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Qualification AwardedΜεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, Μ.Δ.Ε. (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis – Second-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a ‘Master’ Degree.
Studienplan2014 Metaptychiakó Prógramma Spoudṓn Filosofías
Cycle / Level2. Magisterstudiengang
Akademisches Jahr2018 - 2019
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Lehrveranstaltungen des Wintersemesters

31 Veranstaltungen
EDICMulticultural/Intercultural Education7.5EE
ER1Education for Democratic Intercultural Citizenship0PANT
ΑΜΕPractical exersices - research methodology10Y
ΑΜΣPractical exersices-writing methodology10Y
ΑΠΕResearch Peparation Thesis writing10Y
Π1000Introduction to Pedagogical Research6E
Φ338Elements Of Critical Thinking6YE
Φ358Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Man’ s Destination6YE
Φ36620th Century Moral Theories 6YE
Φ373G.W.F. Hegel: Natural Law and political science in Outline: elements of the philosophy of right" (1821)6YE
Φ382Plato's Ontology6YE
Φ385The Problem Of Evil6YE
Φ386Problems of Bioethics6YE
Φ388Three existential questions: 1. The good: strength or weekness? 2. Why do we exist? 3. The soul: reality or unreality?6YE
Φ389Moral virtues in Kant and Aristotles6YE
Φ397David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding-Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics: Two pivotal texts of modern philosophy6YE
Φ407Philosophical objections to western rationalism: Henry Corbin (1903-1978) and Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)6YE
Φ408The life of the ideal in cinema6YE
Φ409Topics in Contemporary Democratic Theory6YE
Φ410Spinoza, "Theological-Political Treatise"6YE
Φ411Issues in Applied Ethics6YE
Φ412Immanuel Kant's critique of teleology6YE
Φ413The concept of the generation of spirit in Schelling's philosophy. A systematic reading of "Philosophical Inquiries into the Essence of Human Freedom"6YE
Φ414Introduction to Aristotles’ Philosophy6YE
Φ415Spinoza, "Ethics", Part II: The Nature and the Origin of the Mind6YE
Φ417Aesthetics, Art and Politics6YE
Φ423Renatus Cartesius, Regulae and directionem ingenii6YE
Φ424Introduction to Wittgenstein6YE
Φ425Theories of knowledge in the 20th century6YE
ΦΚ206Plato, Phaedrus6YE
ΦΚ231Aristotle, Metaphysics A6YE
Istoría tīs Filosofías
9 Veranstaltungen
ΦΙΜ 126Philosophy of Language; Language, understanding and interpretation10KEU
ΦΙΜ 133Literature as a Political Philosophy: Socialist Realism and Modern Greek Literature (Adoptions, Exaggerations, Criticism)10KEU
ΦΙΜ 134The Political Philosophy of the American Revolution10KEU
ΦΙΜ 135Greek Philosophy and Hegel's Lectures on Greek Philosophy10KEU
ΦΣΜ 104G.W.F. Hegel, "Guidelines for the Philosophy of Right. Natural right and political science in brief (1821)10E
ΦΣΜ 112Spinoza "De Deo" (Ethics I)10E
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10E
ΦΣΜ 120The concept of the constitution fo the object (Kant, Fichte, Schelling)10E
ΦΣΜ 124Comtemporary Metaphysics: Mikis Theodorakis and the theory of Universal Harmony10E
Systīmatikī Filosofía
10 Veranstaltungen
ΦΙΜ 126Philosophy of Language; Language, understanding and interpretation10E
ΦΙΜ 133Literature as a Political Philosophy: Socialist Realism and Modern Greek Literature (Adoptions, Exaggerations, Criticism)10E
ΦΙΜ 134The Political Philosophy of the American Revolution10E
ΦΙΜ 135Greek Philosophy and Hegel's Lectures on Greek Philosophy10E
ΦΣΜ 104G.W.F. Hegel, "Guidelines for the Philosophy of Right. Natural right and political science in brief (1821)10KEU
ΦΣΜ 112Spinoza "De Deo" (Ethics I)10KEU
ΦΣΜ 115Ethical appraisal of medical and genetic technologies (reprodution and enhancement)10KEU
ΦΣΜ 120The concept of the constitution fo the object (Kant, Fichte, Schelling)10KEU
ΦΣΜ 124Comtemporary Metaphysics: Mikis Theodorakis and the theory of Universal Harmony10KEU
ΧΗ9Ethical questions regarding social issues10E

Lehrveranstaltungen des Sommersemester

49 Veranstaltungen
EDICMulticultural/Intercultural Education7.5EE
EDIC-IPEducation for Democtatic Intercultural Citizenship7.5EE
ΑΜΣPractical exersices-writing methodology10Y
ΑΠΕResearch Peparation Thesis writing10Y
Π1000Introduction to Pedagogical Research6E
Φ106Moral And Political Philosophy6YE
Φ107Aesthetics And Philosophy Of Art5YE
Φ302Dialectical Questions6YE
Φ324Aristotle’S Philosophy Of Nature6YE
Φ358Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Man’ s Destination6YE
Φ360Nicolaus Cusanus, De Coniecturis6YE
Φ36620th Century Moral Theories 6YE
Φ373G.W.F. Hegel: Natural Law and political science in Outline: elements of the philosophy of right" (1821)6YE
Φ374The teaching of philosophy6YE
Φ382Plato's Ontology6YE
Φ386Problems of Bioethics6YE
Φ387The Philosophy of Spinoza6YE
Φ392Structure and Subject in Structuralism from F. de Saussure to L. Althusser6YE
Φ395Time in Greek antiquity6YE
Φ397David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding-Immanuel Kant, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics: Two pivotal texts of modern philosophy6YE
Φ398Nostalgia and justice: The existential poetry of Tassos Levaditis6YE
Φ399The power of imagination in the thought of Giordano Bruno6YE
Φ401Descartes, "Metaphysical Meditations"6YE
Φ403Essence and poetry in cinematography6YE
Φ405Problems in Philosophy of Science6YE
Φ406Mikis Theodorakis and the theory of Universal Harmony6YE
Φ407Philosophical objections to western rationalism: Henry Corbin (1903-1978) and Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)6YE
Φ408The life of the ideal in cinema6YE
Φ410Spinoza, "Theological-Political Treatise"6YE
Φ411Issues in Applied Ethics6YE
Φ412Immanuel Kant's critique of teleology6YE
Φ413The concept of the generation of spirit in Schelling's philosophy. A systematic reading of "Philosophical Inquiries into the Essence of Human Freedom"6YE
Φ414Introduction to Aristotles’ Philosophy6YE
Φ415Spinoza, "Ethics", Part II: The Nature and the Origin of the Mind6YE
Φ417Aesthetics, Art and Politics6YE
Φ418Medieval Philosophy6YE
Φ420The Hellenic film noir and the logic of mystery6YE
Φ423Renatus Cartesius, Regulae and directionem ingenii6YE
Φ424Introduction to Wittgenstein6YE
Φ425Theories of knowledge in the 20th century6YE
ΦΚ206Plato, Phaedrus6YE
ΦΚ207Plato, Republic6YE
ΦΚ222Plato's, Symposium6YE
ΦΚ231Aristotle, Metaphysics A6YE
ΦΚ234Plato, Timaeus6YE
ΦΚ236Aristotle, Physics B6YE
ΦΚ256Aristotle, Poetics6YE
ΦΚ273Ancient Greek, Cypriot and Roman physician philosophers6YE
Istoría tīs Filosofías
10 Veranstaltungen
ΜΗΦ 101Political and Moral Philosophy: The Problem of Evil before and after Auschwitz10EE
ΦΙΜ 136Aristotle, "On the Soul"10KEU
ΦΙΜ 137Epicurean Moral Philosophy10KEU
ΦΙΜ 138Gadamer and Philosophical Hermeneutics10KEU
ΦΙΜ 139Aristotle, "On the Heavens"10KEU
ΦΣΜ 104G.W.F. Hegel, "Guidelines for the Philosophy of Right. Natural right and political science in brief (1821)10E
ΦΣΜ 109Political Philosophy IΙ10E
ΦΣΜ 125The Logic of Forms: Nihilsm and Imagination10E
ΦΣΜ 126Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling- Philosophical Inquiries into the essence of Human Freedom10E
ΦΣΜ 127Leibniz, New Essays on Human Understanding10E
Systīmatikī Filosofía
8 Veranstaltungen
ΦΙΜ 136Aristotle, "On the Soul"10E
ΦΙΜ 137Epicurean Moral Philosophy10E
ΦΙΜ 138Gadamer and Philosophical Hermeneutics10E
ΦΣΜ 104G.W.F. Hegel, "Guidelines for the Philosophy of Right. Natural right and political science in brief (1821)10KEU
ΦΣΜ 109Political Philosophy IΙ10KEU
ΦΣΜ 125The Logic of Forms: Nihilsm and Imagination10KEU
ΦΣΜ 126Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling- Philosophical Inquiries into the essence of Human Freedom10KEU
ΦΣΜ 127Leibniz, New Essays on Human Understanding10KEU