Learning Outcomes
Students are introduced to the new field of "AstroParticle Physics". They are informed for the big world effort, theoretical and experimental, to understand what we see through the new "window" for observing the cosmos.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Discovery of cosmic rays (CR). Effect of the geomagnetic field and of solar wind on CR. Passing radiation through matter. Cherenkov radiation. Primary and secondary CR. Extensive Atmospheric Showers. CR propagation in the Galaxy. Cosmic clocks. Origin and acceleration of CR. Ultra high energy CR and GZK-cutoff. Gamma Ray Bursts. Dark Matter and methods for its detection.
cosmic rays, cosmic radiation, Extensive Atmospheric Showers, Cherenkov radiation, propagation, acceleration, cosmic clock, Ultra high energy, GZK-cutoff, Dark Matter
Additional bibliography for study
“Astroparticle Physics”, Claus Grupen, Springer, 2005
“A thin cosmic rain”, Michael W. Friedlander, Harvard University Press, 2000
“Particle Astrophysics”, Donald H. Perkins, Oxford University Press, 2003