Course Content (Syllabus)
History and goals of wildlife management. Decision analysis, feasible options and failures in wildlife management. Methods of estimating population parameters, estimation of abundance, growth rates, reproduction, mortality, dispersion, food habits and genetic structure. Experimental design and sampling techniques. Wildlife management techniques, capture, marking, radio-telemetry, blood sampling, artificial nest-sites.
Characteristics of animal community. Conservation of endangered species. Causes of species and population extinction. Minimum viable population size and population viability analysis. Estimation of maximum sustainable yield in game species population. Causes and prevention of damage by vertebrate pest species. Conservation of biodiversity and management of animal community. Criteria for protected areas establishment. Processes of protected areas degradation. Conservation, management, restoration of wildlife habitat within protected areas. Human impacts (pollution, global warming, roads, wind farms, electrocution, invasive species etc) on wildlife and their mitigation measures.
endangered species, game species, pest species, population characteristics, population management