Geothermal Energy

Course Information
TitleΓΕΩΘΕΡΜΙΑ / Geothermal Energy
SchoolCivil Engineering
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate, 2nd / Postgraduate
Teaching PeriodWinter
Course ID20000271

Programme of Study: PPS TPM - EISAKTEOI APO 2022 KAI EXĪS

Registered students: 0
OrientationAttendance TypeSemesterYearECTS

Class Information
Academic Year2015 – 2016
Class PeriodWinter
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
1. ΤΥ3200Konstantinos Katsifarakis
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Scientific Area
Course Type 2011-2015
Specific Foundation / Core
Mode of Delivery
  • Face to face
Digital Course Content
Language of Instruction
  • Greek (Instruction, Examination)
Learning Outcomes
Aquisition of basic knowledge on heat transfer mechanisms, heat sources in Earth's interior and thermal state of Earth's interior. Aquisition of basic knowledge on geothermal fields, origins of geothermal water, classification of hydrothemal systems and high energy geothermal energy. Aquisition on more detailed knowledge on low enthalpy geothermal energy. Development of classification and evaluation skills, regarding geothermal resources. Development of cooperation and communication skills with scientists specializing in related fields (e.g. geologists).
General Competences
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Retrieve, analyse and synthesise data and information, with the use of necessary technologies
  • Work in an interdisciplinary team
  • Respect natural environment
  • Advance free, creative and causative thinking
Course Content (Syllabus)
Basic notions. Heat transfer mechanisms. Heat sources in Earth’s interior. Thermal state of the Earth’s interior. Geothermal fields. Origin of geothermal waters. Classification of hydrothemal systems. High enthalpy geothermal energy (production of geothermal fluid, electricity production, performance indices, environmental impact). Low enthalpy geothermal energy (production of geothermal fluid, mathematical simulation of flow and heat transfer in geothermal aquifers, uses of geothermal energy, environmental impact). Hot dry rocks. Financial evaluation of geothermal resources. Exploration and assessment of geothermal resources. Legal framework.
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Use of ICT in Course Teaching
  • Use of ICT in Communication with Students
Course Organization
Student Assessment
Final written exam. 5-6 written, non-mandatory tests. Each test grade is taken into account (as 10% of the final grade), only if it is higher than the grade of the final exam.
Student Assessment methods
  • Written Exam with Short Answer Questions (Summative)
  • 5-6 γραπτά τεστ (Formative)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Φυτίκας Μ. και Ν. Ανδρίτσος «Γεωθερμία», Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2004 2. Καρυδάκης Γ.Ι. «Γεωθερμική Ενέργεια», Αθήνα, 2005
Additional bibliography for study
Κ.Λ. Κατσιφαράκης "Γεωθερμική ενέργεια", Διδακτικές σημειώσεις, Α.Π.Θ.
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