Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this course the student will have the skills :
1. to know and apply the design philosophy of the foundations.
2. to assess and select the geotechnical design parameters.
3. to analyze the behavior of different types of shallow foundations and to select the optimum type of foundation for the project under consideration.
4. to design and analyze the optimum type of foundation in accordance with applicable design standards, geotechnical conditions and logistic constraints of the project.
5. to use relevant software to solve problems.
6. to supervise the site construction of the foundation.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Analysis and design of shallow foundations (footings, strip footings, raft foundations). Analysis and design of retaining walls. Design codes (Eurocode 7 EAK 2000). Underground structures with open excavation. Tunnels. Earth structures.
foundations, retaining walls, codes, underground structures, tunnels