Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
1. Γκλαβίνης Π., Διεθνές οικονομικό δίκαιο, Σάκκουλας, 2009.
2. Μάνου Δήμητρα, Η περιβαλλοντική παράμετρος στη διεθνή χρηματοδότηση της ανάπτυξης: Ο ρόλος των πολυμερών αναπτυξιακών τραπεζών, Σάκκουλας, 2009.
3. Collins David, Foundations of International Economic Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2019.
4. Cotter Thomas, Nadakavukaren Krista (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2017.
5. Dolzer Rudolf, Schreuer Christoph, Principles of International Investment Law, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012.
6. Herdegen Matthias, Principles of International Economic Law, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
7. Joerges Christian, Petersmann Ernst-Ulrich (eds.), Constitutionalism, Multilevel Trade Governance and International Economic Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2011.
8. Lowenfeld Andreas, International Economic Law, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
9. Qureshi H. Asif, Ziegler Andreas, International Economic Law, 4th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2019.
10. Shan Wenhua, Simons Penelope, Singh Dalvinder (orgs.), Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2008.
11. Sornarajah M., The International Law on Foreign Investment, 4th edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017.
12. Trebilcock J. Michael, Howse Robert, Eliason Antonia, The Regulation of International Trade, 4th edition, Routledge, London, 2012.