evangelos. Ανάπτυξη και εφαρμογή συνδυασμένων μεθόδων διαχωρισμού και φασματομετρίας στη μελέτη προϊόντων ζυμώσεως, μεταβολισμού και άλλων βιοχημικών διεργασιών.
Dimitriadou Athina. "Μικροβιολογικές παράμετροι στον έλεγχο ποιότητας και την ανάλυση πόσιμου νερού"
Tsanaktsidou Eleni. "Ανάπτυξη μεθόδου προσδιορισμού τιτανίου και χρωμίου σε ζωοτροφές με την τεχνική ICP-AES".
Sachanidou Effrosyni. "Αρχαιομετρική μελέτη υπολειμμάτων οργανικών υλών σε θραύσμα γυάλινου αγγείου με αέρια χρωματογραφία σε συνδυασμό με φασματοσκοπία μάζας".
Kapsimali Dimitra. "Μελέτη του προσδιορισμού οργανομεταλλικών ενώσεων του σεληνίου σε βιολογικά υλικά και τρόφιμα με τεχνικές εκχύλισης και χρωματογραφίας σε συνδυασμό με φασματομετρία μάζας".
Tzollas Nikolaos. "Ανάπτυξη και βελτιστοποίηση μεθόδων ειδοπροσδιορισμού κασσιτέρου με συνδυασμένες τεχνικές χρωματογραφίας και φασματομετρίας μάζας".
Trikas Evangelos. "Ειδομορφικός προσδιορισμός καρβοξυαιθυλογερμανίου-132 με Αέρια Χρωματογραφία σε συνδυασμό με Φασματοσκοπία Ατομικής Εκπομπής μικροκυματικά συζευγμένου πλάσματος (GC-MIP-AED)".
Spanou Eleni. "Μελέτη της σύζευξης ιοντικής χρωματογραφίας-ICP-AES για τον ταυτόχρονο προσδιορισμό ανιόντων μετάλλων και αμετάλλων".
Ntantasios Antonios. "Ανάπτυξη μεθολογίας προσδιορισμού τερπενικών ενώσεων σε βιολογικά υγρά με τη συνδυαστική χρήση μικροεκχύλισης στερεάς φάσης από υπερκείμενη αέρια φάση (HS-SPME) και αέριας χρωματογραφίας συζευγμένης με φασματομετρία μάζας (GC-MS)".
Vogiatzis Christos-Theodoros. "Διερεύνηση της χρήσης του υττρίου ως εσωτερικού πρότυπου για την ανάλυση υδατικών διαλυμάτων υψηλού οργανικοπύ φορτίου με την τεχνική ICP-AES".
Kapsimali Dimitra. "Ανάπτυξη και βελτιστοποίηση μεθόδου μορφοειδικού προσδιορισμού μονομεθυλο- και ανόργανου υδραργύρου σε βιολογικά υγρά με μικροεκχύλιση στερεής φάσης απο υπερκείμενη αέρια φάση(HS-SPME) και αέρια χρωματογραφία σε σύζευξη με φασματόμετρο μάζας(GC-MS)".
Vasileiadou Evgenia-Melpomeni. Μη καταστρεπτική ανάλυση στην Αρχαιομετρία με την τεχνική XRF
Dáftsīs Emmanouīl. "Ανάπτυξη μεθόδων προσδιορισμού ιόντων μετάλλων και μορφών τους συμπλεγμένων με βιομόρια, με τεχνικές της ατομικής φασματομετρίας και χρήση χημειομετρικών μεθόδων βελτιστοποίησης".
Viso Emanouela. "Ανάπτυξη μεθόδου προσδιορισμού φώσφορου και βορίου σε λιπάσματα με την τεχνική ICP-AES".
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Research Projects
Χρηματοδότηση από ΠΔΕ ΥΠΕΠΘ 2017 - ΠΜΣ "ΧΗΜΕΙΑΣ" ΑΠΘ
Μελέτη μεθόδων ανάλυσης υλών και τέφρας απο διαδικασίες ανακύκλωσης αλουμινίου
Έλεγχος μεταβολής χημικών παραμέτρων νερού με την εφαρμογή δράσεων βελτίωσης της ποιότητάς του
Εφαρμογές αναλυτικών μεθόδων στην χημική ανάλυση υδατικών δειγμάτων της περιοχής Σοχού
Μέθοδοι πολυστοιχειακής ανάλυσης στη μελέτη υλικών
Connection to Society
Συνεργασίες με κοινωνικούς, πολιτιστικούς και παραγωγικούς φορείς
Without Type
Hohenforst-Schmidt Wolfgang
Domvri Kalliopi
Zogas Nikolaos
Zarogoulidis Paul
Petanidis Savvas
Kioseoglou Efrosini
Zachariadis Georgios
Kakolyris Stylianos
Porpodis Konstantinos
Gaga Mina
Huang Haidong
, et al
COX-2 Inhibitors, a Potential Synergistic Effect with Antineoplastic Drugs in Lung Cancer
vol.2 p.28-36
Trikas Evangelos D
Papi Rigini M
Kyriakidis Dimitrios
Zachariadis Georgios
Evaluation of Ion Exchange and Sorbing Materials for Their Adsorption/Desorption Performane towards Anthocyanins, Total Phenolics, and Sugars from a Grape Pomace Extract
vol.4 no.1 p.9
Without Type
Bakopoulou Athina
Papachristou Eleni
Bousnaki Maria
Hadjichristou Christina
Kontonasaki Eleana
Theocharidou Anna
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zachariadis Georgios
Leyhausen Gabriele
Geurtsen Werner
, et al
Human treated dentin matrices combined with Zn-doped, Mg-based bioceramic scaffolds and human dental pulp stem cells towards targeted dentin regeneration
Dental Materials
vol.32 no.8 p.e159-e175
Beketova Anastasia
Poulakis Dimitrios
Bakopoulou Athina
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Christofilos Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zachariadis Georgios
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kourouklis Gerasimos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
, et al
Inducing bioactivity of dental ceramic/bioactive glass composites by Nd: YAG laser
Dental Materials
vol.32 no.11 p.e284-e296
Trikas Evangelos
Papi Rigini
Kyriakidis Dimitrios
Zachariadis Georgios
A Sensitive LC-MS Method for Anthocyanins and Comparison of Byproducts and Equivalent Wine Content
vol.3 no.2 p.18
Trikas Evangelos D
Melidou Maria
Papi Rigini
Zachariadis Georgios
Kyriakidis Dimitrios
Extraction, separation and identification of anthocyanins from red wine by-product and their biological activities
Journal of Functional Foods
vol.25 p.548-558
Zachariadis Georgios
Archontas Konstantinos
The Potential of Desirability Function Strategy in Chemometric Optimization of ICP-AES for Platinum Group Elements and Gold
Current Analytical Chemistry
vol.12 no.2 p.147-158
Without Type
Hohenforst-Schmidt Wolfgang
Zarogoulidis Paul
Linsmeier Bernd
Kioumis Ioannis
Li Qiang
Huang Haidong
Sachpatzidou Despoina
Lampaki Sofia
Organtzis John
Domvri Kalliopi
Sakkas Leonidas
, et al
Enhancement of Aerosol Cisplatin Chemotherapy with Gene Therapy Expressing ABC10 protein in Respiratory System
Journal of Cancer
vol.5 no.5 p.344-350
Trikas E
Zachariadis Georgios
Rosenberg E
Determination of bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide by gas chromatography with microwave-induced plasma-atomic emission detection after derivatization with alkyl chloroformates
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
vol.406 no.14 p.3489-3496
Vogiatzis C.G
Zachariadis Georgios
Tandem mass spectrometry in metallomics and the involving role of ICP-MS detection: A review
Analytica Chimica Acta
vol.819 no.C p.1-14
Without Type
Tzollas N
Zachariadis Georgios
Rosenberg E
Speciation Study of Trialkyl- and Triphenyl- Tin by Liquid Chromatography Using Ion Trap TOF Tandem MS and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization
Current Analytical Chemistry
vol.9 no.2 p.279-287
Zachariadis Georgios
In situ derivatization of metals and organometallics using borate reagents in gas chromatographic speciation studies
Journal of Chromatography A
vol.1296 no.C p.47-69
Zachariadis Georgios
Nikolaou M
Tzollas N
Rosenberg E
Storage stability studies for tributyltin determination in human urine samples using headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
Biomedical Chromatography
vol.27 no.3 p.299-305
Zachariadis Georgios
Editorial Metal Speciation and Metallomics
Current Analytical Chemistry
vol.9 p.226-228
Zachariadis Georgios
Rosenberg E
Use of Dohelert-type designs in the optimization of a hybrid Electrospray Ionization Ion Trap TOF-MS for glutathione determination
Rapid Communications In Mass Spectrometry
vol.27 no.3 p.489-499
Zarogoulidis Paul
Darwiche Kaid
Krauss Leslie
Huang Haidong
Zachariadis Georgios
Katsavou Anna
Hohenforst-Schmidt Wolfgang
Papaiwannou Antonis
Vogl Thomas J
Freitag Lutz
Stamatis George
, et al
Inhaled cisplatin deposition and distribution in lymph nodes in stage II lung cancer patients
Future Oncology
vol.9 no.9 p.1307-1313
Without Type
Zachariadis Georgios
Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry: A modern multi-elemental technique for modern analytical laboratory
New York
Without Type
Kapsimali D
Rosenberg E
Zachariadis Georgios
Investigation of the HPLC-IT-TOF-MS Technique with Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for Speciation of Selenoaminoacids, Dimethyldiselenide, and Diphenyldiselenide
Analytical Letters
vol.45 no.5-6 p.642-650
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Zachariadis Georgios
Valasiadis Odyssefs
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Vujatovic S. S
Nikolic N
Aleksic O. S
Ivetic T
Cvetkovic O
Blagojevic V
, et al
Far infrared study of local impurity modes of Boron-doped PbTe
Journal of Materials Science
vol.47 no.5 p.2384-2389
Zachariadis Georgios
Trikas Evaggelos
Speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) using solid phase extraction and determination of total As inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
vol.92 no.4 p.375-381
Zachariadis Georgios
Langioli A. V
Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction for Terpenes and Volatile Compounds Determination in Mastic Gum Extracts, Mastic Oil and Human Urine by GC– MS
Analytical Letters
vol.45 no.9 p.993-1003
Zachariadis Georgios
Rosenberg Erwin
Speciation analysis of triethyl-lead and tributyl-tin compounds in human urine by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography microwave-induced plasma atomic emission detection
Journal of Separation Science
vol.35 no.9 p.1132-1137
Zarogoulidis Paul
Eleftheriadou Ellada
Sapardanis Iordanis
Zarogoulidou Vasiliki
Lithoxopoulou Helliel
Kontakiotis Theodore
Karamanos Dimitrios
Zachariadis Georgios
Mabroudi Maria
Zisimopoulos Athanasios
Zarogoulidis Konstantinos
Feasibility and effectiveness of inhaled carboplatin in NSCLC patients
Investigational New Drugs
vol.30 no.4 p.1628-1640
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Giakisikli Georgia
Zachariadis Georgios
The HyperSep SCX micro-cartridge for on-line flow injection inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric determination of trace elements in biological and environmental samples
Analytical Methods
vol.3 no.9 p.2108
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Giakisikli G
Zachariadis Georgios
The HyperSep SCX micro-cartridge for on-line flow injection inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric determination of trace elements in biological and environmental samples
vol.3 no.2108
Gkanatsas Petros
Tsakaldimi Marianthi
Zachariadis Georgios
Effect of traffic pollution on seed quality characteristics of Pinus brutia
Environmental and Experimental Botany
vol.74 no.157
Gkanatsas Petros
Tsakaldimi Marianthi
Zachariadis Georgios
Effect of air traffic pollution on seed quality characteristics of Pinus brutia
Environmental and Experimental Botany
vol.74 p.157-161
Vogiatzis C
Zachariadis Georgios
An evaluation of the use of yttrium and beryllium as internal standards in inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry for untreated aqueous solutions in presence of high concentrations of organic solvents and matrices
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.26 no.10 p.2030
Zachariadis Georgios
Spanou Eleni A
Microwave-assisted acid extraction methodology for trace elements determination in mastic gum of Pistacia lentiscus using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Phytochemical Analysis
vol.22 no.1 p.31-35
Zachariadis Georgios
Sahanidou Efrosini
Analytical performance of a fast multi-element method for titanium and trace elements determination in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals by ICP-AES
Central European Journal of Chemistry
vol.9 no.2 p.213-217
Zachariadis Georgios
Lyratzi Anastasia
Stratis Ioannis
Ion chromatographic method for the determination of cations of group IA and IIA in water samples, pharmaceuticals and energy drinks by non-suppressed conductometric detection
Open Chemistry
vol.9 no.5
Zachariadis Georgios
Vogiatzis C
Yttrium as internal standard to improve the perfomance of standard addition procedure for multielement analysis of aqueous solutions with high organic content by ICP-AES
vol.26 p.2030-2038
Zachariadis Georgios
Spanou E
Microwave-assisted acid extraction methodology for trace elements determination in mastic gum of pistacia lentiscus by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Phytochemical Analysis
vol.22 no.31
Zachariadis Georgios
Sahanidou E
Analytical performance of a fast multi-element method for titanium and trace elements determination in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals by ICP-AES
Central European Journal of Chemistry
vol.9 no.213
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
On-line preconcentration and determination of nickel and zinc in natural water samples by flow injection – flame atomic absorption spectrometry using PTFE-turnings for column packing
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
vol.90 no.2 p.127-136
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Adam I. S. I
Zachariadis Georgios
Poly(etherketone) -turnings, a novel sorbent material for lead determination by flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry and factorial design optimization
vol.81 no.3 p.996-1002
Kapsimali D. C
Zachariadis Georgios
Comparison of tetraethylborate and tetraphenylborate for the determination of selenite in human urine by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, after headspace solid phase microextraction
vol.80 no.3 p.1311-1317
Tzollas N. M
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
A new approach to in dophenol blue method for determination of ammonium in geothermal waters with high mineral content
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
vol.90 p.115-126
Tzollas N. M
Zachariadis Georgios
Speciation of inorganic tin and tetramethyltin compounds by headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry
Journal of Separation Science
vol.33 no.11 p.1610-1616
Zachariadis Georgios
Vogiatzis C
An Overview of the Use of Yttrium for Internal Standardization in Inductively Coupled Plasma–Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews
vol.45 no.3 p.220-239
Zachariadis Georgios
Kapsimali D. C
Rosenberg E
A review of recent developments in sample pretreatment, separation and hyphenated atomic and mass spectrometric techniques for organoselenium speciation in biological liquids
Current Organic Chemistry
vol.14 no.19 p.2282-2299
Without Type
Zachariadis Georgios
Zagkas Theocharis
Hariton P
Damaskos Ch
The contribution of a “Rationalization network” to national development
7th International Conference Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A means of Balkan Countries Collaboration
7th International Conference Standardization, Protypes and Quality
Zlatibor, Serbia
Without Type
Kapsimali D. C
Zachariadis Georgios
Determination of selenite in urine, saliva and milk by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, after aqueous alkylation and solid phase microextraction
J Chromatography B
Kapsimali D.C
Zachariadis Georgios
Headspace and direct immersion solid phase microextraction procedures for selenite determination in urine, saliva and milk by gas chromatography mass spectrometry
Journal of Chromatography B
vol.877 no.27 p.3210-3214
Zachariadis Georgios
Sarafidou C
Internal standardization with yttrium spectral lines using axial-viewing inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry for plant certified reference materials analysis
Microchimica Acta
Vol.50 no.3 p.77-81
Zachariadis Georgios
Sahanidou E
Multi-element method for determination of trace elements in sunscreen by ICP-AES
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
vol.50 no.3 p.342-348
Zachariadis Georgios
Rosenberg E
Speciation of organotin compounds in urine by GC-MIP-AED and GC-MS after ethylation and liquid-liquid extraction
Journal of Chromatography B
vol.877 no.11-12 p.1140-1144
Zachariadis Georgios
Rosenberg E
Determination of butyl- and phenyltin compounds in human urine by HS-SPME after derivatization with tetraethylborate and subsequent determination by capillary GC with microwave-induced plasma atomic emission and mass spectrometric detection
vol.78 no.2 p.570-576
Without Type
Awwad M
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Optimization and comparison of two digestion methods for multi-element analysis of certified reference plant materials by ICP–AES: Application of Plackett-Burman and central composite designs
Microchimica Acta
vol.160 no.4 p.397-403
Daftsis E
Zachariadis Georgios
Analytical performance of a multi-element ICP-AES method for Cd Co Cr Cu Mn Ni and Pb determination in blood fraction samples
Microchimica Acta
vol.160 no.4 p.405-411
Kottakis F
Lamari F
Matragkou Ch
Zachariadis Georgios
Karamanos N
Choli-Papadopoulou Theodora
Arabino-Galactan Proteins from Pistacia lentiscus varchia: Isolation characterization and biological function
Amino acids
vol.34 no.3 p.413-420
Ouzounis K. G
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Preliminary environmental study of New Karvali Bay (Kavala Gulf, North Greece)
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry
vol.20-21 no.1 p.227-232
Voutsa Dimitra
Zachariadis Georgios
Samara-Konstantinou Constantini
Kouimtzis Themistoklis
Evaluation of chemical parameters in Aliakmon river / Northern Greece. Part II: Dissolved and particulate heavy metals
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
vol.30 no.1 p.1-13
Zachariadis Georgios
Valianou L. I
Evaluation and Comparison of Two Combinations of Pneumatic Nebulizers and Spray Chambers for Direct Slurry Aspiration and Multielement Analysis of Infant Milk Powders by Axial-Viewing Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Applied Spectroscopy
vol.62 no.6 p.716-720
Zachariadis Georgios
Valianou L. I
Evaluation of two pneumatic nebulizers and spray chambers for introduction and multielement analysis of infant milk powders by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Applied Spectroscopy
Zachariadis Georgios
Olympiou A. F
Use of slyrry suspension sample introduction technique in multielement analysis of multivitamin preparations by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
vol.47 no.3 p.541-546
Zachariadis Georgios
Kapsimali D. C
Effect of sample matrix on sensitivity of mercury and methylmercury quantitation in human urine, saliva and serum using GC-MS
Journal of Separation Science
vol.31 no.22 p.3884–3893
Without Type
Daftsis E
Zachariadis Georgios
Analytical performance of ETAAS method for Cd, Co, Cr and Pb determination in blood fractions samples
vol.71 no.2 p.722-730
Momen Awad A
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Use of fractional factorial design for optimization of digestion procedures followed by multi-element determination of essential and non-essential elements in nuts using ICP-OES technique
vol.71 no.1 p.443-451
Zachariadis Georgios
Michos C.E
Development of a slurry introduction method for multi-element analysis of antibiotics by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry using various types of spray chamber and nebulizer configurations
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
vol.43 no.3 p.951-958
Without Type
Momen Awad A
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Investigation of four digestion procedures for multi-element determination of toxic and nutrient elements in legumes by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry
Analytica Chimica Acta
vol.565 no.1 p.81-88
Papadopoulou D
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Tsirliganis N
Stratis Ioannis
Development and optimisation of a portable micro-XRF method for in situ multi-element analysis of ancient ceramics
vol.68 no.5 p.1692-1699
Zachariadis Georgios
Kapsimali D.C
Development of a rapid multi-element method of analysis of antitussive syrups by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and direct sample introduction
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
vol.41 no.4 p.1212-1219
Zachariadis Georgios
Dimitrakoudi E
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Optimized microwave-assisted decomposition method for multi-element analysis of glass standard reference material and ancient glass specimens by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
vol.68 no.5 p.1448-1456
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Determination of arsenic(III) and total inorganic arsenic in water samples using an on-line sequential insertion system and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry
Analytica Chimica Acta
vol.547 no.2 p.237-242
Awwad Momen
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Development and validation of routine analysis methods for the determination of essential, nonessential and toxic minor and trace elements in cereals and cereal flour samples by inductively coupled plasma – atomic emission spectrometry
Journal of AOAC International
vol.88 p.1797-1810
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Daftsis Emmanouil I
Stratis Ioannis
On-line speciation of mercury and methylmercury by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry using selective solid phase extraction
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.20 no.1 p.63
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Development of a sequential injection system for trace mercury determination by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry utilizing an integrated gas?liquid separator/reactor
vol.64 no.4 p.1053-1057
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Michos ChristosE
Stratis Ioannis
Time-based on-line preconcentration cold vapour generation procedure for ultra-trace mercury determination with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
vol.379 no.5-6
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Farastelis Charalampos G
Stratis Ioannis
On-line liquid–liquid extraction system using a new phase separator for flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of ultra-trace cadmium in natural waters
vol.62 no.3 p.437-443
Foltopoulou P.F
Zachariadis Georgios
Politou A.S
Tsiftsoglou Asterios
Papadopoulou Lefkothea
Human recombinant mutated forms of the mitochondrial COX assembly Sco2 protein differ from wild-type in physical state and copper binding capacity
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
Published Version
vol.81 no.3 p.225-236
Foltopoulou Parthena F
Zachariadis Georgios
Politou Anastasia S
Tsiftsoglou Asterios
Papadopoulou Lefkothea
Human recombinant mutated forms of the mitochondrial COX assembly Sco2 protein differ from wild-type in physical state and copper binding capacity
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism
vol.81 no.3 p.225-236
Ioannidou M
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Direct determination of toxic trace metals in honey and sugars using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Papadopoulou D.N
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Tsirliganis N.C
Stratis Ioannis
Microwave-assisted versus conventional decomposition procedures applied to a ceramic potsherd standard reference material by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Analytica Chimica Acta
vol.505 no.1 p.173-181
Papadopoulou D.N
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Tsirliganis N.C
Stratis Ioannis
Comparison of a portable micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry for the ancient ceramics analysis
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
vol.59 no.12 p.1877-1884
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Development of an on-line solvent extraction system for electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry utilizing a new gravitational phase separator. Determination of cadmium in natural waters and urine samples
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.18 no.11 p.1400
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Gallium trace on-line preconcentration/separation and determination using a polyurethane foam mini-column and flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Application in aluminum alloys, natural waters and urine
vol.60 no.5 p.929-936
Simeonov V
Stratis Ioannis
Samara-Konstantinou Constantini
Zachariadis Georgios
Voutsa Dimitra
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Sofoniou Michail
Kouimtzis Themistoklis
Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece
Water Research
vol.37 no.17 p.4119-4124
Simeonov V
Stratis J. A
Samara C
Zachariadis G. A
Voutsa D
Anthemidis A. N
Sofoniou M
Kouimtzis Th
Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece
Water research
vol.37 p.4119-4124
Tsiouris Sotirios
Aravanopoulos Filippos
Papadogiannis Ioannis
Sofoniou Michail
Samanidou Viktoria
Zachariadis Georgios
Konstantinidou Eleni-Isis
Soil silver mobility in areas subjected to cloud seeding with AgI
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Published Version
vol.12 no.9 p.1059-1063
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Karpouzi Marianna
Stratis Ioannis
On-line preconcentration of mercury using an integrated column/gas-liquid separator (PCGLS) and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.18 no.10 p.1274
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
On-line preconcentration and determination of copper, lead and chromium(VI) using unloaded polyurethane foam packed column by flame atomic absorption spectrometry in natural waters and biological samples
vol.58 no.5 p.831-840
Tsiouris Sotirios
Aravanopoulos Filippos
Papadogiannis Ioannis
Sofoniou Michail
Polyzopoulos N
Christodoulou Maria
Samanidou Viktoria
Zachariadis Georgios
Konstantinidou Eleni-Isis
Soil silver content of agricultural areas subjected to cloud seeding with Silver Iodide
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
Published Version
vol.11 no. 9b. p.697-702
Zachariadis Georgios
Raidou Efthymia S
Themelis Dimitrios
Stratis Ioannis
Determination of mineral content of active dry yeast used in pharmaceutical formulations
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
vol.28 no.3-4 p.463-473
Without Type
Fytianos Konstantinos
Katsianis G
Triantafyllou P
Zachariadis Georgios
Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Vegetables Grown in an Industrial Area in Relation to Soil
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
vol.67 no.3 p.423-430
Savvidis Thomas
Chettri M. K
Papaioannou Athanasios
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
A study of metal distribution from lignite fuels using trees as biological monitors
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
vol.48 no.1 p.27-35
Savvidis Thomas
Brown M. T
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Trace metal concentrations in marine macroalgae from different biotopes in the Aegean Sea
Environment international
vol.27 no.1 p.43-47
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Caniou Ignatia
Stratis Ioannis
Determination of Lead, Cadmium and Mercury in Surface Marine Sediments and Mussels
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
vol.80 no.3 p.153-166
Zachariadis Georgios
Sklavounos Spyridonas
Mandjukov P. B
Stratis Ioannis
SEM-EDXRF study of two chemical modifiers based on platinum and tungsten and their effect on ET-AAS atomization of lead
Mikrochimica acta
vol.136 no.3-4 p.115-122
Without Type
Sofoniou Michail
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Kouimtzis Themistoklis
Spectrophotometric Determination of Phenols and Cyanides After Distillation from Natural Waters
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
vol.78 no.3-4 p.353-365
Vasilikiotis G
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Vosniakos F
Profile of heavy metals distribution in water and sediment samples from river Evros (Southeast Europe)
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
vol.1 p.58-62
Without Type
Fytianos Konstantinos
Evgenidou Eleni
Zachariadis Georgios
Use of Macroalgae as Biological Indicators of Heavy Metal Pollution in Thermaikos Gulf, Greece
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
vol.62 no.5 p.630-637
Loumpourdis Nikolaos
Kyriakopoulou-Sklavounou Paschalina
Zachariadis Georgios
Effects of cadmium exposure on bioaccumulation and larval growth in the frog Rana ridibunda
Environmental Pollution
vol.104 no.3 p.429-433
Stratis Ioannis
Tsakovski S
Simeonov V
Zachariadis Georgios
Savvidis Thomas
Chemometrical classification of biomonitoring analytical data for heavy metals. Part IlI. Lichens as bioindicators
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
vol.69 no.3-4 p.295-304
Tsakovski Stefan Leonidov
Simeonov V
Savvidis Thomas
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Chemometrical classification of biomonitoring analytical data for heavy metals. Part II. Mosses as bioindicators
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
vol.69 no.3-4 p.287-294
Without Type
Savvidis Thomas
Marnasidis A
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
A Study of air pollution with heavy metals in Thessaloniki city using trees as biological monitors
4th international conference on environmental pollution toxic metals
4th international conference on environmental pollution toxic metals
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Chettri M. K
Savvidis Thomas
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Uptake of heavy metals by living and dead Cladonia thalli
Environmental and experimental botany
vol.37 no.1 p.39-52
Papadogiannis Ioannis
Sofoniou Michail
Samanidou Viktoria
Zachariadis Georgios
Zotou Anastasia-Stella
Konstantinidou Eleni-Isis
Tsiouris Sotirios
Soxhlet extraction and acid digestion methods for silver determination in soils by flame and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
Instrumentation Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.25 p.283-296
Without Type
Stratis Ioannis
Simeonov V
Zachariadis Georgios
Savvidis Thomas
Mandjukov P
Tsakovski S
Chemometrical approaches to evaluate analytical data from aquatic macrophytes and marine algae
Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
vol.355 p.65-70
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Simeonov V
Mandjukov P
Savvidis Thomas
Chemometrical classification of biomonitoring analytical data for heavy metals. Part I. Trees (leaves) as bioindicators
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
vol.54 p.29-37
Stratis Ioannis
Simeonov V
Zachariadis Georgios
Savvidis Thomas
Mandjukov P
Tsakovski S
Chemometrical approaches to evaluate analytical data from aquatic macrophytes and marine algae
Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry
vol.355 no.1 p.65-70
Voutsa Dimitra
Zachariadis Georgios
Samara-Konstantinou Constantini
Kouimtzis Themistoklis
Evaluation of the toxic content of sludges produced during the biological treatment of municipal and industrial waste waters
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
vol.31 no.3 p.657-671
Without Type
Kaniou I
Kalligas G
Νikolaides E
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Determination of chloramphenicol residues in meat tissues High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Journal of Liquid Chromatography
vol.18 p.3519-3527
Karadjova I
Mandjukov P
Tsakovsky S
Simeonov V
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Determination of mercury by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using different chemical modifiers or a slurry technique
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.10 no.12 p.1065
Savvidis Thomas
Marnasidis A
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
A study of air pollution with heavy metals in Thessaloniki City (Greece) using trees as biological indicators
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
vol.28 no.1 p.118-124
Savvidis Thomas
Chettri Mukesh K
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Seaward Mark R
Heavy metal bioaccumulation in lichens from Macedonia in northern Greece
Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
vol.50 no.1-4 p.157-166
Savvidis Thomas
Chettri M. K
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Heavy metals in aquatic plants and sediments from water systems in Macedonia, Greece
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
vol.32 no.1 p.73-80
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Simeonov V. D
Classification of Macedonian early bronze age ceramics using their various chemical and technological features
Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
vol.351 no.7 p.697-699
Themelis Dimitrios
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Selective spectrophotometric determination of cobalt(II) using 2,2′-dipyridyl-2-pyridylhydrazone and a flow injection manifold
vol.120 p.1593-1598
Voulgaropoulos Anastasios
Agiannidis Aristomenis
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Giroussi Stella
Atomic absorption spectroscopic determination of molybdenum in aqueous tetrathiomolybdate solutions
Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry
vol.351 no.1 p.139-140
Voutsa Dimitra
Zachariadis Georgios
Gantidis N
Samara-Konstantinou Constantini
Kouimtzis Themistoklis
Evaluation of the quality of municipal and industrial wastewater sludges for agricultural purposes
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.5 p.1-6
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Kaniou I
Kalligas G
Critical comparison of wet and dry digestion procedures for trace metal analysis of meat and fish tissues
Mikrochimica Acta
vol.119 no.3-4 p.191-198
Without Type
Kalligas G
Kaniou I
Zachariadis Georgios
Tsoukali-Papadopoulou Eleni
Epivatianos P
Thin Layer and High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Histamine in Fish Tissues
Journal of Liquid Chromatography
vol.17 no.11 p.2457-2468
Kaniou I
Zachariadis Georgios
Kalligas G
Tsoukali-Papadopoulou Eleni
Stratis Ioannis
Separation and Determination of Carbadox, Nitrofurazone, Nitrofurantoin, Furazolidone, and Furaltadone in their Mixtures by Thin Layer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Journal of Liquid Chromatography
vol.17 no.6 p.1385-1398
Kouimtzis Themistoklis
Samara-Konstantinou Constantini
Voutsa Dimitra
Zachariadis Georgios
Evaluation of chemical parameters in aliakmon river, northern Greece Part I: Quality characteristics and nutrients
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
vol.29 no.10 p.2115-2126
Ouzounis K
Papageorgiou Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Heavy metal pollution in the river Evros (southern Europe)
Τhe International Journal of Environmental Education and Information
vol.13 no.1 p.31-44
Without Type
Stratis Ioannis
Simeonov V
Zachariadis Georgios
Savvidis Thomas
Mandjukov P
Tsakovski S
Chemometrical approaches to treat analytical data from aquatic macrophytes and marine algae
2nd FAO/ UNEP, Subregional workshop on the monitoring of chemical contaminants in marine biota for trends
2nd FAO/ UNEP, Subregional workshop on the monitoring of chemical contaminants in marine biota for trends
Lesbos Island, Greece
Without Type
Kaniou I
Tsoukali H
Epivatianos P
Zachariadis Georgios
Furazolidone determination at random specimens of consumable bovine‐pig muscles by HPLC
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
vol.28 no.3 p.645-650
Kaniou I. P
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Separation and Determination of Five Penicillins by Reversed Phase HPLC
Journal of Liquid Chromatography
vol.16 no.13 p.2891-2897
Savvidis Thomas
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Ladoukakis E
Mosses as biological indicators for monitoring of heavy metal pollution
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.2 p.193-199
Without Type
Savvidis Thomas
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Distribution of heavy metals in sediments and aquatic plants of the River Pinios (Central Greece)
Science of the Total Environment
vol.102 p.261-266
Vasilikiotis G.A
Voulgaropoulos A.N
Stratis Ioannis
Michalopoulou B
Zachariadis Georgios
Determination of chemical pollution parameters of the river axios in Northern Greece
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
vol.26 no.5 p.621-633
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Optimization of cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometric determination of mercury with and without amalgamation by subsequent use of complete and fractional factorial designs with univariate and modified simplex methods
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.6 no.3 p.239
Without Type
Vasilikiotis G.A
Stratis Ioannis
Voulgaropouios A.N
Zachariadis Georgios
Michalopoulou B
Environmental study on chemical pollution of the lake Koronia in northern Greece
Journal of Environmental Science and Health . Part A: Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxicology
vol.25 no.6 p.611-620
Without Type
Stratis Ioannis
Zachariadis Georgios
Dimitrakoudi E. A
Simeonov V
Critical comparison of decomposition procedures for atomic absorption spectrometric analysis of prehistorical ceramics
Fresenius' Zeitschrift fur Analytische Chemie
vol.331 no.7 p.725-729
Without Type
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
Cobalt ultra-trace on-line preconcentration and determination using a PTFE turnings packed column and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Applications in natural waters and biological samples
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.17 no.10 p.1330-1334
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Kougoulis John S
Stratis Ioannis
Flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of chromium(VI) by on-line preconcentration system using a PTFE packed column
vol.57 no.1 p.15-22
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Zachariadis Georgios
Stratis Ioannis
On-line solid phase extraction system using PTFE packed column for the flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination of copper in water samples
vol.54 no.5 p.935-942
Fytianos Konstantinos
Siumka A
Zachariadis Georgios
Beltsios S
Assessment of the Quality Characteristics of Pinios River, Greece
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
vol.136 no.1/4 p.317-329
Karadjova I
Zachariadis Georgios
Boskou Dimitrios-Christos
Stratis Ioannis
Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of aluminium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel and lead in olive oil
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.13 no.3 p.201-204
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Stratis Ioannis
Evaluation of different calibration methods in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric analysis of certified glass materials and archaeological glass specimens
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
vol.18 no.4 p.358-366
Zachariadis Georgios
Anthemidis Aristeidis
Bettas Peter G
Stratis Ioannis
Determination of lead by on-line solid phase extraction using a PTFE micro-column and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
vol.57 no.5 p.919-927
Zachariadis Georgios
Flame AAS and UV-VIS determination of cobalt, nickel and palladium using the synergetic effect of 2-benzoylpyridine-2-pyridylhydrazone and thiocyanate ions
vol.47 no.1 p.161-167
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-06