Course Content (Syllabus)
Chapt.1: X-ray diffraction issues
Mechansim of material structure differnetiation in x-ray diffraction, diffraction spectrums of basic compounds, crystallite size determination (Scherrer analysis), determination of residual stresses.
Chapt. 2: The densities of materials
Simple and practical laboratory techniques for the detrmination of densities (i.e. geometrical, fluid immersion, the Archimedes principle, Helium pycnometry) and critical evaluation of the physical meaning of the results received by each method. Definition and determination of densities in powders.
Chapt.3: Porosimetry issues
The Langmuir isotherm, derivation and application of the BET equation. Derivation of the Kelvin equation and application in Nitrogen porosimetry for pore size distribution determination. Basic principles of Mercury porosimetry.
Chapt. 4: Microscopy in solids
Optical microscopy. Operation principles, applications and capabilities of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Operation principles, applications and capabilities of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Electron microscopy and simultnaeous chemical analysis (EDS). Operation principles, applications and capabilities of molecular force microscopy (AFM, STM, etc.)
Chapt.5: Average sizes and size distribution of grains and particles
Basic definitions of averae size and size distribution. The laser scattering technique for particle size determination. Practical techniques for the determination of average grain sizes from microscope images. Technigues of digital processing of microscope images for average size determinations (grains, pores, particles etc.)
Chapt.6: Thermogravimetric analysis of materials
Operation principles of thermogravimetry (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Applications of thermal analysis methods (eventually in combination with other techniques) in the determination of combustion kinetics, sorption kinetics or redox kinetics between a material and atmospheric oxygen.
Chapt.7: Thermomechanical analysis of solids
Operation principles of thermomechanical analysis (TMA) and practical application in the determination of thermal expansion coefficient or sintering kinetics of polycrystalline materials.
Chapt.8: Chemical analysis of solids
Introduction into the operation principles, the application areas and capabilities of the most common methods of chemical analysis of solids such as atomic adsorption spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescense, ultraviolet spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy.
Chapt.9: Gas permeability techniques
Introduction to the principles of gas permeability determination of a porous solid and the microstructural information that can be extracted by analysis of the results.
Characterization of materials, structural analysis, thermal analysis, microscopy, chemical analysis