Επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για μελέτη
1. Barlow, Janelle, (2009), A Complaint Is a Gift: Recovering Customer Loyalty
When Things Go Wrong, 2nd ed., Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco
2. Barnes, Cindy, Helen Blake and David Pinder, (2009),Creating and Delivering
Your Value Proposition: Managing Customer Experience for Profit, Kogan Page
3. Buttle, Francis, (2008), Customer Relationship Management, 2nd edition,
4. Edvardsson, Bo and Bo Enquist, (2008), Values Based Service for Sustainable
Business: Lessons from IKEA, Routledge.
5. Ford. David, Lars Erik-Gadde, Hakan Hakansson, Ivan Snehota (2011),
Managing Business Relationships, 3rd ed., Wiley, Chichester
6. Gronfeldt, Svata and Judith Banks Strother, (2006), Service Leadership: The
Quest for Competitive Advantage, Sage Publications
7. Gronroos, Christian, (2007), Service Management and Marketing, 3rd ed.,
Wiley, Chichester, England
8. Gummesson, Evert, (2008), Total Relationship Marketing, 3rd ed.,
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford
9. Gungor, Huseyin, (2007), Emotional Satisfaction of Customer Contacts,
Vossiuspers UvA
10. Gustafsson, Anders and Michael D. Johnson, (2008), Competing in a Service
Economy, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
11. Heskett, James L, W Earl Sasser, and Joe Wheeler, (2008) Ownership
Quotient: Putting the Service Profit Chain to Work for Unbeatable
Competitive Advantage, Harvard Business
12. Heskett, James L., W. Earl Sasser and Leonard A. Schlesinger (1997), The
service Profit Chain, Free Press, New York
13. Johnston, Robert and Graham Clark (2008), Service Operations Management,
3rd Edition, FT Prentice Hall, Harlow, England
14. Kandampully, J. (2012), (Ed.) Service Management : The New Paradigm in Retailing, Springer.
15. Lovelock, Christopher H. and Jochen Wirtz (2010), Services Marketing:
People Technology and Strategy, 7th Ed., Pearson/Prentice Hall, New Jersey
16. Maglio, P. P., Kieliszewski, C. A. and Spohrer, J. C. (eds.): Handbook of Service Science (Service Science: Research and Innovations in the Service Economy), Springer, 2010.
17. Sampson, Scott E. (2005), Understanding Service Businesses, 2nd ed, Wiley
18. Schmidt, Waldemar, Gordon Adler and Els van Weering (2003), Winning at
Service, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester
18. Shaw, Colin, Qaalfa Dibeehi and Steven Walden, (2010), Customer Experience:
Future Trends and Insights, Palgrave Macmillan
19. Spath, Dieter and Klaus-Peter Fahnrich (eds) (2007), Advances in Services
Innovations, Springer, Berlin
19. Wright, J. Nevan and Peter Race (2005), The Management of Service
Operations, 2nd ed, Thomson, London