Learning Outcomes
• To get comprehensive knowledge about the human genome and different groups of genetic diseases.
• To be familiar with modern molecular techniques used in diagnosing diseases.
• To be aware of the possibilities of prenatal diagnosis units and IVF.
• To learn more about modern therapeutic approaches for the treatment of diseases (gene therapy and cell therapy).
* To force the dilemmas arising from the application of modern techniques of genetics and biotechnology in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course covers knowledge from recent developments of the structure and function of the human genome and how this information can help in investigating genetic diseases. Emphasis is placed on understanding the molecular etiology of monogenic, chromosomal, mitochondrial, and multifactorial diseases, and how this knowledge could help to prevent or deal with them. Modern techniques of molecular diagnostics, which can be applied in postnatal, prenatal and pre-implantation status are described. The development and application of IVF methodologies are discussed. Also topics are the possibility of generating diagnostic products, or new biotechnological drugs to treat diseases, and the combination of the techniques of genetics and biotechnology in order to treat genetic diseases in the level of gene or cell. Finally, it presents the social and bioethical problems concerning the application of new methodologies in the area of health.
The organization of the course also includes the preparation and presentation of project -work on related recent subjects.
Human genome, genetic diseases, molecular diagnostics, modern treetment procedures, ethical problems