Course Content (Syllabus)
Module 1. Elastic waves: Principles of wave motion, derivation of wave equation, harmonic waves.
Module 2. Elastic waves: Mechanical waves, wave energy, exercises.
Module 3. Propagation of elastic waves: Wave Superposition, phase and group velocity.
Module 4. Propagation of elastic waves: Standing waves, beats, normal modes, exer-cises.
Module 5. Sound Waves: Creation of sound waves, perception of sound waves, applications, exercises.
Module 6. The wave nature and the propagation of light: The wave equation of elec-tromagnetic waves Electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Huygens principle, the laws of reflection and refraction, exercises.
Module 7. Dispersion: Origin of dispersion, equation of dispersion, dispersion of light, exercises.
Module 8. Geometric Optics: Introduction remarks, mirrors, thin lenses, prisms.
Module 9. Polarization of light: The nature of polarized light, production and detection of polarized light, polarization in nature, applications, exercises.
Module 10. Polarization of light: Definitions, representations and properties of linear, circular, and elliptical polarized light, natural light, exercises.
Module. Interference and coherence of light: Spatial and temporal coherence, inter-ferometers (wavefront -, amplitude-splitting), coherent sources.
Module 12. Interference and coherence of light: Basic interferometers, dielectric films, applications, exercises..
Module 13. Diffraction of light: Preliminary considerations, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Single slit diffraction, exercises.
Week 14. Diffraction of light: Diffraction from typical apertures with high symmetry (rectangular - , circular- obstacles, grating), diffraction from many slits, spatial– and spectral– resolving power applications, exercises .
Wave, wave equation, interference, diffraction, polorization, dispersion, geometrica optics, ray, lenses, refracrtion