Learning Outcomes
Students and priests will gain special knowledge through the research about the practice of pastoral's work in parishes, institutions and social communities. They will be informed through realistic and direct resources about issues that priests and social workers are facing during their work. Moreover, the co-operation between lay theologians and the parish life, as partners of a pastor, is reinforced.
Course Content (Syllabus)
The course refers to the presentation of pastorals' work principles and methods.
1) Introduction of the subject and its purpose. Presentation of work shop’s assignments and guidelines for their completion. Information on bibliography.
2) Basic Principles of pastoral practice.
3) Pastoral practice and methodology within church’s tradition.
4) Conditions of pastoral ministry and practice.
5) The structure of the Church’s body as the carrier of Pastoral.
6) Priesthood, Charisma, Institution
7) The personality of a priest and his responsibility towards his people.
8) The Pastoral version of Sacraments.
9) Curative Pastoral
10) Pastoral Practice and the current world.
11) Parish and Administration
12) Parish and social Institutions
13) Pastoral and Canonical Tradition.