Learning Outcomes
a. Contact ability and familiarization with people with disabilities and various systemic illnesses.
b. Ability of assessing physical condition aspects and determining developmental mobility, flexibility levels of persons with disabilities. Ability of preparing and implementing psychomotor therapy, physiotherapy and
kinesiotherapy programs,for improvement and restoration of motor impairments, and systemic exercise training for the prevention and treatment of systemic organic diseases.
c. Ability to design and implement appropriate exercise programs for people with disabilities and developmental disorders so as to improve fitness, promote psychological support and improve the quality of life of people with
Course Content (Syllabus)
Teaching units:
Special physical education
1. Psychomotor learning: historical throwback.
2. Aim and goals of psychomotor learning.
3. Stages of psychomotor learning.
4. Physical education and exercise training programs for individuals with mental retardation.
5. Sports for individuals with mental retardation (history, classification, rules, events, Unified sports)
6. Physical education and exercise training programs for individuals with autism.
7. Exercise training programs for individuals with low vision
8. Exercise training programs for individuals with hearing impairments
9. Balance ability and kinaesthetic ability for individuals with sensory impairments
10.Exercise training programs for individuals with bronchial and exercise asthma.
11.Swimming for individuals with motor disabilities and sensory impairments.
12.Swimming for individuals with chronic organic diseases.
13.Visits to special schools and athletic teams for individuals with disabilities and developmental disorders - Practice.
Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
1. Mechanical properties of the bones.
2. Flexibility of the joints. The role of muscles and connective tissue.
3. Scoliosis - Kyphosis - Flat foot.
4. Cervical syndrome.
5. Low back pain.
6. Lumbar disc herniation.
7. Osteoarthritis of the hip and the knee.
8. Osteoporosis.
9. Exercise and bone metabolism.
10. The role of rehabilitation in the treatment of balance disorders.
11. Hydrotherapy in chronic diseases.
12. Rehabilitation in osteoporotic patients with musculosceletal injuries.
13. Prevention of injuries.
Physical therapy
1. Checking muscle power. Types of exercise, means of creating rehabilitation programs.
2. Physical examination of the spine and spine.
3. Kinesiotherapy: strengthening programs related with the neuromuscular structure and the kinesthetical means.
4. Functional therapeutic kinesiotherapy. Appropriate sports.
5. Learning and creating therapeutic programs of rehabilitation and athletic exercising. Aiding athletic activities.
6. Special kinesiotherapy and therapeutic programs of exercise – Rehabilitation in cases of tetraplegia, paraplegia, semiplegia and serious injuries of the muscloskeletal system.
7. Practice of the previous unit.
8. Methods of rehabilitation and practical exercise in rehabilitation institutions.
9. Practice of the previous unit.
10.Respiratory therapeutic exercises.
11.Learning and usage – Practice of therapeutic means of rehabilitation.
12.Practical application of electrotherapy.
13.Necessary first aid in injuries and other pathological situations.
Developmental disorders, psychomotor education, recreation, exercise training and rehabilitation programs
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Άσκηση και αναπηρία. Δ. Κοκαρίδας, Εκδόσεις Χριστοδουλίδη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2010
2. Αθλητικές κακώσεις. Γ. Αμπατζίδης, University Studio Press, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1998
3. Αθλητική φυσικοθεραπεία. Α. Κίτσιος, Τυποεκδόσεις Τσιαρτσάνη Α., Ωραιόκαστρο, 2005
4. Κινησιοθεραπεία. Σ. Αθανασόπουλος, Εκδοτικός οίκος Αθανασόπουλος, Αθήνα, 2008