Learning Outcomes
- Familiarise themselves with basic terms and key methods in the philosophy of music
- Develop methodic skills for research, argumentation and communication
- Become aware of, and sensitive towards, the relativities of musical experience; develop critical approaches towards the applications of different value systems
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course offers a basic overview of the breadth of philosophical, aesthetic and hermeneutic approaches to music, as shaped from antiquity up to the present day. Fostering an active context for group dialogue, we will tackle questions such as:
-What can be considered music and what is not music? On what grounds do we define a musical ontology, and how flexible are these grounds?
-How is a musical work defined and recognized? How objective or stable are its "ingredients"?
-How and by whom is the history of musical works constructed?
-How is it conserved and developed?
-How are the concepts of musical time and space sensed and/or apprehended?
- What can music express, and how?
- How is music related to language, oral and written?
- To what extent could music be considered an autonomous language?
In asking these questions, we will turn to significant musico-philosophical texts where these are addressed and unpacked, and we will trace the development of these problematics in parallel with developments in music history and musicology.
Additional bibliography for study
Κείμενα προς συζήτηση αναρτώνται ανά δύο εβδομάδες στο e-learning μαθήματος.
Προτεινόμενη επιπρόσθετη βιβλιογραφία για γενική μελέτη & αναφορά:
• Δ. Στεφάνου, “Εισαγωγή στη Φιλοσοφική και Κριτική Θεώρηση της Μουσικής” στο E. Nίκα – Σαμψών (επιμ.) Εισαγωγή στη Μουσικολογία (υπό έκδοση)
• M. Tσέτσος, Στοιχεία και Περιβάλλοντα της Μουσικής: Μια φιλοσοφική εισαγωγή στη μουσικολογία (Fagotto, 2012)
• Μ. Τσέτσος, Η Μουσική στη Νεότερη Φιλοσοφία: από τον Kant στον Adorno (Αλεξάνδρεια, 2012)
• L.Goehr et al. [2001], "Philosophy of music." Στο Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online, http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/52965
• S. Davies, Themes in the Philosophy of Music (Oxford University Press, 2003)
• Π. Καϊμάκης, Φιλοσοφία και Μουσική: Η μουσική στους Πυθαγόρειους, τον Πλάτωνα, τον Αριστοτέλη και τον Πλωτίνο (Μεταίχμιο, 2004)
➢ Dictionary of the History of Ideas
➢ Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy