Ηλεκτρονική Διάθεση Μαθήματος
Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα
Οι φοιτητές/τριες
θα προσεγγίσουν το αμερικανικό θέατρο σαν μία δημόσια πλατφόρμα όπου πολιτικές ιδέες προωθούνται ή αμφισβητούνται
Θα εξετάσουν τον ρόλο του στη διαμόρφωση της αμερικανικής εθνικής ταυτότητας
θα εξοικειωθούν με βασικά κινήματα, συγγραφείς, και γεγονότα που συνεισέφεραν στην εξέλιξη του αμερικανικού θεάτρου
Περιεχόμενο Μαθήματος
American political drama
Royall Tyler, The Contrast (1787) (The Norton Anthology of
American Literature, vol. A)
American social comedy
Anna Cora Mowatt, Fashion (1845)
American melodrama
Augustin Daly, Under the Gaslight (1867)
American realism
James A. Herne, Margaret Fleming (1890)
American expressionism
Elmer Rice, The Adding Machine (1923)
American feminism
Sophie Treadwell, Machinal (1928)
Lillian Hellman, The Children’s Hour (1934)
American proletarian drama
Clifford Odets, Waiting for Lefty (1935)
American metatheatre
Thorton Wilder, Our Town (1938)
American historical drama
Arthur Miller, The Crucible (1953)
American modified realism
Eugene O’Neill, Long Day’s Journey into Night (1956) – The Norton
Anthology of American Literature, vol. D)
American postmodernism
Edward Albee, The Zoo Story (1959)
Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
Selected Bibliography
Bigsby, C. W. E. A critical introduction to twentieth-century American drama.
Bordman, Gerald Martin. American theatre: a chronicle of comedy and drama, 1869-1914.
Chinoy, Helen Krich., Jenkins, Linda Walsh. Women in American theatre.
Engle, Ron, Miller, Tice L. The American stage: social and economic issues from the colonial period to the present.
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Representative American plays: from 1767 to the present day.
Senelick, Laurence. The American stage: writing on theater from Washington Irving to Tony Kushner.
Walker, Julia A. Expressionism and modernism in the American theatre: bodies, voices, words.
Watt, Stephen and Gary A. Richardson. American drama: colonial to contemporary.
Wilmeth, Don B. and C. W. E. Bigsby. The Cambridge history of American theatre. Witham, Barry. Theatre in the United States, 1750-1915.