Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Introductory Issues for the scientific branch of Hagiography, its place inside the science of Theology and its relation with other human sciences. The history of the hagiographic studies in Greece and abroad.
2. Hagiographic genres: Acts and Passions (Martyria), ancient martyrological collections, apocryphal sources, Lives and Enkomia
3. Hagiographic genres: Ascetic-hagiographic collections, Synaxaria and Menologia,Narrationes animae utiles, Collections of Miracles, Revelations
4. An Historical-literary overview of the hagiographic literature (2nd-7th cent.)
5. An Historical-literary overview of the hagiographic literature (8th-15th cent.)
6. An Historical-literary overview of the hagiographic literature of the post-byzantine literature
7. The term "saint" and the cult of saints during the byzantine period
8. Groups of Saints in the byzantine tradition
9. The Neomartyrs (new martyrs) and the theological framework of the cult of the new saints
10. The procedure for the official recognition of new Saints in Orthodox and Roman-Catholic Church
11. The cult of the holy relics in orthodox tradition: Theology, use and misuse
12. The Parrhesia, the intervention and the miracles of the Saints
13. The Christian Church calendar and its evolution
Hagiography, cult of saints, Martyrs, New Saints, Groups of Saints, Church Calendar, recognition of Saints, relics, hagiographic genres
Additional bibliography for study
Τσάμης Δ., Αγιολογία της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 2004
Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου εις τιμήν και μνήμην των Νεομαρτύρων (17-19 Νοεμβρίου 1986), Θεσσαλονίκη 1988.
Πάσχος Π. Β., Άγιοι, οι φίλοι του Θεού. Εισαγωγή στην Αγιολογία της Ορθοδόξου Εκκλησίας, εκδ. Αρμός, Αθήνα 21997
Ο άγιος και ο μάρτυρας στη ζωή της Εκκλησίας. Εισηγήσεις ΙΒ΄ Συνεδρίου Πατερικής Θεολογίας, Αθήνα 1994
Σ. Πασχαλίδης, Εν Αγίοις. Ειδικά θέματα Βυζαντινής και Μεταβυζαντινής Αγιολογίας, Θεσσαλονίκη 2012
S. Efthymiadis (ἐπιμ.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, τ. 1: Periods and Places, Farnham–Burlington 2011