Learning Outcomes
The display and understanding of the a) how the study and design the work so that it meets the abilities and needs of workers, b) methods of measuring the loads in Ergonomy, c) of the rules of safety and hygiene workplace, aiming to minimize the problems and improving work performance.
Course Content (Syllabus)
1. The purpose of ergonomy
2. Ergonomical intervention
3. Risk of sport injuries
4. Hygiene and safety rules in work environment
5. Work in thermical environment
6. Lighting and noise in work environment
7. Work time in workers
8. Cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular loads in workers
9. Body's position in sport exercises
10. Lift and transport of objectives. Liftin techniques
11. Ergonomy in school
12. Exercise programms for workers
13. Educating and informing workers
ergonomy, neuromuscular system, thermal exhaustion, loading ergonomy