Learning Outcomes
Knowledge: The students will acquire knowledge of optical communication systems. Design guidelines, performance and sources of power penalty. Optical communications technologies, Wavelength routed networks, Optical networking concepts and protocols. Skills: The student will be able to comprehend the basics in designing and performance of a lightwave system, optical networks, and the latest advanced in the optical communication field. Work on lab exercises, Search of bibliographic information. Familiarize themselves in oral presentations of projects.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Theory: Introduction- from the optical fiber in the integrated photonic waveguides, refractive index and waves. Planar waveguides- Symmetric and asymmetric (TE & TM modes) and normalized parameters. Optical link characterization parameters - optical signal (PULSE TRACE, EYE DIAGRAM, BER, Q-FACTOR, EXTINCTION RATIO). Theory of optical transmitters, optical filters and amplifiers.
LAB: Introduction to COMSOL. Signal quality characterization (with pulse generator and oscilloscope). Laboratory optical transmitters, filters and amplifiers. Labwork on how to design & implement a PON network.
optical fiber, transmitter, filters, amplifiers