Additional bibliography for study
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Cookson, P. S. (1989) International and comparative adult education, Merriam, S. B., Cunnighman, P. M., (eds.) (1989) Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education, San Francisco, Jossey Bass. pp: 70-83.
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Dominicé P. F. (1990). «Composing Education Biographies: Group reflection through life histories», στο J. Mezirow (Εd) Fostering critical reflection in adulthood: A guide to transformative and emancipatory learning, San Francisco: Jossey Bass. σελ: 194-214.
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Järvinen, A. (2001) VET Under Review in Finland: the impact of VET in secondary education, European Journal of Education, V36 N1, 2001. pp: 55-65.
Kokosalakis, N. (2001) Lifelong Learning in Greek Universities: policies, practices and prospects, European Journal of Education, V36, n3, 2001. pp: 329-339.
Leirman, W. (1996) Euro-Delphi: a comparative study on the future of adult education in 14 countries between 1993-1995, International Journal of Lifelong Education, V15, n2, Mar-Apr.1996. pp: 125-138.
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Merriam, S. B., & Simpson, E. L. (2000). A Guide to Research for Educators and Trainers of Adults (2nd ed.). Malabar, FL: Krieger. [ISBN: 1575241420].
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-Συναφή επιστημονικά περιοδικά:
⎼ Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory
⎼ Adult Learner: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education
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⎼ International Journal of Learning and Change
⎼ International Journal of Lifelong Education
⎼ Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
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