Course Content (Syllabus)
Ε34-449 Specialization karate I
Aim: The obtaining of necessary knowledge and skills for the effective teaching karate in gyms, mainly in the private sector, for exercise, "self-defense" and as a competitive sport in clubs. The transmission of knowledge (theoretical and practical) for teaching karate as an additional alternative/differentiation in means of teaching physical education lessons in all education levels.
Learning and teaching units:
1. Writing essay (instructions).
2. Knowledge of the history and evolution of karate worldwide.
3. Philosophical approach: (Self-Meditation/Zen, Code of conduct of the Samurai/Bushido, The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate by Gichin Funakoshi, The guiding principles of conduct of the trainee/Dojo Kun).
4. Karate grading criteria.
5. Personality and the role of the trainer/instructor.
6. Learning methodology - formatting periods and consolidation of motor skills.
7. Physical preparation for all age groups.
8. Specific strength exercises.
9. Specific velocity exercises.
10. Specific endurance exercises.
11. Specific joint mobility – flexibility exercises.
12. Training unit (structure - content).
13. Nutrition - nutritional supplements.
Basic techniques (Kihon).
1. Preparatory exercises/warm up/Junbi-Undo/Taiso.
2. Learning of natural stances (natural position)/Shizentai/Dachi: (Feet together stance/Heisoku, Hills together toes apart/Mushubi, Feet shoulder width apart toes slightly pointed out/Hachinoji or Hachiji, Feet shoulder width apart toes slightly pointed in/Uchi Hachinoji, Stance L/Renoji, Stance T/Teiji).
3. Learning the three main low stances/Dachi: (Front/Zenkutsu, Back/Kokutsu, Horse-Straddle leg stance/Kiba).
4. Learning displacements/Unsoku: (Step forward and backward/Ayumi Ashi from basic low-stances, Sliding step/Yori-Ashi, Double-shifting step/Tsugi-Ashi).
5. Displacements to the side or backwards/Changes of direction/Hokotenkan.
6. Straight punch/Choku-Tsuki: (Upper-Level/Jodan, Middle-Level/Chudan, Lower-level/Gedan).
7. Basic practice in the lunge punch/Jun-Zuki/Oi-Zuki.
8. Basic practice in the reverse punch/Gyaku-Zuki.
9. Blocks/Te-Ude/Uke - Waza with a hand/Sekiwan Uke: [Downward block/Gedan-Barai, Upward block/Jodan-Age-Uke, Block with the forearm/Chudan-Ude-Uke (Outside forearm block/Soto-Uke, Inside forearm block/Uchi-Uke), Sword hand block/Chudan-Shuto-Uke from the back stance/Kokutsu dachi].
10. Kicks/Keri-Waza: (Front kick/Mae-Geri, Side snap-rising kick/Yoko-Geri-Keage from Horse-Straddle leg stance/Kiba Dachi, Side thrust kick/Yoko-Geri-Kekomi from Horse-Straddle leg stance/Kiba Dachi, Roundhouse kick/Mawashi-Geri, Back thrust kick/Ushiro-Geri-Kekomi).
Forms of sparring/(Kumite) - Fight with a real opponent.
Standard sequence techniques with imaginary opponent/(Kata).
11. Basic fighting training with opponent (5-3 Steps/Gohon - Sanbon Kumite),
- Kata (Heian or Pinan).
12. Basic fighting training with opponent (5-3 Steps/Gohon - Sanbon Kumite),
- Kata (Heian or Pinan).
13. Basic fighting training with opponent: (1 step/Kihon Ippon Kumite),
- Kata (Heian or Pinan).