Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
Ambrosini, Richard, ed. Robert Louis Stevenson: Writer of Boundaries. Univ. of Wisconsin P., 2006.
Baldick, Chris. In Frankenstein’s Shadow: Myth, Monstrosity and Nineteenth-Century Writing. OUP, 1987.
Baldick, Chris, ed. The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales. OUP, 1992.
Barron, Neil. Horror Literature: A Reader’s Guide. Garland 1990.
Botting, Fred. Gothic. Routledge 2005. Myi Library.
Botting, Fred, ed. The Gothic. D.S. Brewer 2001.
Botting, Fred. Limits of Horror: Technologies, Bodies, Gothic. Manchester UP, 2008.
Clery, E.J. The Rise of Supernatural Fiction. CUP 1995.
Cornwell, Neil. The Literary Fantastic: from Gothic to Postmodernism. 1990.
DeLammote, Eugenia. Perils of the Night: A Feminist Study of 19th Century Gothic. OUP, 1990.
Duggett, Tom. Gothic Romanticism: Architecture, Politics and Literary form. Palgrave 2010.
Ellis, Markman. The History of Gothic Fiction, Edinburgh University Press, 2001.
Ellis, Kate Ferguson. The Contested Castle: Gothic Novels and the Subversion of Domestic Ideology. University of Illinois Press, 1987.
Franklin, Caroline, ed. The Longman Anthology of Gothic Verse. Pearson Longman, 2011.
Gamer, Michael. Romanticism and the Gothic: Genre, Reception, and Canon Formation. CUP, 2000.
Haggerty, George. Gothic Fiction/Gothic Form. Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1989.
Heiland, Donna. Gothic and Gender: an Introduction. Blackwell, 2004. PR830.T3H37 2004
Hogle, Jerrold E., ed. The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction. CUP 2002.
Hoeveler, Diane Long. Gothic Feminism: The Professionalization of Gender from Charlotte Smith to the Brontes. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998.
Hopkins, Lisa. Screening the Gothic. University of Texas, 2005.
Larrissy, Edward, ed. Romanticism and Postmodernism. CUP, 1999.
Levine, G.L. The Endurance of Frankenstein: Essays on Mary Shelley’s Novel. University of California Press, 1982.
Maxwell, Richard. The Cambridge Companion to Fiction in the Romantic Period. CUP, 2008.
Meyers, Helene. Femicidal Fears. Narratives of the Female Gothic Experience. Albany 2001.
McCalman, Iain et al. eds. An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture 1776-1832. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. [Reference guide]
Mighall, Robert. A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History's Nightmares. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Morton, Timothy, ed. A Routledge Literary Sourcebook on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. London: Routledge, 2002.
Mulvey, Roberts Marie. The Handbook to Gothic Literature. Macmillan 1998.
Norton, Rictor. Gothic Readings: The First Wave, 1764-1840. Leicester UP, 2000.
Punter, David. A Companion to the Gothic. London: Blackwell, 2001.
Punter, David. The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic fictions from 1765 to the Present Day. Longman, 1996.
Punter, David, and Glennis Byron. The Gothic. Blackwell, 2004. Ref PR830.T3P856 2004
Ricchetti, John, ed. The Cambridge Companion to 18th Century Fiction.
Sage, Victor. The Gothic Novel: A Casebook. Macmillan, 1990.
Smith, Andrew. Gothic Modernisms. Palgrave, 2001.
Smith, Andrew. Gothic Radicalism: Literature, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis in the 19th Century. Macmillan 2000.
Schmitt, Cannon. Alien Nation: 19th‒Century Gothic Fictions and English Nationality. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
Schor, Esther, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Mary Shelley. Cambridge: CUP, 2003.
Spooner, Catherine, ed. The Routledge Companion to Gothic. Routledge, 2007.
Watt, James. Contesting the Gothic: Fiction, Genre and Cultural Conflict 1764‒1832. CUP, 2006.
Wollstonecraft Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus: the Original Two-Volume Novel of 1816-1817 from the Bodleian Library Manuscripts. Ed. Charles Robinson. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2008.
Williams, Anne. Art of Darkness: A Poetics of Gothic. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1995.
Wright, Angela. Gothic Fiction. Palgrave 2007.