Learning Outcomes
The following ones are defined as learning outcomes: a) knowledge of voluntary jurisdiction’s procedure, b) students are expected to participate actively at the education proceedings, c) the main target of the course is to connect theory and practice on voluntary jurisdiction’s procedure in Greece, d) future lawyers and judges become familiar with the latest developments in voluntary jurisdiction’s procedure, e) elaboration of voluntary jurisdiction’s procedure, f) assimilation of the above in order to confront with practical issues through tutorials and g) written (or) oral tests to check if the above goals have been achieved.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This course deals with matter of civil procedural law (jurisdictio voluntaria). It concerns cases assigned to judicial function, characteristic of which is the primary legal protection without a pre-existing dispute. General rules of voluntary jurisdiction’s procedure and the main substantive law institutions fall within the area of the process in the field of general principles, property law, family law, inheritance or commercial law are taught.