Learning Outcomes
Throughout the course students will strive to attain a thorough knowledge of the rich repository of information pertaining to liturgiological research contained in the Byzantine and post-Byzantine liturgical commentaries. The student will also gain the ability to perceive relationships within the texts and with the Church’s liturgical practice and theology.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Specialized understanding and comparative study of the Byzantine and Post-byzantine liturgical commentaries. The “vision” of the liturgical act. Authorship, manuscript tradition, reception. The mutual relationship between the commentaries and liturgical practice.
1. Τhe Byzantine Liturgical Commentaries. Introduction.
2. The Corpus Dionysiacum.
3. Mystagogy of Maximus the Confessor.
4. Ecclesiastical History and Mystical Theory of Germanos of Constantinople.
5. Theodore-Nicholas of Andida “Protheoria”.
6. Liturgical Commentaries of Nicholas Cabasilas I.
7. Liturgical Commentaries of Nicholas Cabasilas II.
8. Liturgical Commentaries of Symeon of Thessaloniki I.
9. Liturgical Commentaries of Symeon of Thessaloniki II.
10. Post- Byzantine Liturgical Commentaries I.
11. Post- Byzantine Liturgical Commentaries II.
12. Presentation of Research Papers.
13. Presentation of Research Papers.
Byzantine and post-Byzantine liturgical commentaries, pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Maximus the Confessor, Nicholas-Theodore of Andida, Nicholas Cabasilas, Symeon of Thessaloniki