Learning Outcomes
Learning the basic position, the way of standing and balancing with the sword.
Many practicing for better step learning and handling of the sword.
Learning all defencing moves, parries, as well as all the attacks with the sword with or without the body’s interfierence.
Practising in pairs and small teams with elements of improvising.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The students are specialized with the certain position the body needs to fence.
This means, the sword and its moves, the space it is needed to fence, and all these by wearing the musk, too.
A lot of practising by all these in a personal level, but mostly in pairs is the main target. This is completed when a student can act as a real fencer above the stage.
The most useful part of the lesson is that it lets the student to improvise and realise what is he/she able to do on stage, until that time.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Οπλομαχητική, Ν. Πύργος, 1872
2. Ξιφασκία, Μεθοδολογία Προπόνησης, Τσολάκης Χάρης,Αθανασιάδης Κώστας, Ντουράκος Παναγιώτης , 1999
3. Ειδικά θέματα ξιφασκίας, Τσολάκης Χάρης, 2007