Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have acquired basic knowledge concerning the running water ecosystems , springs, rivers and torrents.
They will understand the cycle and the distribution of water in nature, the classification of rivers and river zones.
They will have knowledge about the abiotic and biotic factors that are important for running waters, including general information about their living organisms that colonize them, ie the plankton, the benthos and the fishes.
They will have gained knowledge about the food chains, the productivity and the trophism of running waters.
Course Content (Syllabus)
About natural waters in general: water cycle and its distribution in nature, running waters (rivers, streams, torrents), classification of rivers, rivers zoning, springs and estuaries.
Abiotic agents:
Physical agents: Light, Transparency, Color, Temperature, Suspended solids, movements and water flow, water quality criteria.
Chemical agents: Oxygen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Carbon dioxide, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), electrical conductivity, Anions, about chemical salts, carbonic acid salts, Alkalinity, Halogens, Salinity, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Micronutrients, water quality criteria.
Biotic factors: About biotic factors in running waters, Plankton, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, the structure of their populations, their movements and dynamics. Annual and seasonal variations of their populations, their nutrition and reproduction.
Benthic organisms, Phytobenthos, Zoobenthos, diet and life cycles.
Waterfowl: fish, diet and food habits, reproduction, fecundity, age and growth.
Food chains, productivity and eutrophication of natural waters.