Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
• Robert C. Holub, Θεωρία της πρόσληψης: μία κριτική εισαγωγή, Μεταίχμιο, Αθήνα 2004
• J.G. Crossley, Reading the New Testament: Contemporary Approaches, Routledge, London and New York 2010
• J.G. Crossley, “An Immodest Proposal for Biblical Studies”, Relegere 2:1 (2012): 153-177
• L.W. Hurtado, “On Diversity, Competence, and Coherence in New Testament Studies: A Modest Response to Crossley’s ‘Immodest Proposal’”, Relegere 2:2 (2012): 353-364
• R. Warning (επιμ.), Rezeptionsästhetik: Theorie und Praxis (UTB 303), Wilhelm Fink, München 1979
• H.R. Jauss, Η θεωρία της πρόσληψης. Τρία μελετήματα, Εστία, Αθήνα 1995
• W. Iser, Der implizierte Leser (UTB 163), W. Fink, München 31994 = W. Iser, The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & London 1974
• W. Iser, Der Akt des Lesens, W. Fink, München 1976 = W. Iser, The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore & London 1978
• David Sheppard (επιμ.), Images of the Word: Hollywood’s Bible and Beyond (SBL. Semeia Studies 54), Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta 2008
• P.C. Burns, Jesus in Twentieth Century Literature, Art, and Movies (UBC Studies in Religion 1), Continuum, New York & London 2007
• J.L. Staley / R. Walsh (επιμ.), Jesus, the Gospels and Cinematic Imagination: A handbook to Jesus on DVD, Westminster John Knox Press, Lousiville / London 2007
• R. Walsh, Reading the Gospels in the Dark: Portrayals of Jesus in Film, Continuum, London / New York 2003
• M. DiPaolo, Godly Heretics. Essays on Alternative Christianity in Literature and Popular Culture, McFarland & Company, Jefferson et al. 2013
• W.G. Wells, Competing Cinematic Christs: A Critical Matrix for Evaluating Twenty- First Century Jesus-Story Films, Dissertation, Faculty of the University of Texas 2011
• Ph. Culbertson / E.M. Wainright (επιμ.), The Bible in / and Popular Culture: A Creative Encounter (SBL.Semeia Studies 65), SBL, Atlanta 2010
• P. Grace, The Religious Film: Christianity and the Hagiopic, Willey-Blackwell, Oxford 2009
• F.L. Bakker, The Challenge of the Silver Screen: An Analysis of the Cinematic Portraits of Jesus, Rama, Buddha, and Muhammad (Studies in Religion and the Arts 1), Leiden / Boston, Brill 2009
• L. Baugh, Imaging the Divine. Jesus and Christ-Figures in Film, Sheed & Ward, Kansas City 1997
• V.H.T. Nguyen, “The Quest for the Cinematic Jesus: Scholarly Exploration in Jesus Films”, CBR 8 (2010): 183-206