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Qualification Awarded
StudienplanPMS Tmīmatos Dasologías kai Fysikoý Perivállontos (2011-2012)
Cycle / Level2. Magisterstudiengang
Akademisches Jahr2017 - 2018
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 28 hours of workload.
Degree of Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment or a degree awarded by a Greek public University or by a recognized foreign Institution of equivalent status or by a Technological Education Institute is required.
In order to obtain the Postgraduate Degree of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment the postgraduate students are obliged to attend and be successfully examined in all courses (mandatory - elective) and complete their Postgraduate Thesis which corresponds to 30 ECTS units. The postgraduate studies programme involves: a) two (2) mandatory courses for all postgraduate students, b) four (4) mandatory courses in each specialization and c) four (4) elective courses. Each course is equivalent to six (6) ECTS units. The five specializations are:
1)Forest Production - Forest Protection and Natural Environment
2)Range Science - Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
3)Planning and Development of Natural Resources
4)Forest and Water Engineering
5)Harvesting and Technology of Forest Products
The purpose of the Postgraduate Studies Programme of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment is to promote new knowledge, research and the development and support of new technologies in the area of Forestry and Natural Environment.
More thoroughly the purpose of the Postgraduate Studies Programme is:
Α. Promote knowledge in each specialization field.
Β. Promote forestry research in our country which will contribute to the development of new technologies and will also support the work of Foresters - Environmentalists and all scientists in general involved in the study of Forests and Natural Environment. All the above will have a direct impact in improving the quality of forest products and services, proper management of natural resources and rural areas and protection of the natural environment.
C. Training of scientists in order to cover the needs in specialized personnel of the private and public sector, in educational and research institutes and international organizations.
D. Training of specialized foreign scientists.
The graduates of the Postgraduate Programme acquire a broad spectrum of basic knowledge therefore producing scientists capable of advancing scientific thinking, acquiring the ability to apply it in practice and pass this knowledge on the next generations.
The graduates of the Postgraduated Program depending on the specialization they have enrolled, the courses (mandatory and elective) they attended and their post graduate thesis acquire the following skills:
1.Forest Productions - Forest Protection and Natural Environment
The postgraduate program is designed to provide a strong theoretical and applied academic knowledge in all aspects of: Ecology, Stand structure and Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems, Silvicultural planning Natural Regeneration and Evaluation of Planting material and planting techniques of Forest Ecosystems, the multipurpose Silvicultural treatments of Forest Ecosystems, the management of Urban and peri-urban biotopes, planning, performance and evolution of reforestations, establishment and tending of forest plantations, integrated environmental planning of mountain areas, reclamation of degraded ecosystems, ecological rehabilitation of mining and quarrying areas. The identification of plant samples, vegetation types and pollen vegetation models, monitoring of plant species and vegetation and habitat types of Natura 2000 network and the creation and management of botanical gardens, parks and tree hedgerows. Principles of genetics, genetic improvement of forest plants, protection of forest genetic resources, genetic analysis with a) quantitative traits b) genetic indicators, genetic maps, gene mapping, phenology, phenomics, epigenetics, production of forest reproductive material, vegetative propagation of forest plants, planting of forest plants with molecular and biochemical markers, bioinformatics, genomics. Tactics and methods for forest fire preventions and suppression. Ecology and rehabilitation of burnt areas, taxonomy, ecological management and control of forest insects. Mycology and phtytopathology. Influence of past climatic changes and atmospheric pollution on forest ecosystems. Forest soil science and soil resources use efficiency. Forest soil and forest site classification, analysis of forest soils, plant tissues and water resources for the estimation of forest sites, rangelands and forest nurseries productivity.
2. Range Science Wildlife Management and Fresh Water Fisheries.
The postgraduate program is designed to provide a strong theoretical and applied academic background -with the use of the most advanced methodological tools - to the disciplines: Understanding threats to biodiversity in regional and global level. Population dynamics, and ecosystem services of rangeland ecosystem, Assessment of range plant species adapted to biotic and abiotic stress. Management of rangeland and agroforestry ecosystems, Estimation of grazing capacity, Drafting of management plans, Restoration of disturbed rangeland ecosystems. Analysis of wildlife-habitat relationships by using mathematical models and population viability analysis (PVA). Management plan implementation for endangered wildlife species. Fisheries management and fish population dynamics in inland waters (rivers, lakes and lagoons) and fishery improvement management plans.
3. Planning and Development of Natural Resources.
Statistical analysis of multivariate data in the management of natural resources. Comprehension of Information and Communication Technologies, green informatics and internet services and their employment in environmental protection, decision making, energy sustainability and sustainable development.Economic analysis and evaluation of environmental investments and enterprises. Introduction, development and financing of innovations and entrepreneurship with environmental focus. Development of business planning, marketing of forest products/services and wooden products. Social and economic planning in forestry.Management of natural ecosystems and protected areas with the use of Remote Sensing (photointerpretation, photogrammetry, digital image analysis) and Geographical Information.Systems (GIS). Creation of forest management plans focusing on the multiple use of forests (e.g. wood production, grazing, recreation, hunting).Environmental Policy, Development model and natural resources, Environmental Policy Tools, European Community Environmental Policy, Environmental Protection Strategies, Sustainable Development.Environmental Interpretation, Environmental Interpretation as a Tool of Forestry and Environmental Policy, Education for Sustainable Development, Environmental education and training programs for educators.
4.Forest and Water Engineering.
Forest Opening Up and Wood Transport networks, Forest Road Constructions, Design, process and forest road survey design, surface formation and construction of embankments, Maintenance of forest roads, environmental impact. Topographical measurement standards, Drawing design and area calculation, Forest maps and Forest cadastre, Automated mapping, Quantitative elements extraction from maps, technical works as landscape disturbance elements. Adaptation of technical works to the natural environment and impacts, Sustainable forest constructions, Mountainous water management methods and principles, torrential phenomena, Sediment sources and sediment transport mechanism (creation, transport, deposition), Forest technique torrent control system, Eco-engineering techniques and slope protection and stabilization, Forest hydrology and Watershed management, avalanches, Forest and Water engineering works in relation to the environment.
5. Harvesting and Technology of Forest Products
During their studies, the students acquire important skills and gain special skills and knowledge in all aspects of Wood Science, such as Harvesting of Forest Products, Wood Structure, Wood Properties, Identification and uses of wood, Machining Technology of Wood, Maintenance and Improvement of Wood, Production technology, properties and uses of Wood based panels, Chemical technology of wood, Technology Furniture manufacturing, Quality control and certification of wood and furniture products, Operation of wood and furniture processing industries, Exploitation of wood and forest biomass in energy production.
Doctoral and postdoctoral studies.
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education.
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good : 6.50- 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good : 6.00-6.49
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos) Fail: 0.00-5.99
Minimum passing grade : 6
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units (European Credit Transfer Systems) and each semester to 30 ECTS units (1 ECTS = 25 - 30 hours according to the studentang1033 s workload). Each course is assigned the number of required ECTS (>=2) that express the workload required by the student to complete the course.
Full-time study