Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
1. Supervia M, Turk-Adawi K, Lopez-Jimenez F, Pesah E, Ding R, Britto RR, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Derman W, Abreu A, Babu AS, Santos CA, Jong SK, Cuenza L, Yeo TJ, Scantlebury D, Andersen K, Gonzalez G, Giga V, Vulic D, Vataman E, Cliff J, Kouidi E, Yagci I, Kim C, Benaim B, Estany ER, Fernandez R, Radi B, Gaita D, Simon A, Chen SY, Roxburgh B, Martin JC, Maskhulia L, Burdiat G, Salmon R, Lomelí H, Sadeghi M, Sovova E, Hautala A, Tamuleviciute-Prasciene E, Ambrosetti M, Neubeck L, Asher E, Kemps H, Eysymontt Z, Farsky S, Hayward J, Prescott E, Dawkes S, Santibanez C, Zeballos C, Pavy B, Kiessling A, Sarrafzadegan N, Baer C, Thomas R, Hu D, Grace SL.Nature of Cardiac Rehabilitation Around the Globe.EClinicalMedicine. 2019 Jul 4;13:46-56.
2. Turk-Adawi K, Supervia M, Lopez-Jimenez F, Pesah E, Ding R, Britto RR, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Derman W, Abreu A, Babu AS, Santos CA, Jong SK, Cuenza L, Yeo TJ, Scantlebury D, Andersen K, Gonzalez G, Giga V, Vulic D, Vataman E, Cliff J, Kouidi E, Yagci I, Kim C, Benaim B, Estany ER, Fernandez R, Radi B, Gaita D, Simon A, Chen SY, Roxburgh B, Martin JC, Maskhulia L, Burdiat G, Salmon R, Lomelí H, Sadeghi M, Sovova E, Hautala A, Tamuleviciute-Prasciene E, Ambrosetti M, Neubeck L, Asher E, Kemps H, Eysymontt Z, Farsky S, Hayward J, Prescott E, Dawkes S, Santibanez C, Zeballos C, Pavy B, Kiessling A, Sarrafzadegan N, Baer C, Thomas R, Hu D, Grace SL.Cardiac Rehabilitation Availability and Density around the Globe. EClinicalMedicine. 2019;13:31-45.
3. P. Koufaki, E. Kouidi Current best evidence recommendations on measurement and interpretation of physical Function in patients with chronic kidney Disease. Sports Medicine, 40(12):1055-74, 2010
4. A. Mezzani, P. Agostoni, A. Cohen-Solal, U. Corrà, A. Jegier, E. Kouidi, S. Mazic, P. Meurin, M. Piepoli, A. Simon, CV. Laethem, L. Vanhees Standards for the use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing for the functional evaluation of cardiac patients: a report from the Exercise Physiology Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil, 16: 249-67, 2009
5. M. Borjesson, A. Urhausen, E. Kouidi, D. Dugmore, S. Sharma, M. Halle, H. Heidbüchel, H. Björnstad, S. Gielen, A. Mezzani, D. Corrado, A. Pelliccia, L. Vanhees. Cardiovascular Evaluation of Middle-aged/Senior Individuals engaged in leisure-time sport activities: Position Stand from the sections of Exercise Physiology and Sports Cardiology of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR). European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 18(3):446-58, 2011
6. L. Vanhees, J De Sutter, N. Geladas, F. Doyle, V. Cornelissen, E. Kouidi, D. Dugmore, D. Vanuzzo, M. Börjesson, P. Doherty Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in defining the benefits to cardiovascular health within the general population: recommendations from the EACPR (Part I) European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2012
7. L. Vanhees, N. Geladas, D. Hansen, E. Kouidi, J. Niebauer, Z. Reiner, V. Cornelissen, S. Adamopoulos, E. Prescott, M. Börjesson Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in the management of cardiovascular health in individuals with cardiovascular risk factors: recommendations from the EACPR (Part II) European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2012
8. Livitckaia K, Koutkias V, Kouidi E, van Gils M, Maglaveras N, Chouvarda I. "OPTImAL": an ontology for patient adherence modeling in physical activity domain. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019;19(1):92.
9. Annema C, De Smet S, Castle EM, Overloop Y, Klaase JM, Janaudis-Ferreira T, Mathur S, Kouidi E, Perez Saez MJ, Matthys C, Dobbels F, Ferrari P, Gołębiewska J, Mrzljak A, Girman P, Perch M, Lopez-Lopez V, White C, Koval D, Greenwood S, Monbaliu D. European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT) Consensus Statement on Prehabilitation for Solid Organ Transplantation Candidates. Transpl Int. 2023; 36:11564. doi: 10.3389/ti.2023.
10. Michou V, Liakopoulos V, Roumeliotis S, Roumeliotis A, Anifanti M, Tsamos G, Papagianni A, Zempekakis P, Deligiannis A, Kouidi E. Effects of Home-Based Exercise Training on Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy and Metabolic Profile in Diabetic Hemodialysis Patients. Life (Basel). 2023;13(1):232. doi: 10.3390/life13010232.
11. Hansen D, Coninx K, Beckers P, Cornelissen V, Kouidi E, Neunhauserer D, Niebauer J, Spruit MA, Takken T, Dendale P; EXPERT Network working group. Appropriate exercise prescription in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease: why this skill remains to be improved among clinicians and healthcare professionals. A call for action from the EXPERT Network. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2023 Jul 17:zwad232. doi: 10.1093/eurjpc/zwad232.
12. Skoufa L, Makri E, Barkoukis V, Papagianni M, Triantafyllou P, Kouidi E. Effects of a Diabetes Sports Summer Camp on the Levels of Physical Activity and Dimensions of Health-Related Quality of Life in Young Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Children (Basel). 2023;10(3):456.
13. Anifanti M, Teloudi A, Mitropoulos A, Syrakou N, Pagkopoulou E, Triantafyllidou E, Boström C, Diederichsen LP, Cuomo G, Dimitroulas T, Klonizakis M, Kouidi E. Right Ventricular Morphology and Function after Exercise Training in People with Systemic Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Life (Basel) 2023;13(2):545.
14. Chowdhury MI, Turk-Adawi K, Babu AS, de Melo Ghisi GL, Seron P, Yeo TJ, Uddin J, Heine M, Saldivia MG, Kouidi E, Sadeghi M, Aljehani R, Grace SL.Development of the International Cardiac Rehabilitation Registry Including Variable Selection and Definition Process. Glob Heart. 2022; 17(1):1.