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AbteilungDeutsche Sprache und Philologie
Qualification AwardedLanguage and Culture in the German-Speaking Area
StudienplanPMS Glṓssa kai Politismós sto Germanófōno CΗṓro (2012-sīmera)
Cycle / Level2. Magisterstudiengang
Akademisches Jahr2022 - 2023
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.
Language and Culture in the German-Speaking Area
Α Degree awarded by a Greek public University or by a recognized foreign Institution of equivalent status is required. The Degree subject has to be equivalent to that of of the School of German Language and Literature, A.U.Th.; otherwise the candidate students have to be examined on relevant subjects.
In order to obtain a MasterDegree Certificate of the Postgraduate Studies Programme "Language and Culture in the German-speaking Area" of the School of German Language and Literature, students have to complete successfully the four semesters that correspond to 120 ECTS (Ministerial Decision 206481/Z1, Official Government Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, no 3332/ Issue B΄/10-08-2018).
The Programme offers 9 elective compulsory courses for each field of specialization (instead of 6 courses according to article 6 of the Programme) which are allocated equally in the first three semesters of the postgraduate studies. During the 4th semester, the students develop their MasterThesis. During the four semesters of the Programme, a series of colloquia is being offered, in which the postgraduate students present and defend their MasterThesis in public. Students are awarded 9 ECTS for each course, 30 ECTS for the development of their MasterThesis and 9 ECTS for attending the colloquia. In order to obtain a Masterdegree Certificate, a minimum of 120 ECTS credits is required.
The Programme aims at providing high quality Postgraduate Studies on German Language and Culture in the German-speaking area as part of a wider European environment. The Programme involves theoretical and practical education and training as students learn how to analyze and describe the German language and get acquainted with the disciplines of Didactics and Methodology, both of which are required in modern education of the multicultural and multilingual societies we live in and which are also essential for the description, analysis and interpretation of German-speaking literature in an environment of European presence and cultural phenomena of the German and Greek-speaking area.
The postgraduates of the PSP are capable of: a) handling Data bases (MS Access), bibliographic bases (e.g. Refworks), logistic platforms like Blackboard and Moodle, b) analyzing scientific texts and theories developing thus a critical way of thinking, c) designing and carrying out genuine research, d) presenting the results of their research orally and in written form in Greek or/and in German and of course in an appropriate scientific way. Particularly, it is being aimed at the promotion of interdisciplinary approach, as well as at the development of specialized and qualified personnel, which will staff both research and provision of services that are associated with the German language and the German-speaking culture in the social and cultural development framework of Greece.
Upon completion, in addition to the basic knowledge of their discipline and profession, graduates have also acquired metacognitive awareness, (self)criticism and reflection skills and are able to: 1) apply knowledge in practice, 2) communicate in German and Greek, 3) search for, analyze and synthesize data and information in Greek, German and English, also making use of the appropriate technology, 4) work independently or in groups in an international and/or interdisciplinary environment, 5) generate new research ideas and design and manage scientific and research projects, 6) adapt to new situations and make decisions, 7) respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 8) demonstrate social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, 9) view themselves as well as others critically, 10) promote free, inductive and deductive thinking.
Not applicable
The qualification is a terminal award and allows access to doctoral studies.
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education.
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good : 6.50- 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good : 6.00-6.49
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos): 0-5,99
Minimum passing grade : 6
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) (1ECTS= 25-30 student work load hours). Compliance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) regulations started in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European one (Ministerial Decision no Φ5/89656/β3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Government Gazette no 1466/2007/B). A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS.
Evaggelia Karagiannidou