Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Apollinarism.
2. The Origins of Nestorianism: The antiochian Theology.
3. Cyril of Alexandria and the 3rd Ecumenical Council.
4. Efforts to common Confession of Faith.
5. The Appearance of Monophysitism and the pseudo-Synod of Ephesus.
6. The 4th Ecumenical Council.
7. Antichalkidonism and the Schism of Monophysitism.
8. Rome and Constantinople.
9. Attempts of Reconciliation: Neochalkidonism and the 5th Ecumenical Council.
10. The unifying Policy of Herakleios: Monoenergetism.
11. Monotheletism.
12. Maximus the Confessor and the Conflict with the political Power.
13. The 6th Ecumenical Council.
Nestorianism, Monophysitism, Monotheletism, 3rd Ecumenical Council, 4th Ecumenical Council, 5th Ecumenical Council