Course Content (Syllabus)
The laboratory-artistic research that is performed in the 2nd Painting Workshop aims coupling the technique of painting rules with free experimentation, so as not to paralyze the imagination of the artist-student. This is important in exercise time of experimentation and the search for new means of expression, to reveal those properties that will yield the 'matiera' content. Apply thorough personal work of each student, complemented by group discussion on issues arising and relating both to contemporary art, and in the past.
Specifically for the 8th semester:
-laboratory practice includes the application of knowledge and experience gained by the students in previous semesters, with deepening the material of choice
(painting media, photography, installation, digital print-image-video, multimedia, mixed media)
- take account of the artistic production of each student and is decided after debate the direction of his thesis
- programming thesis
During the entire duration of the studies conducted through all 10-semesters:
Seeks comprehensive knowledge of art through communication with other forms (sculpture, printmaking, photography, music, theater, cinema, literature, etc.). Therefore they planned in studio meetings with ensembles, made lectures, film screenings, performances, artists' work presentations etc.
Invited scientists-researchers for lectures-discussions on the History of Art, Philosophy, Aesthetics etc
Promote cooperation with the art space agencies and the participation of students in the workshop exhibitions at national and international level.
Programmatizetaii annual report with selected student projects in public spaces or galleries.
Made visits to major artistic events, museums and galleries.