Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
• Βαϊτσος, Κ. 2009. Αρχές Αναπτυξιακής Οικονομικής. Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Κριτική.
• Weil, N.D. 2012. Οικονομική Μεγέθυνση. Λευκωσία, Broken Hill Publishers Ltd.
• World Bank (various years). World Development Report. Washington DC, The World Bank.
• Our World in Data: https://ourworldindata.org
• United Nations. 2015. Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. New York, United Nations.
• Lin, J.Y. 2012. New Structural Economics. Washington DC, The World Bank.
• Ocampo, J.A., Rada, C. and Taylor, L. 2009. Growth and Policy in Developing Countries: A Structuralist Approach. New York, Columbia University Press.
• Ray, D. 2010. Uneven Growth: A Framework for Research in Development Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives 24, No. 3, 45-60.
• Lucas, R. 1990. Why Doesn't Capital Flow From Rich to Poor Countries?, American Economic Review 80, 92-96.
• Erosa, Α., Koreshkova, Τ. and Restuccia, D. 2010. How Important Is Human Capital? A Quantitative Theory Assessment of World Income Inequality, Review of Economic Studies 77, 1421-1449.
• Forbes, K. 2000. A Reassessment of the Relationship Between Inequality and Growth, American Economic Review 90, 869-887.
• Mookherjee, D. and Ray, D. 2003. Persistent Inequality, Review of Economic Studies 70, 369-393.
• Benabou, R. 2000. Unequal Societies: Income Distribution and the Social Contract, American Economic Review 90, 96-128.
• Rodrik, D. 2013. The Past, Present, and Future of Economic Growth. Global Citizens Foundation, Working Paper 1.
• Chen, S. and Ravallion, M. 2010. The Developing World is Poorer than we Thought, but no less Successful in the Fight against Poverty. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125(4).
• Milanovic, B. 2013. Global Income Inequality in Numbers: in History and Now, Global Policy, 4(2).