Learning Outcomes
a) Knowledge: Familiarization with computer animation principles and algorithms such as physics - based animation, collision detection and response, keyframe animation, object deformation approaches, forward and inverse kinematics. Exposure to computer graphics & animation programming & development using OpenGL, Maya, Ogre. Acquaintance with animation techniques and their application in areas such as animated motion pictures or computer games.
b) Skills: Acquisition of skills in the use, programming and development of animation algorithms. Promoting analytic and programming skills.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Animation principles, historical overview. Dynamics / physics - based animation : particle systems, rigid body dynamics, constrained dynamics, energy functions. Collision detection and response. Keyframe animation. Parametric curves, arc - length parameterization, speed control. Orientation representation, rotation interpolation, quaternions. Object deformation approaches, 2 - D and 3 - D morphing. Forward kinematics, animation of articulated structures. Inverse kinematics. Human body animation, facial animation.
Computer animation, Dynamics, Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Collision Detection
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Rick Parent, Computer animation: algorithms & techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002 (ή νεώτερη)
Physically based modeling, SIGGRAPH 2001 Course Notes (http://www.pixar.com/companyinfo/research/pbm2001/)
A Watt, F. Policarpo, 3D Games: Animation and Advanced Real-Time Rendering, Vol 1+2, Addison Wesley, 2003
Additional bibliography for study
Interactive Computer Graphics - A Top Down Approach with Shader-Based OpenGL, E. Angel, D. Shreiner, 6th Edition
Α. Watt, M. Watt, Advanced animation and rendering techniques, Addison Wesley, 1992
K. Erleben, J. Sporring, K. Henriksen, H. Dohlmann, Physics-based Animation, Charles River Media, 2005
D. Eberly, 3D Game Engine Design, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001
I. Kerlow, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, 4th Ed., J Wiley and Sons, 2009.