Learning Outcomes
This course aims to familiarize the 1st semester students with computer use focusing on issues that will be raised during their studies. Students will learn how to assemble reports, assays, presentations on physics topics, treat experimental data and use computer in problem solving situations.
Course Content (Syllabus)
This 1st semester Laboratory Course aims to activate the students in the use of computer tools and skills for confronting reports, presentations and data treatment during their Physics studies. The course starts with
an Introduction to the operating system of WINDOWS, use of INTERNET for Literature Search and Word Processing based on Physics Projects (exercises 1-3),
continues with data processing and graphics with Spreadsheet programs and MICROCALC ORIGIN based on realistic laboratory examples (exercises 4-6)
and ends with the introduction of MATHEMATICA as a computing tools and a problem solver (exercises 7-10).
Additional bibliography for study
Το προτεινόμενο Λογισμικό είναι: Windows XP, Libre Office EN, Origin, Mathematica
Όλα τα εγχειρίδια σχετικά με τα παραπάνω προγράμματα (έντυπα και ηλεκτρονικά) μπορούν
να αξιοποιηθούν από τους φοιτητές.
Επίσης διατίθενται ηλεκτρονικές σημειώσεις ανά ενότητα μέσω της ιστοσελίδας του μαθήματος