Learning Outcomes
The course is a systematic approach to the development of complete multimedia material for use in education in Music / Musicology. Students familiarize with modern tools and applications for the collection, processing and management-adaptation of teaching material (main or auxiliary) to the educational demands of the subject. The participants will consolidate background to support modern forms of educational activity in the field of Music.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The exploitation of Modern Media Technologies in Education and Learning in beneficial to improving their effectiveness, and is part of the basic guidelines for the covering of such a multifaceted subject.
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with modern IT tools and applications that can be exploited for the development and presentation of major or auxiliary assistive teaching material in subjects relating to music, musicology and the related directions.
The course structure includes:
• Introductory presentation and discourse on modern technology/tools and their educational characteristics.
• In-depth investigation of the potential offered by standard computer applications (e.g. image editing software and audio presentations, etc.) for the development of educational/teaching material.
• Presentation and implementation of network-based educational environments for the organization, conduction and assessment for courses in music-musicology (e.g. tools of A.U.Th existing network infrastructure such as "Blackboard").
• Review of advanced multimedia applications (e.g. Flash, Dreamweaver) for the development and presentation of educational material.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Δημητριάδης Σ.,Πομπόρτσης Α.,Τριανταφύλλου Ε., Τεχνολογία πολυμέσων, ΚΩΔΙΚΟΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΥ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ: 9373